Weekly Message From Ascended Master Hilarion October 25-31, 2009

Hello again
, Beloved Lightworkers,

This week I want to talk with you about the increase in the intensity of the Cosmic energies that are being dumped at this time. They are opening the pineal gland *, which is the next step in the ascent process. Many of you are already starting to feel pain in the area of ​​the pineal gland. This will continue to increase every day so that this process does not cause extreme pain for someone. Most of you should be able to go through this process without much discomfort.

However, we advise you to continue practicing your daily disciplines to adapt to the increase in vibrational frequencies. Many of you will also hear sounds inside your inner ear. Likewise, this is part of the opening of the pineal gland and will soon be able to hear and recognize the sound frequency of their Guides, Ethereal Masters and the Angelic Kingdom in the extent that they reach you. Each entity has a vibration that is unique to you, as is the case for you.

Soon there will be no way they can hide from those who can distinguish these energy vibrations. This Scribe is able to distinguish the energy vibration of certain people, even when their names are not indicated in the electronic messages that come from other people. She always feels the true energetic vibration behind and distinguishes who she really is. It is wonderful to have this ability and it opens within many of you now. From the highest levels, this is the norm. We are known for our energy vibration. As this capacity manifests in you, begin to practice to listen to our energy vibrations. We are all around you during your daily activities no matter where you are. There are many Angelic guides assigned to each of you and if more are required, they will instantly be by your side. You, powerful Lightworkers, are our Warriors of Light's battle line.

The work we do together is the path of the peaceful Warrior .

We work with energy and make positive changes in this way, and I want to say that you are doing wonderfully well in this. Most of you have energy flowing through you on a constant basis and your energy meridians have become larger and more open, so that the incremental frequencies are able to flow through you without causing you discomfort. Everyone has been experiencing increased feelings of well-being and joy. This is excellent for maintaining your energy and high frequency levels and this will continue to develop every day, and soon it will be the natural state of being for each of you.

They will always walk their Way with calm and balance.

There is a growing feeling of enthusiasm in the air and there is an anticipation that something wonderful will happen soon. So we also feel it in our stations. Much will take place both on the Etheric levels and on Earth. Change is the natural norm of things now. The increased Light impulse cannot be stopped now, so be prepared to stay in a constant state of joy and joy! Know that everything is now reaching a point of calm, which is referred to as the zero point. This is a new territory for everything, so we look and see all possibilities and probabilities revealed.

This is the most exciting time, not only for the Earth and all Its inhabitants, but also for the entire Universe. Each Star Nation has members who observe and are ready to help us at any time. As we have said before, all are considered Heroes of all forms, because it required a lot of courage to go down to the lower dimensions and accept to forget their Divine origin. Soon the memory will return to all. The Light that each Human Being on Earth will ignite the entire World and all will be changed to the positive. But there will be no place where darkness can hide.

Everything will be exposed to the Light and the truth.

We stay with each of you, Beloved, we are only one breath away. Know it and keep this knowledge in your Golden hearts at all times. We are all one.

Until next week… .. I AM Hilarion © 2009 Marlene Swetlishoff

This message can be shared with others considering that the writer's name, copyright and this link http://www.therainbowscribe.com are included. Thank you for including the link to this page when you share the Message with others. Translated by Esther Abreu

* more information about the pineal gland—- >>>> https://hermandadblanca.org/2007/05/25/la-glandula-pineal/

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