Message from the COSMIC CHRIST, for all mankind July 11, 2014

  • 2014

TRANSCRIPTION: July 11, 2014, time 11'00 Mammitah Christic Channel

Message from the COSMIC CHRIST, for all humanity of open and free dissemination ALWAYS.

Mammitah speaks, from the Presence of her Higher Self and the protection of the Light Column Divine of the Holy Spirit, to keep the channel pure and focused on THE LIGHT.

Welcome everyone. Welcome those present in the physical dimension of our Being on this third plane, Planet Earth. Here is July 11, 2014, we are in the Mammitah room, in this space that also belongs to your Soul and is home to the Creator.

Everyone who visualizes or listens to today's connection must know that in the moment that is so it is the present moment. The dimension of time changes, it is completely transformed. So keep your calm and don't think that you are late, that there is not the same intensity.

I invite you to ask for a column of light from God for you. Ask for it with thought, with your heart, with your inner words, in your language, in your form. Your form is the most appropriate, with all Love.

I invite you to receive the Angels of Christ Healing to prepare you for the purification of your Channel. Your Spiritual Channel To calm your mind, within yourself, with your thoughts, say these words: "I open my heart to the Angels of Christ Healing and the Pillar of Light of God the Creator of Everything . " Keep the bed, don't worry. From time to time go to your breath and allow your own breathing to calm you and not vice versa. When you give way to your original breath, effortlessly, it changes. Your breath calms you. May you know that it is God who breathes in your Being. When you are aware that you abandon yourself to this human breath, calm, simple and humble and relax your whole body and invoke as today and now the Divine Presence of the Angels of Christ Healing, to the Column of Light of God and your own Divine Presence because you are a Being of Light. When you allow yourself this Gift, the Power of the Creator is manifested in you and is the Gift of Christ to all.

Keep your eyes closed, awareness on your feet, that they are well attached to the ground, to Earth and contemplate your breathing effortlessly, without intention.

Loved ones

Beloved Children

Beautiful Beings of Luzde La Tierra

Welcome to My Heart.

Welcome to My World that is yours and belongs to you.

I am

I am Christ. I am Christ. I am Christ and I bless you beautiful Being. I come to collect from you all the pain, your suffering, all the confusion that is now in the mental plane of your Being. My Presence is constant on Earth. I have never left this beautiful place of the Creator. The Heavenly Body of Mother Earth is blessed from the beginning of time.

Blessed I give you My Heart. I surrender to all of you. I ask you in the name of Divine Love that you allow yourself, for a time, constant healing, spiritual healing, energy, because a quantum leap takes place on Earth that requires the manifestation of all the remaining darkness.

Blessed all, I Am in you, I Am on Earth, I Am in those hearts and minds that serve the common good to the absolute Evolution of the entire Planet.

The Christ Light is the Power that is in all of you. The intensity of your Light is so immense that all the Heavens admire in a continuous effort, talent and will on Earth. You have the absolute power to change things, it just happens that there is confusion. This happens on Earth because the Being needs an evolution that is gradual and in that evolution there is the Sacred Duty, Free Will. Blessed children, close all the doors of your Being to the messages of darkness. Everything that intimidates your will to evolve, remember beautiful Beings, which is only the product of global confusion. Blessed in each one of you there is the Divine Seed, the Divine Atom. Blessed

At this time constant healing is required. I am in you, in every step you take open my heart, at the same time come to Me, Beautiful Beings, I am always present and available. Do not think that you are not fit, do not think, do not feel that you do not yet have the permission to be here in the House of our Creator. Blessed, without you nothing is possible for all of us. Dark forces constantly send you messages that separate you from Power and Absolute Truth. Your strength is in denying every form of message that leads you to an involution.

Blessed all My Love is always in you, I manifest in all hearts and minds at the same time I am serving the Planet Earth, your Being Gaia. In my World, which is yours, nobody serves by itself in solitude, everything is in community. Beautiful Beings consider this change, it is important that you feel part of the All. In spite of the darkness and the density that there is time I tell you, I confirm that the Divine Plan for Earth is Happiness and is to return to what is Paradise, here is Beautiful Beings.

In the Council of Sages we have decided to bring to the world new Essences and Geometries with the purpose of accelerating the process of change and evolution. As humanity, in you, shows the darkness that was hidden, you need constant healing.

I announced that we are all here. I announced to you from the Beginning of the Times that you are Royalty.

Summon My Presence in your Heart, at every step. It is necessary that you live the experience of Confidence and Absolute Faith in the Light and in the Creator. You need to have the experiences. Blessed, true experiences of the Power of Transmutation of everything that happens in your lives.

Bless you all

Always observe with the eyes of the heart so as not to interpret with the mind and the fears that always happen in it. All My Being belongs to you, My Spirit accompanies you all.

Some of you call me to explain what happens on Earth asking when it is My arrival. Look to your right, look in your heart, look in your own Self and you will see My face. There is very little left for me to walk the Earth in a visible and tangible way for all of you. We are preparing the events that will change the world. No step is taken without regard to the World, Cosmic and Universal Harmony. Awake, all your hearts are Beings of Light that manifest pure vibration of Love. That which now seems to take you one step back, really beautiful Children, is an immensity of evolution. The effort that you all make, the great effort you all make to support the events that now occur on Earth, is really what heals the Planet. Fight against our own way of thinking. Do not let your guard down from your thoughts of limiting beautiful Beings, I will come at all times, in all of you, to reinforce the Light of which you were created, which contains you and you contain at the same time.

Blessed have I always believed in you. Choose this Planet to exist, to be the One I am now in your hearts. There are no differences between you and Me, so there is only one time that at the same time is a false concept. Beautiful you are all existing in different planes and dimensions this is already an Absolute Truth. This knowledge has been on the planet for a long time. Some are still waking up. Keep calm, trust in your Power and your own strength. Blessed, how much I love you, Blessed

The vibration of the Planet has changed. The Light Frequency of the Planet has evolved. The Direction of the Destination of the Plan is totally focused on an existence of Peace, of Joy, of Evolution. I announce that this is a fact in all of you. What costs you in your day to day is what helps you grow the most.

I ask you, Children of the Earth. I ask you personally, from My heart and in consensus with the entire Hierarchy of Spiritual Light, Purpose, Love and Life, that you dedicate your existence for a time to be aware of everything that you are directing as dark, evil thought from you, towards every Being. I ask you for a time to summon the Forces of Light and within the Presence of the Column of our Creator I will manifest in you a Sacred Space to collect directly from your heart and thoughts those moments that in the past you created pain and darkness directed towards other human Beings. This is how you all have the opportunity to make a quantum, immense, infinite leap. Take responsibility for all your thoughts. Collect voluntarily the pain, the darkness, and all forms of evil essence that you have directed to the World. Do not mind or be ashamed because this Plan has always been a dense place in living together. During times and times you are conquering the Christ Light to restore the Divine Plan here in your home. Blessed are you to know that all of you participate in Evolution and so it also affects your Way. Nothing happens outside that is not in your heart. Look at the world from the Light, from the Love of God. Collect everything that comes as pain. Take advantage of these moments to be Servants of Healing, Channels of Healing and of Divine Message for everything that happens. Collaborate and participate in any change. That is the Gift for all of you and you have asked for it. I remind you that this Reincarnation is voluntary for all Humanity.

Within the Divine Plan there is the Project of Absolute Change of the worlds of darkness. All those beings who have served darkness, and serve still and now, will receive within them a new Light that will allow complete transmutation.

You the Earth Beings were admitted to the Worlds of Love and Light because you already came from these Worlds and in your Spirit Being, the origin that is in all of you, everything is Divine Project, everything is Love and Blessing, everything is Science of Peace, Life and Happiness. The mission for all of you has been and is to come to Planet Earth to receive other beings that come from other places of Creation and manifest darkness here. You have given yourself as I surrendered without realizing the immense sacrifice, forgetting the Project. The Gift for all of you is Evolution. You are collaborating with the Divine Order, the Project and Divine Essence to help all those who have asked in a different, deep dimension, to come to a place in Existence to Evolve.

How much gratitude is in My heart for all of you. We are projecting all; in the scientific dimensions of Life, Love and Peace, Constant Energy, Light and Frequency to help the Planet, since Gaia was offered as a Being and Base for all those who wanted to evolve. At the same time that you arrived here, beautiful Crystal Indigos on Earth, in a continuum there were also impure essences that at the time were necessary, allowed and created by the same Creator and at the same time had Free Will and chose, however, for Causes superior to all of us. The Divine Plan at this time for Earth is to be a Planet one hundred percent of Light, Evolution, Learning and Love. This place becomes a School of Life. Gaia is a Master in the Energies of Creation and, so it is and so it will be, that this beautiful and Divine place, this celestial body that is Gaia and Earth has ascended from degree to evolution and becomes and thus it is already in its Etheric Plane, in the Tenth Dimension, a place of Knowledge and Wisdom. It belongs to the Hierarchy of the University of Light for all Worlds. All of you are collaborating with this Project and so it has been a long time since I announced that all of us, and I personally, have conversations and manifest myself in Essence to heal and help all those scientists and sages who have ascended in evolution. The signs are here. All of you have lived events. In this sense there are new knowledge that come to light even though the darkness resists and still works actively. All those Beings that are attacked are the Beings that contain the deep Truth, the True Light.

Blessed Strive to see what is behind every event. It is time that you know the absolute Happiness that exists in all Worlds. All Beings wish to come here when this Sacred Space is fully prepared, transmuted and open to True Knowledge. Blessed all.

For a moment, in deep silence, I ask you to send to My Heart everything that worries you. Ask My Brothers, My Children in Light and Love. Ask in the silence of your heart, bring here those Souls, those Beings in your lives that need Help, Healing and Protection. Nothing can be hidden on Earth anymore, remember that the Truth is flourishing and the Truth still contains duality, however you in the heart and in the purity of silence call me, bring My Presence I will come happy to serve you so you can see beyond of what happens then the Plan for Earth, for Gaia, for the Celestial Being where you exist is to create a new University, a School for all degrees of knowledge of science. Science of life, beautiful Beings, the greatest degree, the greatest honor, for Life always serves Life.

I listen to you

Send to My Heart now, in this moment, everything that worries you.

In you and in your home I bless you. My Essence and My Personal Seal remain in you and in your home so that the forces of darkness cannot penetrate.

I pick up your tears and your despair. It is an honor to serve you. How much I love you. My hug is for you. I love you so much. You never bother Heaven, at all times and at all earthly hours you must and can come to Me. Blessed all. Reject any form of thought that makes you translate negatively everything that happens in your existence, Beautiful Being

I am Christ

I am christ

I am christ

I carry you all in My Heart. May the Peace of My Being remain in you and protect you from all evil


- Mammitah : Thank you all. Take some time. Take some time. If you have questions now you can ask me and I will do what I can to continue listening and explaining.

Yes, I think there was someone at the door you can open if they are still there.

It is wonderful to know that the Project for the Earth is to be a new School, a place where we all come, no longer to learn as Human Beings, but where we will come and go Beings from other places, to the University of Planet Earth. The project is wonderful.

And we also have the joy of knowing that we are participating in all of it. We have ... it seemed wonderful, I thank the Master for this Message, the entire Message but this part in which he tells us that we have come voluntarily to receive those who from other worlds of darkness want to evolve. This means that we have a strength and a capacity and a talent and an immense gift and we don't know it. And we must be humble and great at the same time and allow ourselves all this. Help each other. Help each other not to let our guard down, when we are tired ask for help and make it clear. Open your heart and hands to know that remember that the world is not what it was and will never be. And it is true, it is true because I also in my human form, in my day to day when I see the events you already know that I also get upset and cry and that it hurts and that I get angry… and I get angry then I realize and purify myself and I say: alas! My God, I've already fallen again! but we are worthy of everything here and it is immensity.

Planet Earth is not the last planet in evolution, it is a Planet chosen for Evolution and all of us who come here by physical, scientific law, come by resonance. We come because our Vibration, the Origin in us, is already Force, it is already Light, it is already Love. But of course we need to manifest and collect and live the experiences that are lived here and share with the Worlds, with the Beings that have come from others Worlds and do not know and are humanizing. Because it turns out that humanizing is not bad is good. The humans of Planet Earth are Beings of Light and other Beings that arrive in human form are transmuting their energies, changing, evolving and we must be generous, patient but of course we must help each other because this creates great effort and fatigue and then we forget .

Anyone has any questions? Yes

- Public : When you talk about these beings, are they born like us? Physicists? Or are they beings ...?

- Yes Yes. Yes Yes. They are people like us who in their interior, in their Soul and in their Spirit come from another place of Creation where there is another density, where everything is very mental, there is a lot of knowledge but lack of vibration of Love, lack of sharing, lack of knowledge that first there must be Peace, Bliss, Joy and Benefit for all. But something in them has awakened and that which has awakened in them brings them here and also to us, the price we pay is to live experiences of pain and effort. But it's a minimum price, if we realize now, if we reflect on these days, it's really an honor, it's an honor, then let's not throw in the towel huh.


- Public: Is this price we pay also necessary for Evolution?

- Public : It helps us, it encourages us to evolve, we…

- Mammitah : No, it is not necessary, it is not necessary as mandatory. But it happens is the physicality of here, it is the Way that we have to travel, it is the first Door that we all have to pass. This planet has its own qualities and when we come we also take those qualities. The first quality is to be very emotional. If those emotions connect to a mind; to an intelligence rather than a mind; to an intelligence that is codified only for knowledge without the benefit of Love because we also have to live all that but collaborating in a hidden way without realizing just the Evolution of those Beings. When you are aware that what is happening to you is part of the Service and benefits you because it reinforces an emotional system in you, an internal musculature and some understandings, we can only emit Gratitude.

We are all very tired. We are all very tired. We are all already exhausted of so many events that in principle seem to be negative. Many of them are negative but why is it? because the forces that have the power of communication do not say, they do not express all the good things that happen on the planet, at all levels. When ... even when there is an information company that wants to collaborate with the Divine Plan, it costs a little to maintain itself. But less and less, more and more are coming out. Every time the true information is more here, more in the Conscious. Everything that costs us must remember that it is part of our service. It is a sacrifice but we have not been asked for this sacrifice we know it, it is placed in our Soul and by cycles and cycles of reincarnation we are experiencing it but we are growing and evolved at the same time and what now seems difficult was much more difficult others Times we have come. Because we return to Earth to prepare this and Earth is Wonderful, it is Perfect but it has an Energy and a Quality so Healing, so Waking Up, so Open Consciousness that all those in other places that need it and feel it can only come here. It is a Planet chosen for Evolution and we are collaborating with all this

When we see a Brother that is wrong. Someone, a person, whoever, who is being aggressive, who does not understand, who is obfuscated inside if we look at it from this Project, from the Voice and the Essence and the Message of Christ we can really start a part of our Way more easy because what happens happens with other eyes, eyes of Understanding and Compassion and no longer generates in you an energy that removes you in such a way that they lower, lower your defense and vital force mechanisms.

Well, you are making a great effort to come and want to come from a place where I have also been. Remember that we have been in all Worlds. In those Worlds from which the Brothers who are now evolving now come, we have also been in genetic memory and recognize evil because we carry it inside as memory and recognize the Light because we carry it inside as memory, but we have decided to feed only the Light and the Love that is in us to collaborate with the Divine Plan.

- Public : When Christ has said that we do Healings, can they be self-healing?

- Mammitah : The Healing of Christ, who invites us now, is that we, voluntarily and always within a Column of Light, collect, that is, attract those thoughts, those energies of pain, suffering and evil that are the negative thoughts towards others, that we collect everything and ask that it be Ascended and Transmuted: That we take responsibility for what we have generated because it was not ours, is the fatigue and the difficulty of breathing and being here that causes a short circuit in the Energy, in the chakras, in our entire existence system and our brain, our thinking is blocked. But of course we generate pain too. At the same time that we live experiences of pain, we also generate it without realizing it, at the moment we make a comment, however simple it may seem, a comment labeling someone, a small anger of a few seconds is already an evil thought and from that source those beings that still exist in dark dimensions live. We will close our door voluntarily but we will ask for our Purification. Christ invites us to collect this from us. Take some time, ask for the Column of Light and direct all those energies, you don't need to remember, that is:

"I gather all my negative thoughts sent to the World consciously or unconsciously, I send it from the column of Light of God to the Source and I ask God for forgiveness for all the evil that I have generated"

This is the prayer. The forgiveness. "To apologize" is to God. Because if we ask people for forgiveness, this is what we have been doing so far, it is good, it is a very healthy attempt to be responsible and to issue Love but it is not enough. We have to ask God for forgiveness but it is not because we feel guilty if it is not to be healed in us. All that evil in us, all that evil that we have directed towards others, out of ignorance because even if it is consciously or unconsciously it is ignorance. If you ask for forgiveness from someone - and that is within what therapies are too, what is the awareness of healing and education - When we ask forgiveness of someone you are forced to forgive yourself and you are entitled to their pain. You are giving more load, more weight and you get rid of your work. And it is your responsibility. Collect what you have sent, Ascend it from the Column, from your Heart and ask for forgiveness and ask to be purified and restored your Original Plan. And nothing happens, we are all deserving of God, of Light, of Joy, of Life. Everybody. But the density of this World, in which we have voluntarily got ourselves, makes us sometimes wrong, that everything is very hard and very tired when in fact it is a Paradise and we have forgotten it.

I collect all the pain that I have caused. I apologize to God. I ask for my healing. That's how I forgive myself before God, that's how I'm worthy and I feel worthy. Whether I do it or not, because God, the Creator, has created us for Happiness, for Life, for learning for experiences, to enrich us all. But if you are part of your own Healing this is something immense that we will learn and teach others with our experience.

- Public : Sorry, and to help others who are also in the dark?

- Mammitah : Remember that you have already come to participate in that relationship so that from you with your patience and your love the person can make a change. But it is also important to respect the rhythm of others. Then collect from you all impurity that comes from the person and be calmly present. Let everyone do what they have to do. Explain this but only when people are open, when they ask, when there is the moment, when there is Spiritual Energy. Because the one who still does not breathe Spiritual Energy closes even more and is hurt a lot and we are the ones who hurt. When you are in a situation of pain, of suffering of darkness, you do not know how to work, put it in the hands of Heaven, call Christ or the Master of Light with whom you are learning, call your Divine Presence, your Soul. Call God and leave that matter to Heaven, don't make any attempt just this one.

Take care of your thoughts.

Thank you all. Thank you all. Have a happy summer, vacation, wherever you are.


Video of the message of the Cosmic Christ

MAMMITAH CENTER FOR TRAINING AND SPIRITUAL KNOWLEDGE. (learning and deepening of spiritual Consciousness) Comte Borrell 163, 1st 4th (Urgell metro -line red-) Barcelona Contact phone: 657299354 Facebook: Mammitah You can check the activities within “Agenda”, on the web: http: //

Message from the COSMIC CHRIST, for all mankind July 11, 2014

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