Message from a heart to its owner, by Kryon

  • 2013

"Man" was a human being who was about to suffer a heart attack. One morning he experienced strong anger, sadness and situations that made him explode inwardly. Man led a life so numb and away from the inner connection, that he didn't really know consciously what was happening to him.

That night, Man took sleeping pills. That same morning he had signed the divorce with his (now) ex-wife. After making thousands of attempts to improve the relationship, Man has faithfully followed the registration of his DNA, since like his parents, they have ended up in the destruction of the family and marriage.

Business and work have worsened in his life; Your company's sales performance has decreased significantly due to a lack of control, balance and good communication with your employees.

Man, a 59-year-old human being, has repeated the same story as his parents ...

His human and four-dimensional consciousness has not stopped to reflect, discern and find a true solution to everything that happens to him.

That night Man enters a deep sleep, an effect produced by the painkillers and medications that he has entered into his body to relax his internal machinery, which cannot stop with the power of his conscience. So he decides something external to him that can help him. It is simply an act of ignorance since Man does not know that there are other ways to calm all the emotional and mental torment he is experiencing. The most comfortable thing in those moments is to resort to what is "known" for your conscience.

What Man does not know is that his heart will soon burst. In all his years of life he has not paid too much attention, he forgot to ask “what did he want?”, “How did he feel about the life they led?” And most importantly he forgot to honor that organ so important, that more than a physical and three-dimensional organ is an interdimensional engine that allows human beings to connect with the wisdom and love of God, the Father.

Man enters a very deep sleep ... Suddenly appears in a strange place. You experience the sensation of being awake, but in reality there is a part in your consciousness that knows you are asleep ...

It is in a place that seems to have walls, but in reality they create a very disconcerting mirage for their conscience, since although it is surrounded by an energy that could be called “very crystalline walls”, they do not end anywhere, they extend towards the infinite and in turn seem to be there ...

Man is sitting in that place during the dream that night ...

Look everywhere, and ask: "Is anyone here?" Just listen to an echo back with your own voice.

After a few moments Man hears a voice that says: "Dear Man I Am Your Heart"

Man cannot believe it, despite being dreaming and being aware of it, he does not understand "what does his heart do to him speaking from outside his body?, And how is it possible that he can speak or express himself?"

Man begins to force himself to leave that place, everything seems absurd and meaningless. He returns to his normal state, which in fact is the state of numbness, since in the place he had been in the dream was more real than his human conscience could imagine.

He gets out of bed, prepares a linden tea to try to keep sleeping. The effect of the medication seems to be over and although Man tries to go back to sleep he cannot.

Sitting on the sofa in his luxurious home, Man looks at a magazine that a friend would surely have left the day before.

Since he had nothing else to do at that time, he takes it in his hands and begins to leaf through it. He had not even observed the name of the magazine, but when he began to see it he realized that it was not a regular magazine that he used to buy to see the latest news of the show.

He went back to the cover to see the name of the magazine and was called: "Living in communion with yourself"

All the titles of the notes and information seemed to be related to those topics. The most important titles of that copy were highlighted on the cover. There was one that deeply caught Man's attention. The note said: "Message from a heart to its owner." There was something that Man caught his attention and looked for the page number he was on to read it. Coincidentally the page where the note was was marked with a red paper. He thought: Who would have left this page right?

I let that doubt pass and began to read it, the note said:

Message from a heart to its owner

There was once a heart that was about to burst and stop working. Since that heart wanted to continue living, he decided to write a letter to his owner who said

Dear Owner:

Before I got sick, I needed to express myself for the last time since I couldn't stand this ignorance in love. It was so many years receiving dropouts, lacks and ignorance that my engine has worn out over time of misuse. I would not want to stop working and do what I came to do to this world: to live in your body and be the engine of the circulation in l . I have retained many injustices, fears, heartbreak and now I feel that my engine is shutting down

Before finishing the few fuel reserves I had saved, I wanted to ask you if you are willing to help me heal. What I need to function freely is very simple and I wish you could grant it to me.

And maybe you ask me, what do you need, dear heart of my body? And I will tell you that it is simple, what I need is called `` suffering, love and care from you. '' I need to be able to express all the pain that I have accumulated, but if you repress me I will continue to keep it, file it and all that will begin to explode now. You have kept in me the resentment towards your parents, towards people and society, and for never stopping with your human activities you have never stopped to think about everything you have experienced.

Dear owner, I know you would have liked to tell your parents and loved ones how much you loved them, but out of pride, fear and probably not knowing how to express yourself, you have saved it and here I am asking you now to free me from all these feelings that you decided to file.

Nor have you allowed me to express myself in time and at the right time regarding some disappointments and I need to tell you that all that mass of retained emotions is about to explode.

All that accumulation of sorrows has overshadowed the brightness that I am aware that I had, they have turned off my color and made my expression impossible, but what did you want me to do? ?, if I depend on you and the power of your conscience to determine whether or not I can heal.

I have stopped working as I should, I have stopped expressing how I knew how to do it and how I was told when I was created by God. He explained to me how it should work while incarnated here in your body. But when I wanted to express myself, your dear owner prevented me, and there I was flooded with things to say and feelings to radiate.

How can I do it if when I want to release all the love I have you repress me for your fears of being hurt? Then you hide me and my fire goes out.

I want to tell you that my fuel is now in reserve, I experience an emotional collapse as many things have accumulated and gathered that could not be released on time and at the right time. When you said goodbye to your mother, I told you: "Forgive everything you feel that I have harmed you and tell her that you love her", and you were about to say it and finally you won the pride and fear of reliving ignorance.

I am enduring the last sorrows ... The last impulses of my engine are running out because they need warmth and attention from you. I am aware that you also require the world to recognize you and give you attention to be able to fill that lack and absence of love that was crystallized in the illusion of the past for all situations lived, but you are my owner, you are the commander of This ship and without your free choice to help me I die.

I need love, because without love my fire goes out.
I need love, because without love my fire goes out.
I need love, because without love my fire goes out.

Signature: Your heart

Man was shocked by that message from the heart to its owner. He had impacted in such a way that without realizing it, he had released a couple of tears during the reading. After a few moments Man became aware of what he was doing to his heart and his own body. He reflected on the fact that he had never paid attention to him and that he had a lifetime of negative accumulations that damaged his heart.

Man closed his eyes and spoke with his heart at that moment. He said aloud:

“Dear heart, forgive me. It has not been my conscious intention to be away from you and your essence in all these years. Tell me, what do you want to release now? and tell me how can we express everything you have saved ?. I do not want us to reach the state in which the heart was that wrote the message I just read. Forgive me dear heart, I'm so sorry! You know that I love you and I honor you for being part of me and allowing me to live in this world. You know? From now on I will talk to you more often, I will honor you and listen through my intuition what you need to be happy ”

Man's heart began to pound. He could tell that something was fanned in him when he spoke those words. Finally, the heart of Man radiated an energy of happiness and joy.

From that day on Man changed his perspective on life and began to honor every part of his own body. Being aware of his biology was synonymous with loving himself and loving God, the Creator.

Man never consciously knew that the message of that heart to its owner was actually the expression of his own heart that had led him to synchronize that moment to read that letter.

Man changed his life and began to express more, to the point that he became a "teacher of expression." He never kept a feeling, every time he experienced situations where he perceived that he should "express" he spoke with his heart and said: "Express yourself, beloved heart, you are free to do so."

After a time of reflection, Man wrote a prayer entitled: "The prayer of self-recognition" to honor his being, his biology and never forget that each organ is a living being with its own conscience and of all others.

Man defined his body as a great system composed of other systems. Each system has its own conscience and knows what its individual and group function is, and in turn all the systems vibrating in unison form a totality that will function as a perfect team. If a part of the system is bad or damaged, it will affect the whole, so he made the following sentence to keep all his systems in harmony.

Prayer of self-recognition

Beloved body I will speak to you as a whole and living entity, but in turn I will also turn to your parts ...

Beloved feet, I honor and love you for being my supporter in this world. Thank you for joining me and stomping on every walk through this land. I honor them for transporting me to all the places I want to go and for allowing me to move on this beautiful ground. Thank you for leading me to my work to be able to develop my mission and for allowing me the pleasure of knowing the beautiful landscape of GAIA (Mother Earth).

Beloved ankles, calves, knees, thighs and hips. I honor and love them for allowing me to walk, move and move within this divine design and plan of human life. Thank you for being my traveling companions and living together with me so many adventures and trips. Forgive me if I have made you walk or walk in places or situations where you have not felt comfortable, from now on we will only walk through places and situations where love and divine light reign.

Beloved reproductive system (female or male) I honor you and love you for being the gateway and the manager of life in this world. Thank you for allowing me to use you to enjoy the pleasure that arises from the encounter with another soul. Thank you for allowing me to feel pleasure and be the channel through which my creative energy flows.

Beloved stomach, colon, intestines, liver, pancreas, bladder, kidneys
I honor and love them for being the ones who help me digest food and life. Thank you for working in perfect harmony and allowing me to feed my body healthily. I honor each of your duties. Forgive me if I have made you live difficult situations to be digested, now I am ready to digest and process them.

Beloved lungs I honor and love them for being the ones who allow me to enter the air and oxygenate my blood and my body. Thank you for allowing me to breathe life fluidly and deeply. Beloved lungs forgive me if I have allowed any sadness to remain inside you, now I am ready to release it.

Beloved shoulders, arms and hands. I honor them and love them for being the channels of my expression in this world. Thank you for allowing me to eat food, work, write and take everything I need to walk on this journey of life. Beloved shoulders forgive me if I have carried you more than necessary, if I have endeavored your abilities. Now I am ready to release them.

Beloved throat I love you and I honor you for being the channel of my communication with the world. Thank you for allowing me to express everything that my interior desires. Forgive me if I have never let you say what you wanted. From now on I am ready to say everything you have shut up.

Beloved ears I love and honor you for being the channel through which I can hear and listen to my neighbor. Thank you for allowing me to enjoy music and beautiful words. Sorry if I ever allowed bad words, aggressions or non-light expressions to enter you. From now on I am willing to allow positive words of love and light to enter into you.

Beloved eyes I love and honor you for being the channel that allows me to see all the wonder that God created in this world. Thank you for allowing me to observe life, art, flora, fauna, landscapes ... thank you for giving me the joy of being able to look at other people's eyes, and through it look at your own soul. If I have ever led you to look at unharmonious or sad situations, forgive me. I am actively working from my place as an individual to make the world better and better. For this I first work on myself, to be a walking example of the change I want to see in the world. That way all you will observe will be episodes of love and peace.

Beloved nose and mouth. I love and honor them for being the channel that allows me to "feel" life. Thank you for allowing me to feel the taste of the food, the smell of the flowers, the beautiful fragrances ... sorry if I ever did something that might have bothered you.

Beloved head. I love you and I honor you for being the central command of my body. Thank you for allowing me to carry the brain, who allows me to process and reason. Thank you for carrying my hair, my eyes, mouth, nose, ears and being so important in my body.

Beloved heart, what else can I tell you! You are the essence of the light in my life, you are the infinite love embodied in this body, you are the apparatus that can lead me to the divine energy of God . Thank you for being the one who pumps the blood into my body and who allows my human experience to continue having an end of love and light in this world. If I have ever allowed external situations to harm you, forgive me. From now on I will allow you to free yourself, be yourself to give and receive the energy of love.

Beloved spirit of my body thank you for being the channel of this human experience. For giving life to this magnificent body. I love you, I honor you and we will merge again with the GREAT BEING when the experience in the matter is over.

That's right, that's right, that's right.

When you begin to recognize yourself, the need to seek recognition in others will no longer be necessary. Then only there can you be happy with yourself, be in communion with your inner being and not need anyone to recognize what you were able to recognize first.

Channeled by María José Bayard

Message from a heart to its owner, by Kryon

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