The Lighthouses of Light ~ re-cording their magic ~ The awakening of the inner wizard

  • 2015
Table of contents hide 1 Instant magic 2 White noise will begin to dissipate 3 The word Espavo is an old Lemurian greeting that means: "Thank you for assuming your power." 4 ~ Recovering time ~ 5 The Lighthouses of Light ~ re-rooting their magic ~ The awakening of the inner wizard

Re-cordatories from the Home of the Lighthouses of Light are live presentations on the Internet, transcribed and sent in English on the 15th of each month.'s next "VirtualLight" message LIVE will be on Saturday, January 31, 2015 at 11:00 am Pacific Time in the United States.

Note : the following message has been recanalized and edited with the supervision of the Group to achieve greater clarity in this format.
A planet of imperfections

Greetings from Home, dear.

Oh, that's not quite true, but almost. This day is full of joy for all of you. We have told you again and again how magical they are on this planet. Although apparently the evidence of his own daily life does not always reflect the magic we are talking about, that is about to change. Some very interesting things are happening as they approach that crossing of the timeline. When you enter that energy you will begin to see new abilities within yourself, and that is the magical part that we are waiting to see. Dear ones, understand that you live on the planet of imperfection to have the experience of living here as spirits, because the spirits are perfect. Ah, they have nothing to learn or gain as spirits, until they arrive here and divide their perfection in order to experience imperfection or some gaps in their own energies. Well, we know that it is difficult to fully understand it, so we will talk more about it as we move forward. You live in multidimensionality every day, but here comes the interesting thing, to have a real experience on planet Earth pretending to be imperfect and pretending to be human, it was also necessary for you to hide much of your own gifts. According to what they designed, many of their gifts were completely disconnected in order to participate in the game of pretending to be human.

You didn't want to mess up the game. What would happen if they arrived here and had all those abilities to create magic? It probably sounds like a wonderful idea, but what about your spirit? While your spirit is personifying an incarnation and planning the opportunity to raise your vibration, discovering what constitutes your perfection and creating obstacles can help you really get what you need to know about Your experience on planet Earth.
Your own set of gifts

Dear ones, now they have changed a lot. They left behind the point where planet Earth was about to be the extinct great planet Earth. Earth will never be extinguished; only all humanity and about 97% of all life forms would disappear. Dear ones, you woke up from the dream or the eleventh hour and began to assume your power, waking up to what you really are and leaving behind everything else. As they went through 12-12-12, most of them felt very confused, because everything was no longer working as before. However, they brought all their tools with them and used them in the same way, although they do not always seem to work. Now they are going through a new alignment, because at this moment all humanity can leave behind the next level and start to balance things. That is the reason why there seems to be so much commotion on your planet right now. There are many wars, there are many people manifesting their truths, sometimes by force and other times holding their energy. Now many things that have been hidden are being discovered. When all that happens at the same time, you feel intimidated. Well, here is the good news, dear ones: you all have a set of gifts. We say it on purpose, because they don't come with a single gift. You have gifts for a specific area, which usually cover a wide range, and you may perceive some of them as very magical when you get to dominate them.

Instant Magic

These were very easily disconnected from their experience of the Earth, but the beautiful thing about this is that they are beginning to connect again one by one. They will feel that energy levels begin to reach them and suddenly they will be able to achieve what they tried to do before and that they could not complete. There is a new environment of magic, which takes it out of the timeline because it is instantaneous and, literally, at any time you wish you can anchor this new light. Now, that is something that is very familiar to them. Do not believe that it is a new gift that you have never seen, because it is not so. Although they have been disconnected from themselves and their own abilities, they still seem to make their way into their lives. It is very likely that you are already familiar, at least, with the general area in which your gifts will begin to arise. Over the next four months, we encourage you to try again to achieve all that you have strived for before and try to find a way to root that magic along with the alignments, the intersection of the timeline and everything it's happening. They will feel the wind a little on their backs and that is all they need: a little support. This is the most important thing we can offer you at this time in your life.

It is time to understand again how special they are!

So know that this magic will continue to come in a totally new way and emerge in your life in small details and reminders. They may think of moving this large from here to there, but they think, "How can we move it?" They may get a forklift, a crane, or anything else they need to move it. It is possible that they suddenly remember that a long time ago they were able to move great things using only their mind. This is how your gifts will emerge, at first as a spark of light or a memory, then as something that you knew you could do, even if you have not done so for a long time. Now does that mean that they will be able to tie up ends and move that huge thing to this side? Yes, it is possible that this is the case and they can hardly consider it in recent months. With all that is happening on Earth, his magic is waking up and it is time to re-understand how special they are, the only ones that are, all that light they have stored inside their being. Now the question will be: "What will they do with it?" Will they use it in their work and try to make a living with their gifts? Well, here comes the beautiful, dear. We do not judge their use. It's really not our business, right? The truth is that they are on the planet of free will. They can use them for anything and by using them for whatever and in whatever way, they will regain the mastery process. We say this because this completes the circle of humanity.
What will they use their gifts for?

There were times when they stood out by connecting with their mastery, but now the magic and their mastery will begin to wake up in different ways. It is a beautiful time to be on planet Earth. Yes, they still have difficulties and challenges ahead. The generational hate on your planet is very difficult to face and will not disappear easily. It is deeply rooted in some people in the same way that love is in others. The lack of love, which you call hate, can also be deeply rooted. Quite simply, what happens is that something happens - a war, an invasion, whatever - and people are displaced or their lives are disrupted. Then they teach their children to hate the people who affected their lives, and that goes on and on and on. It happens at both ends of an argument, dear ones, so don't believe that one end is the owner of the truth. This happens all the time on planet Earth and everything comes and goes in its field of duality. Now you have the ability to root a little of the new magic, the magic is waking up in all of you. What are they going to use it for? That is the question.
Remembering his magic

Well, dear ones, this is your exclusive ray of light that only you could bring from Home. They brought it here to Earth and agreed to use it in some way. Until now it had not been important because I was disconnected. They could not access him no matter how much they tried, even though they remembered him. What they thought were dreams, were actually the memories of their magic. They thought they were childhood memories of their fairy and story books. Dear ones, why when suddenly someone publishes a book about magic, it becomes a success? Look at some of the issues, such as Harry Potter, which was suddenly introduced into their lives to bring new energies. Many of the books, movies and other things that were introduced are here to help you re-remember your magic. Now you have the ability to root and use something very dear to you. Explore your inner areas about what you are passionate about and how you think other people might have the gift of magic in some way. Does that mean it will manifest itself and suddenly everyone on planet Earth will have magical powers of manifestation to create everything? Wow, that would be a disaster! It will slowly emerge and yet it is magic.
Start with your dreams

You will not discover everything in a single effort or memory, because it will take some time. It took them a long time to bury those memories and now they will begin to discover them. First, start with your dreams. Many of those memories have been hidden and out of reach, but it was intentional. It is a vibrational division; Here is your awareness and just outside it houses everything that connects you with all its dimensions of time and space. We know that at this point they find it difficult to fully understand it, but believe us when we tell you that it was very close to your reach. What happens is that all humanity is expanding energetically, without even knowing it or studying what it is. In doing so, they have approached the Home like never before. This is the time for everything that was previously out of reach, begins to gradually enter its reality. That is what you can work on, so practice your magic. They are not used to it, right? What would happen if they could simply wave their hand or perhaps a magic wand? We don't have a magic wand, but we have a magic pen! What would happen if we stirred our magic and created something for you? That was fun, I think I'll repeat it. What would happen if we could do that? Well dear ones, it is what is coming. For the moment and until you have that ability to remember fully, observe your dreams, because that is how we are going to help you remember. Many of you face challenges with your dreams; Some do not remember them and others believe they do not dream. Dear ones, when you relax your consciousness and the image of what you think you are, you suddenly feel complete and that happens during sleep. That is your period of rejuvenation, so before going to sleep, give yourself permission to re-remember your magic. That is all that is required. Simply allow yourself to receive what is offered to help you shake the memories of your magic. From that point on, the dream itself is not what matters but, with that, they opened the door to receive the magic and that begins there. Some of you will have unbridled dreams about your mastery in all kinds of magic. They are wonderful, but they already had them, dear ones, because many of you experienced them as children. You thought it was a natural part of the growth process, and it is, but only because it is real. It was not his imagination; It was not a story their parents told them to entertain or distract them for a while. It was real and it is what is returning to all of you. The year 2015 is a time to remember his magic, to wake up from sleep and begin to use some of it consciously in his life in different ways. That will give them the opportunity to exercise the necessary muscles to fully integrate it into their life.

The white noise will start to dissipate

They are beautiful times on Earth. They will begin to see something very interesting, because suddenly they opened the door to all that information and anyone who has a mobile phone can take videos. They are in the time of no more secrets and they are also in the moment of a semi-overload of information that will really help them clarify their purpose on Earth. When you begin to integrate part of your magic into your life and start using it in a practical way, all the white noise will begin to dissipate.

Now does that mean they will no longer have the problems they face in the world? Yes, they will. The problems will continue, but will not affect you unless you must play a role in them. They will begin to be able to focus more on life and be able to see more clearly what their role is in everything. These are the times for which they came to Earth, to be here in these magical moments when we would begin to work with their physical bodies. Your physical bodies also need adjustments, dear ones, because they were designed to contain a certain percentage of your light. And here they are filling with too much light, but their bodies will adapt and change. The energy of the Earth had to change first and continues to do so, but their physical bodies will begin to increase their ability to contain more light. We are not referring to the visible light of the spectrum. We refer to something that is beyond the cosmic rays, and which are higher forms of light that humanity must still discover. Eventually, their sciences will lead them to that point, but until they have the evidence before them, they re-remember their magic. Re-remember who they are. Take the quantum leap leaving all that behind and simply enter it. As simple as that. It's not always easy, but it's simple.
We observe them over your shoulder

It is time for all of you to remember your truth, your magic, the things you can do and the capabilities you have. Dear ones, there are times on Earth when we observe you just above your shoulder. We observe them when they feel frustrated trying to solve something, some conglomerate of energy that they try to solve. We laugh out loud because all the time they have had their inner magic to achieve it quickly and continue to look for all the answers outside, because it is the human being's way of acting. Now that is changing and this year will begin by presenting a new form of your inner magic. Receive it with open arms and promise to root it using it in some way. Do not feel that there are deficiencies in your world, dear ones, because that is only an illusion. Many of you do not do something because you feel you take it away from another. They are so incredibly sensitive to that they don't want to cause sensation on their planet. Please start to make a sensation, because it is time to remember who you are and use your inner magic to start creating your world. They will discover that planet Earth is changing and taking advantage of the possibility much more than they ever thought possible.

Dear ones, it is with the greatest honor that we greet you in this way and lead you through these stages to see the evolution of humanity, as we have predicted, developing just before you daily. . The magic is here and you support it. We hope, at least, to help you remember that. It is with the greatest honor that we ask you to treat each other with respect. Take care of each other at every opportunity. Remember that you are participating in a completely new game. Play well together.

Espavo, dear ones.
The group

The word Espavo is an old Lemurian greeting that means: Thank you for assuming your power.

Connecting the heart
By Barbara Rother

~ Recovering time ~

Last November I received an official envelope from the Las Vegas government by mail. I opened it slowly without knowing what it contained. I knew that, regardless of the message in the letter, I should keep an open and positive attitude. I think the spirit was helping me prepare for the news. Inside there was a judicial appointment of the Court of the Judicial District of Las Vegas, Nevada. I had to appear at a judicial service on November 13. My immediate reaction was to yell at Steve. I can't go. It's the date the baby will be born! Our son, Austin and our daughter-in-law, Frauke, were waiting for their first child for that day and I wasn't going to miss such a miraculous event. Then I remembered that I should change my initial reaction to one of calm and courage. He called the Court and talked to a very nice man. I explained my situation and he kindly delayed my presentation in court until January 2015. I thanked him because I was very grateful to be able to recover the time that had almost been taken away from me. .

In November, the date of January 2015 seemed far away. I thought I had a lot of time until then and left it in the background of my thoughts. Then it happened. I received the second official-looking envelope earlier this month. I was scheduled to serve as a jury on January 12. Again I tried to regain my optimistic perspective, but I was struggling with what was before me. I said to myself: “ I have plans. I cannot dedicate much of my time to serve as a jury. Between our Lightworker events and a planned family reunion in San Diego, I couldn't put my life on hold unless I had no other choice.

So last Monday I embarked on a new adventure. My optimism was still trying to overcome my reluctance to have to appear before the Court. I thought it would be an interesting learning experience to know how our judicial system works. I began to feel that it was my patriotic duty to participate in the jury. Even so, in my thoughts the feeling of wasted time stood out. Once installed in the waiting room to receive more details about the day, I started talking to some lovely people who were in the same situation as me. We shared the same feelings about the situation we were in.

They were calling most of the people who sat near me. A young girl, probably only twenty-one years old, began to comment everything between smiles, saying how excited she was to have been called to join the jury. For a minute, he made me stop and see life as she saw it. His enthusiasm was refreshing. I used to be like her. Somehow I stopped seeing the fun of any situation. I thanked him for reminding me how to enjoy the present moment.

Finally, my group was called to the Court. It was fascinating to see a judicial system personally and not only on television. The case was presented to us and the lawyers and the judge talked for a while. They asked each potential juror questions. The two rows where I was sitting were exempted. They told us that they had all the people they needed for that case and that we could go home. We all happily returned to the initial meeting room where I met again the excited young lady who was still waiting to hear her name impatiently. I wish I did it. She would be a very welcome incorporation in any court case, at least it would make it more enjoyable.

When I hung up the phone after telling Steve that I was going home, I sat in my car for a while and thought about the time I had just recovered. A court case can last from two days to two weeks or more. My future was in the hands of the judicial system. I had to put aside any control of my time. When I said goodbye to the jury I regained my time again. It made me feel good to have this new experience. It made me value time whatever it is that comes my way.

With love and light,

Source :

The Lighthouses of Light ~ re-cording their magic ~ The awakening of the inner wizard

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