Message of the Archangel Metatron in the Arkansas Crystal Vortex

  • 2016

Greetings, teachers! I am Metatron, Angel of Light, and I join this session with Tyberonn of the Crystalline Service. We welcome each of you, and we feel you, we recognize you from many lives, not only from the present, because the energy you have created in this golden bubble contains the multidimensionality of all that you are. For a moment, each one sees himself as a wheel, and go to the center of that wheel with hundreds of spokes that form a sphere, and each of the spokes is a stay. Each of the radios represents a life, a coexisting life, because all lives are simultaneous. From the center of the wheel - not from its present but from the center of the wheel - connect with each part of its multidimensionality; connect all your lives with the center. And within that center is the Universal Truth; within that center is his soul; It is the true essence of who they are.

Teachers, you are Family. You are the soul family of the Law of One and you have come far, far, far away; and we want them to feel the connection with everyone in this room, because they are surrounded by brothers and sisters, mothers and fathers, children, friends, soul family who have played diverse roles in the evolution of their soul, in the evolution within ground plane. In the growth of his soul, some have been enemies, and from the highest point of view, it has been a learning process. So feel the connection and feel the love!

Teachers, you are powerful spiritual beings wearing chemical clothes in biology, using filters, so you don't always see the massively expansive aspect of who you are, and in this vector, at this moment, feel all your souls around you and feel the multidimensional truth of who they are, and we fill this room with the aspect of their Higher Self, and with the angelic realms, in the environment that increases the vibration so that they rise above the personality of who they are; Close your eyes and feel this.

Raise your hands in the air above you; Raise your hands and feel the touch of your angelic being. Rise above the third dimension and feel all the love within you. And take a moment to feel that connection, to feel a love connected with everyone. Then release all pain; You are in an incredible vector of the Earth. You are in the glass vortex, and many of you have existed here before, and now exist as Atlantis, because this was indeed a colony of the Atla-Ra. This was really a remarkable place, and the crystalline energy now rises above you, and we tell you that each crystal is an engraver, and the memories of who you are come back from all your lives, come back to you. They feel a familiarity ; they feel the energy of the Home; they rise above the Earth plane, but since all planes exist within the same space, space and time are an illusion; Matter is the exception and not the rule. And now they will enter the Angelic Kingdom.

Dematerialize yourself, disconnect from your physique and feel the highest, the highest essence of who you are. We tell you that the unique mineralogy here, the singular geology, form an extraordinary geometry, a sacred geometry, and the crystals sing to them. Feel the song of the waking crystals. The crystalline is not simply quartz, diamond; It is a vibration of the Divine. It is a vibration that exists in what you call zero point energy, which has no anionic or cationic, has no negative or positive, and we tell you, masters, that opposites only exist in the plane of duality . Love is non-polar; Love is universal But within the Earth plane, you have chosen to experience what you call positive and negative, what you call light and dark, good and bad. And again we assure you that evil does not exist above duality. By definition, duality is a magnetic kingdom. What you call Ascension of the Earth really happened in 2012, but it was not the ascension of humanity. It was the expansion of the Earth to 12 dimensions, and it had been predicted by many, and all of you, who are here now, came specifically to be on the earth plane at this time, since many of you are sent, navigators who came here to lead the way, and we know that it has not been easy. Many of you turned away from orthodox religions, many felt the rejection of family, of friends. They look at them and wonder what happened, why they moved away from the organized religion group. It required courage. And, teachers, when you look at the whole Earth now, it seems to be in a state of chaotic madness, and you say, "How can it be that the Earth has ascended?" And we tell you that it is the very expansion of the Earth which will enable the modality for you to achieve your ascension.

As we told you before, at least 15 generations are missing for human ascension. With the tools now available, which allow them a multidimensional consciousness, which allow them to operate chakras in 12 physio-fields, in 20 etheric levels of what is called angelic, which will allow them, with the various mechanisms, to become aware of their multidimensionality; and there is something else that is happening now.

We tell you, teachers, that Edgar Cayce's energy is in this room; Join us now, and we want you to take a moment to feel that beautiful energy, because you are all family of what was called the Law of One, and you have come very far, and it has not been true. Easy. They have existed, as Master John van Auken told them in his soul story, they have existed at a time when the Earth was not a plane of duality. We tell you that the Earth had no polarity when you arrived at the beginning; They entered into an ethereal form. And they experienced all the forms of the Earth, and there was no sin, there was no idea of ​​evil; evil does not exist in non-polarity. Evil is an illusion. The highest good is that of pure light. And over 100, 000 years ago, the Earth, through the collective consciousness of humanity, became the University of Duality. The bodies were divided into two, dual forms; the genre did not exist 110, 000 years ago as you measure time in your linear chronology. And indeed, that is approximate, but there was an event in which what you called a firmament fell, and the Earth became a magnetic sphere, and you were divided into male / female in that process, two halves of a soul, as the metaphor of the Garden of Eden represents it allegorically. The Kundalini snake, the male / female side, is an illusion, but an illusion with purpose so that you can grow in the difficult process of evolution, and that purpose This is to learn what they already knew, but gaining the experience to join again in the Grand Master. The chaotic notes that you are combining in a beautiful symphony, and the energy that you exude in this process, is something extraordinary.

And teachers, your mood group is coming to completion, and 2038 represents an amazing milestone in the progress of humanity, and beauty is waiting for you, and we feel the pain that you have gone through; They can release it. We see the beauty that you are becoming again, that you have always been but have not always recognized, because you have lived with the erroneous belief of original sin, of being unworthy.

Teachers, you have taken an extraordinary degree course to learn responsible creation. And 2038 is the return of the Light. It is the return of the Light, and it is so close, and they feel it. And teachers, this meeting now before you has an extraordinary purpose: you are entering a new biological transformation, which Ra-Ta, Edgar Cayce, predicted so beautiful and exactly . A transformation towards a new biology, a change to a silicon base, and we tell you that they are becoming crystalline, as they once were, in the golden age of Atlantis; You were all luminous beings, crystalline beings. And they will be again, they are returning to that, and it is starting now, and it begins naturally and logically in the crystalline materialization of the crystal on planet Earth, because for the Northern Hemisphere it is the Sacred Ark and for the South Hemisphere it is Brazil, Minas Gerais .

In the northern hemisphere the rotation is against the clockwise; in the southern hemisphere it is in favor of the clock, but they are in harmony, and it is a saturnine energy that sends crystalline waves, together with solar radiation that allows them to integrate it into their etheric bodies, since there would be an etheric transformation, an etheric transduction, an etheric reception by induction of the crystalline bio-codes that are now transforming their etheric bodies towards a crystalline vibration. And it is through the 33 rings of Saturn. You know that Arturo is the star portal to your solar system, and we tell you that Saturn is much more than a planet. Saturn is the crystalline regulator that has often played roles that you did not recognize, although you always understood that Saturn was special, representing amazing beauty, amazing creativity and purification; that Saturn is the crucible aspect and, teachers, we are very aware and have told you that you are now entering a phase of purification. As the channeler has shared with you, you are in a crucible astrology, in a crucible astronomy. All unresolved energies bubble and rise to the surface in their earth plane; all the unresolved energies of their lives are appearing to be confronted. And you look around and say, "This Earth is going crazy!" And we tell you that nothing happens that is not under divine observation.

And we tell you that, while you are in a dimension of free will, certain things have already been put in place, and we tell you that so that you know that you are on your way, so that you know that you are heading towards human ascension, but It requires dedication, it requires energy. And the aspect of duality that forces you into many situations to grow, is what you call the dark side, which you think is evil.

You see what is happening in the Middle East, you see what happens in Europe and across the planet, because of the emergence of unsolved energies. It is a Rubik's cube; must face, must be resolved and, teachers, will not be resolved with more hatred, and will not be resolved by giving up. And it will not be solved by hiding the head in the sand and pretending that there is nothing there. It may seem paradoxical, but love without strength is incomplete; It is part of this illusion with the purpose of the earth plane. You are creators in preparation, and you must develop strength; It is not enough to just avoid obstacles. There is a purpose in each obstacle, which may be beyond what you consider to be the laws of love, but you cannot evolve to be creators if there is no force, if you have no courage, no capacity to manifest love, and you cannot manifest love fleeing from the darkness. They have to find a way to face it, they have to decide which is the best way to confront this energy. And the same energy that now arises is what presented itself as a wolf in sheep's clothing at that time that you called the Christian Inquisition. It is the same energy that appears now, under the guise of religion.

Together, you must co-create love, you must realize that, above this dimension, everything is love. As long as they are in duality, they must choose love. And love requires strength, it requires courage; There are times when you must face courage and stop what you seek to destroy. It is not our role, in the Angelic Kingdom, to tell them how to do it; we simply tell them that the answer is love, and love cannot hide its head in the sand. We leave that for you to consider.

However we tell you that all this has a happy ending. Nothing happens now on the planet, even though it seems that a Pandora's box was opening. It is a planned gravitational energy, which allows all these energies to arise so that you can face and resolve them. We tell you that there are groups of your soul family embodied in the regions where the changes are taking place, and in those areas of the Middle East, they are now incarnating with a different energy that will take generations to realize, but that is how it always works. The soul families are embodied in regions, and at this time the Earth is in a new paradigm; Earth is in an entity in which you can feel multidimensionality. The duality is not disappearing, the 3rd. dimension is not disappearing, but the arc of duality travel decreases. Crossroads are easier to discern; the crossroads are no longer in shades of gray, they are black and white, and that means the decision on the way forward, as they approach the key marker of 2038, and the key marker of 2075 becomes clearer.

And for those of you who believed that this was your last incarnation, who believed that 2012 was a termination: 2012 was a beginning; Your job is just beginning, and there is much to do. But we tell you that the return of the Light is in 2038, and it is happening. It is happening now. And the transformation to a crystalline biology is happening now, and it happens to you, now.

We will end this message by asking you to participate in a process. We want them to feel a luminosity entering this room, and we want them to perceive a hum coming from the crystals in this energy, and we want them to connect with the energy that is circulating in the opposite direction, in balance, in Brazil. And this is the biotransformation and codes of the saturnine waves, and the codes amplified by seven meteoric influences of seven ASK (*) kite waves, which are occurring at this time in 2015, carrying codes; We want you to feel and perceive them, and believe in what we are sharing with you.

Edgar Cayce was right. You are changing, and those who carry that energy realize what is happening, and we want you to accompany this now, and open up to the codes of transformation.

Sing the AUM, please, because AUM carries a vibration that elevates them. Do it gently, so you can hear our voice; we are a collective voice and we want you to feel it through the 12 chakras of the physio-field and the 20 chakras of the etheric field, and we want you to combine them, 12, and 20, and form a 33º.

Within that thirty-third, crystalline biocodes are happening, and we want them to accept them. Feel a light around you and feel the joy of transformation. They have come very far. And rise, rise, rise higher. Rise higher towards the etheric. Rise very high and look down and from that amazing height be aware that there is a reason for everything. A reason for everything, and there is a plan, and there is a logic, and it is not something capricious.

Incorporate the transformation; Feel the crystal transformation. Feel the crystalline transformation: become luminescent.

I am Metatron and I share with you these truths. You are loved.

And so it is.

AUTHOR: J. Tyberonn

DEGRABATION: M. Cristina Cáffaro and Susana Peralta

TRANSLATION: M. Cristina Cáffaro



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