5 tips to learn to respect yourself

  • 2016
Table of contents hide 1 Importance of respecting oneself. 2 "Respect yourself if you want others to respect you." Baltazar Gracian. 3 5 Tips for interior development. 3.1 Know yourself. 3.2 No one is perfect. 3.3 Non-destructive self-criticism. 3.4 Respecting oneself is not selfishness. 3.5 Trust yourself. 4 "Self-respect is the cornerstone for all virtues." Jhon Herschel

Respecting oneself is something that is taken for granted, but when we see each other we really realize that our inner development is very poor, we may not be able to know our weaknesses and strengths . How are we going to feel really valuable if we don't know each other. Respecting oneself is essential to achieve success and maintain high self-esteem . It is really important to dedicate some time to ourselves and to value ourselves, to begin to have a more positive attitude about who we are. To be a person with a high internal development, with an established sentimental stability, one must be objective and judge with sincerity.

Self-esteem - Interior Development

Importance of respecting oneself.

Respecting oneself will make your life pleasant and full. From the inner development the force will be born to exploit the virtues in any field of its existence from its sentimental, family and work life. He will become a safe person so he will convey his confidence. If a person does not respect himself then the others will pass over him, will not take his opinions into account and will pass over him, to the point of falling into abuse as well as abuse . It is common in people who do not respect themselves who have almost zero self-esteem and allow all kinds of behaviors for not being valued.

"Respect yourself if you want others to respect you." Baltazar Gracian.

It is necessary to be valued and that the opinion that is had is important, because otherwise we would become an unsatisfied person who is not happy with the life he is having, it is possible that to please others (for example parents) is terminated studying a career he doesn't like and working in a job he dislikes. His life will become a torture chamber simply for not having the courage to listen and say out loud that his opinion is worth it . Respecting yourself is the only thing that will keep abusers away and make your life full of opportunities to be happy and satisfied.

5 Tips for interior development.

  • Know yourself.

Define what are the things and qualities that are really important to you. Perform activities of different types, to know what you like and what you are good at.

  • Nobody is perfect.

All people make mistakes, you are not the only one . You must learn to forgive yourself and know your limitations, do not believe that when you see a successful person, it is because he is perfect, his fortune and achievements reached because he exploited his qualities without continually punishing himself for what he has done improperly. Forgive the acts of shame you have committed.

  • Non-destructive self-criticism

Self-criticism will help you reflect and no longer make the same mistakes as in the past, if you try again with the same problem and still have a negative result, do not destroy the inner development that you have achieved, simply reconsider the goals. Have a positive attitude, you will achieve a good inner development if you learn to be encouraged and have positive thoughts, good energy brings good things, pessimism only sadness .

  • Respecting oneself is not selfishness.

Society has made people believe that doing the things they want and how they want is selfishness. You don't think so, life is one and you have to enjoy it to the fullest, forget the opinions of others, your life is only yours. Love yourself, fight for your dreams, keep learning, have no regrets and reward yourself, seek your inner and outer development by living your full life.

  • Trust yourself.

The decisions and actions you have taken were the result of a discernment of yours, stay strong and determined, do not let anyone change your mind no matter how difficult the situation is, defend and maintain In your point of view.

"Self-respect is the cornerstone for all virtues." Jhon Herschel

Respecting oneself is vital to achieve inner development and high self- esteem . Love yourself and that does not mean that you think you are perfect means acceptance. Find a way to improve who you are through support groups and self-help books, these will give you a new perception of what is important in this life, you.

AUTHOR: Antonio, editor of the great family of hermandadblanca.org

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