Message from Maryllisa: Be your own flower

  • 2015

Each and all of you are beautiful flowers grown by the loving hands of God. No flower is prettier or more special than the other because each flower has its own unique personality and characteristics, just like each of you.

To say that someone is ugly, unfair, precious, elegant, etc. they would have to say what their opposite means by their own real experience and not by what they hear, see or assume . Remember that in every instance of your life you are given the opportunity to sow the seeds for your personal growth, development and self-cultivation — a new growth that will take you in new directions to strengthen, become more lively, and be more full of Love and peace of what they were yesterday.

They do not really need to seek the opinion of others if they know the answers that their heart has provided, but do they know how to discern between what is ego and what is of their heart? It is simply how they use their "me, " "me, " "mine, " or how uncomfortable they are when they see the truth in front of you . Do they make use of "we", "us", or "our" more and accept the truth without becoming emotionally reactive?

We see so many people merely pretending to be when what they are doing is demonstrating to get attention and approval, which means that they have covered their authentic and true self with masks, perceived roles, etc., when the true self does not need any of this.

Just as the flower does not know what type of flower is unlike another. All are neighboring flowers, simply flowers created in different shades, shades and shapes.

Be the flower that you are, without worrying or never wondering who is right or wrong, or what the other is doing. Be the dear creation of the Love and Grace of God that you are.

Breathe the air, and in doing so let it cleanse you with every exhalation of your disharmonic tendencies, and take a renewed balance of yourself and unity with all life so that your Radiance shines in everything they do from within and in external events.

I AM Maryllisa, Also known to you as the Radiant Lady, the divine complement of the Arc ngel Haniel

V a : Julie Miller

Source :

Translated by Gloria

Message from Maryllisa: Be your own flower

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