Radiant Light Council: The Way How Your Sovereignty Affects Others channeled by Ailia Mira

  • 2017
Table of contents hide 1 We want to remind you: 2 What you can do is prosper! 3 So ... 4 What would happen if you really understand that your best gift to others is your attention to your alignment and the way you are present? 5 VERY MORE EASY! 6 What could be more wonderful?

June 28, 2017

Hello Dear Friends!

We greet you with Love. Today we want to focus on voluntariness, on willingness, specifically when it relates to choosing sovereignty. We know that it is still challenging for you to give yourself permission to be truly sovereign, to deal with your own affairs, to see their sovereignty in others; and in doing so, discharge yourself from the expectation and the obligation to be responsible for the way other people live, or how their lives are going.

Today we want to focus on the things that could help you feel willing to choose sovereignty, because being sovereign begins with being willing to be sovereign. For most of you that will begin when you really begin to like the idea of ​​living sovereignly. Once you really like the idea of ​​living sovereignly and its benefits; and you recognize what that could create, not only for you but for everyone you love and care about, you feel much more empowered to make that choice. Once you are willing to choose sovereignty, your ability to live it will increase.

We know that sometimes you find these choices difficult to focus on yourself, because you don't have the beliefs that support them. Recently we have talked specifically that in your mentality some do not have the beliefs that give you the ability to ignore the perceptions that other people have of you. Most of you believe and consequently feel that what other people think of you is important.

If you think that what they think of you is not complimentary, you get nervous about it; and that creates internal conflict. Sometimes, what you need to live a sovereign life, or any kind of life you want, are the beliefs that can support you to live as you want; instead of those empowering beliefs, you have the idea that choosing to give importance and give importance to your joy really has a cost to others; or for you, in terms of what you can get from them. This is really a mistake; so today we want to clarify that to help you free yourself.

In life, you are organized within an energy template; your body is an electromagnetic pattern to which your energy is projected and infused; and with which your energy collaborates. The optimal well-being of that energy system that you know as your embodied life is only possible in alignment.

Clearly, you are aligned often enough since you are here; whatever states of health, clarity, abundance and well-being you are experiencing; You are able to experience a certain level of them permanently. But there is an infinite level of expansion available that is available to you if you reach the optimal alignment daily; Then you would open and expand your wellness experience.

This impulse towards excellence is already within you, but most of you have silenced it or disconnected from it, you have invented stories about it that make you Feel guilty for wishing to have a great life. This impulse is no different from an impulse towards joy, or towards amounts of money, or towards a passionate lover, or towards a brilliant self-expression. All the impulses towards excellence, or towards having an excellent experience, or towards having more good things in life, come from that internal impetus that seeks optimum well-being and is directed towards expansion. n. The energy that you are seeks alignment so that that optimal energy flows into your incarnation; and it is increased by means of an optimal self-expression (authentic).

Realize that the energy state of the vital system is your primary form of self-expression; The main way you express yourself is through your Presence. Most people don't think about that, they think about the things they do, the things they manage to manifest physically; they don't think that their energy state is their main form of self-expression, but we are inviting you to consider that; and consider what it might mean to propose to you to have the optimal expression of your energy state. We will also say that the more optimal your energy is, the better all the other things in your life will go (smile).

Your own vastness constantly produces impulses that stimulate you from within, that direct you, that guide you, that indicate the easiest way to move towards what you want to experience; and that they indicate the path that will elevate you. When you allow yourself to do what you feel good about, you live so that the things you choose not only occur more frequently and more frequently, but show that they have been magnificently enhanced by Everything -What it is. These are experiences that allow you to reach you completely and that are not only what you asked for, but are enriched by All-What-Is- This happens thanks to the resonance. similar and complementary things that you want to experience, that elevate your experience.

We want to remind you:

You can create your energy state and what you admit in your life, because you determine which vibrations are active within you; what you can't do is create another's life T you can create your energy state!

You can create your energy state in such a way that these things manifest each time more and more. What you cannot do is create the energy state of another person; consequently you cannot create his life Regardless of how much you may want to do it, no matter how much you think you may need it, you may not do so. !

What you can do is prosper!

What you can do is be an example of prosperity ... What you can do in your experience, is to be a powerful energy presence. What you can do is be so fulfilled and aligned, that when others are with you they feel good ... They will feel good!

Although it may not be consciously, they will also feel in themselves the potential of that coherence; as much as they are able to feel it and realize what it is.

Being realized, being truthful, emanating the coherence of your Being, you can inspire and inspire others in extremely powerful ways.

As we have said, obviously you are aligning often enough to be alive and experience the well-being you experience; so you are already doing it and you can do much more. The part of you that really cares about others and specifically certain people, can contribute more to their lives by optimizing your energy fields than in any other way.

You may never know who you inspire or how you inspire it; and that's fine because the purpose is not to inspire; Inspiration is simply a natural byproduct of being truthful with yourself; The purpose is alignment.

Because we want to suggest that you think about all this; that you think about the beliefs you have about personal sovereignty; and consider whether this could be the time for you to be completely willing to be the best you can be, to be aligned; now, today and maybe tomorrow too; and maybe the day after tomorrow ...


What would happen if you woke up every day willing to aspire to the optimal alignment experience on that day, because it is the best thing you can do to be yourself? ... What would happen if you took care of yourself in an excellent way? would it happen if you took care of yourself in an excellent way and also your alignment, so that every day you could be in the best possible state?

And if you start again every day because they start again every day? ... What if you put that idea into practice? ... What would happen if every day you will start again and say: "Today I will be the best receiver that can be. Today I will take care of myself in an excellent way, with my greatest capacities, so that I am in the best possible energy state so that the best things can reach me, to have the best and most coherent energy state possible, for myself and for all others who find me ”…?

What would happen if you really understand that your best gift for others is your attention to your alignment and the way you are present?

How you can contribute to life, is being totally you, with all the freedom. Being consistent and being realized your Presence offers the greatest benefit to others.

You cannot turn on the Light of other people, but you can show it bright and shining; and they can feel how it is ... They will feel good because you are not pressing them when they are with you ... If they ask you how you do it, you can simply say: “I decided to do everything I can to be who I am and feel good. I decided to respect and honor myself and take care of myself really well . In a sense, by showing them your prosperity you can give them permission to consider the same decision for themselves ... We ask you not to underestimate the enormity of this gift: Give another person permission to do what he wants to feel as he wants in life.

If you don't feel safe about this, remember how good you feel. Remember all the hesitations, doubts and misgivings you may have had about putting yourself first; Remember the enormous relief it has been to do what you want most often. When you allow yourself to live being who you really are, it is much easier ...


Realize that you feel well more frequently and give up fixing the World and other people; And perhaps yourself, it is not only something you are learning to do, but you are potentially giving others permission to do the same.

What if you were a presence that saw the whole? ... If you saw the well-being and capacity not only in yourself, but also in others? ... If you saw them in the World?

Feel the incredible relief of having decided to stop approaching life as if there was something wrong with you; and realize that you can offer it energetically to others.

Remember how amazing it was to realize that you are already perfect as you are; and that it is only about choosing what you want every day and tuning in to what makes you feel good, with what is best for you, moment by moment to moment.

Then we ask you to realize that by being aligned you are communicating all that energetically; That is happening energetically. You simply emanate a clarity, a coherence, the quality of knowing liberation in a sovereign and aligned state.

What could be more wonderful?

When you feel satisfied from within, you feel an unconditional appreciation for so much life ... Beloved: Sometimes you can feel Unconditional appreciation for all things! ... Effortlessly ... That simply fills you and overflows.

In those moments the Divinity is there completely like You ... Dear friends, realize how wonderful it can be to experience, to glimpse that it is experienced by all.

What we give you is merely a glimpse of the way your sovereignty affects others.

We are complete

We are the Radiant Light Council.

Translated: Jairo Rodríguez R.

Energy and Spiritual Consulting


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