The Sound of the Universe Part 4: of human resonance and spirit.

  • 2017
Table of contents hide 1 Our interior: the spirit 2 Who is I? 3 Reincarnation 4 Mediumship 5 Spiritual knowledge 6 Spiritual healing

We begin this series of articles by offering a personal description of the resonance of the universe, then mentioning some ethereal regions and moving to the lower areas until we reach the resonance of matter . Now we will continue our "descent" into the dense material world and we arrive specifically at our human entity, which is the vehicle of experience and expression .

Regarding the experience, it has to do with our reception of external information and the process we give it. This information, which is nothing more than some form of resonant energy, always comes naturally to us. We might think that our experiences come through mere " coincidences ", through a process that seems to work at random, through the also apparent exercise of our will or the will of other people, but seen more deeply we will notice that we always, without exception, we They happen naturally.

On the other hand, the expression is related to what happens after the first: our reaction (both immediate and long-term) based on the evaluation of each experience.

The reaction can happen in three ways: in favor, against or simply neutral (apathetic, or no reaction). This means that the first leads us to use (consciously or unconsciously) the information received through experience, the second implies the immediate rejection of the information (in many cases without having evaluated it) and the third simply has no effect on us.

If we continue the line of observation and analysis that in the successive articles has brought us to this point, we realize then that the whole material world is manifested resonant energy and that the characteristics of each thing (such as solidity) reflect the degree of densification of this Of course, today we know that such densification of matter is due to the atomic composition of each thing, which in different combinations produces solid, liquid, gaseous objects and some intermediate states between them.

This then means that we, as human beings and as part of The All, are also some kind of energy. But it would be too simplistic to try to see ourselves as a mere homogenous unit with basic operation. Only considering the complexity of our physical body we notice that this part of The All that we are is extremely complicated, harmonically interconnecting organs, materials and substances that provide a wide variety of functions. If we add to this part the others that are invisible (internal and external), we begin to have an idea that we are really a set of energy systems .

As he has been noticing and checking science every day, the human being is a complex compound of several energy systems that operate the same space . That is, we are multidimensional anatomy whose parts (each) are formed by vibration of various frequencies that are in continuous interaction with each other. These parts include the individual organs, whose energy rate defines not only their physical qualities (for example, a gelatinous liver), but also their individual functioning. Its vibratory rate (and therefore its operation) is directly linked to the variable rate of the planet according to the daily, monthly, annual cycles, etc., and even, more specifically, to the rate vibratory environment (locality) in which we live . The ancient Chinese acupuncture tells us, for example, that the most active functioning of the liver occurs between 1 and 3 am and that for that reason any medical or energy treatment to A patient suffering from this organ must be supplied during that period.

Among the major subtle energy systems of the human being, clarifying that between each one there is a great variety of secondary systems, are the following:

A. Energy bodies : By saying " energy bodies " we refer to several energy fields of different subtlety, property and vibrational frequency, all interrelated with each other. They are called " bodies " because they exist as an invisible part of the physical, not separated from each other, but integrated. Modern spiritual medicine has taken the ancient names of these energy systems, which are known

as ethereal, astral, mental and causal that in this order have ascending rates of vibration. To get an idea of ​​how energetically complex we humans are, let's see that, only considering the physical body, each organ, each material (bone, skin, etc.), each liquid, each type of cell, in short, absolutely every component, has its own qualities, patterns and vibratory cycles and therefore are resonant. Each of these fields has a function and a set of individual characteristics, basically " filtering " energy of, being in tune with, or operating in the different vibratory strips of, The Universal All.

In the invisible part of the human being, although in different spiritual systems the different human energy processes have been called in different ways:

1. Ethereal body, which is the so-called "vital body, " directly linked to all the autonomous functioning of physical organs through energy centers.

2. Astral body, which is considered the "settlement" of emotions, desires, fears and everything related to these aspects.

3. Mental body, which is subdivided into three ascending degrees, is the energy system that distinguishes us as human beings, which definitely separates us from animals. Its lower part serves as a vehicle for the expression of the instincts, the intermediate manages the intellect (the cognitive portion) and the upper part highlights the spiritual essence of human beings. Our existence as "mental" beings is defined by the vibrational strip in which our predominant mental processes are centered. That is, our individual evolutionary degree depends on the energy level at which we are operating normally. Human beings considered " basic " (practically thinking animals) function based on their instincts, using almost exclusively their lower mind. As we evolve we become more sophisticated human beings, we acquire the intellect that makes it easier for us to reason, learn, etc. and we lead a different life from the previous one. At some point during our existence we wake up to our spiritual reality, our life takes a turn and focuses on a more sublime perception. Our thoughts, words, actions, tastes, desires, aspirations, goals, etc., reveal where our existence is centered. At the same time they reveal what our resonant vibration frequency is and which of our energy bodies is dominating our existence. That does not mean that one human being is better than another, but simply that each one is in different evolutionary states. These stages refer to the total development of the human being, both as a species and as an individual.

4. Causal body: The causal energy strip works with abstract ideas and concepts, with the true essence and cause of illusions, appearances, etc., of the phenomenal (physical) world. At this level, the material, the emotional, the opinions and the conceptions are no longer treated, but the true internal nature (the so-called “archetypes”) of everything that exists in the physical universe. In this strip of vibration is the origin of all the processes that govern the phenomenal world, that is, of everything manifested in the material world. Take, for example, how the human being creates, whether material objects or situations in the environment in which he lives. This is the true natural mechanism that in recent times has been glamorously packaged, successfully marketed and sold under the new name of " The Secret ." In the causal world there are abstract ideas that when driven by the energy of some mind go through certain transformations until they become " reality ."

In a first case, let's see how the concept of a small device that emits light shows, which did not exist until the 19th century. In 1799 chemist-inventor Humphrey Davy accesses the causal resonant band and perceives the concept. By focusing your attention on it, the idea begins to take "movement" and its resonance begins to reduce its frequency by passing into the mental world. Davy's approach to this idea continued, his emotions increase (anticipation, anxiety, momentum, etc.) and the concept is strengthened by passing through the astral strip. This is where the many cases have occurred in which the inventors say " see " the finished apparatus. Continuously reducing the resonance, at a given time in 1802 it is completely densified in the apparatus. The result: the first bulb.

In a second case we can apply the same sequence to any fear we have (including all its derivatives). The phrase " we create our reality " is very valid for those who understand this process of creation. We are " victims " of life when it simply "happens to us", but our existence does not have to be that way. The Secret does nothing but clarify that it is possible to take control of our reality using our mind. What he doesn't tell us is that we first have to be spiritually prepared to have this option.

The first two energy systems (ethereal and bodily) are primarily linked to the physical functions of the human being. The others mentioned so far are linked to the subtle aspects of the human being. However, these links are not exclusive, meaning that all energy bodies are linked in different gradations with each other according to the human composition defined by the state of development of each person. For example, our physical state (the primary energy body) affects our emotions (astral body) and even some parts of our thoughts (mental body).

Although it appears that the physical body is the center (the cause) of the energy bodies, recent scientific research suggests otherwise, that the energy bodies precede the physical organization of the body using an energy map.

Actually everything we can see in this physical dimension has an exact counterpart (a double) in the causal vibrational range. For example, many of the times (not all) that a planet or even a complete solar system reaches the end of one of its cycles of existence, that is, it reaches a phase of apparent destruction, what happens is that it simply disappears its mass through a reduction in the bond that keeps its atoms tightly bound. However, its causal body, the energy that contains all its qualities (including materials) in many cases remains invisible to human sight until the moment of regeneration comes. The new phase of appearance uses that energy as an energy map or mold to densify the material components to their full strength. Consider that the baby that is formed in the mother's womb is preceded by a similar energy map that is filled by cells that divide to form the entire body. The characteristics of this mold are the cause of the so-called " differentiation " of stem cells to become fixedly in the various materials that make up the human body (bone, meat, cartilage, blood, etc.)

Note also the many cases of people who still feel a limb that has been amputated. The annals of the medicine are full of amputees that have complained of discomfort or pain where the removed limb no longer exists visually. However, images obtained through the use of electrophotography (the so-called Kirlian camera), both in human patients and in laboratory experiments with animals and plants, have revealed the continued existence of such excised parts. This fact contributes positive evidence to the concept of the hologram mentioned above, in which each component contains the information that it constitutes.

Many spiritual philosophies, as well as several scientists working in this field, have called the energy map the double astral, due to the perceived exact ethereal form of the human being However, this denomination also falls short in its accuracy. What is perceived in these cases is the subtle form of the physical body, but even that ethereal form has an internal component, in this case being the causal resonance. At the deepest level of every individualized existence, whether it has personality or not, is the causal resonant strip.

5. Spiritual body: Beyond the causal body, a variety of high energies, already called spiritual for a growing number of scientists, also n has its impact on the physicist and on the expression of the human personality. Of these energy systems little is known openly because the concepts are literally inexpressible in words. The transmission of truly spiritual information is impossible, so when we live focused on one of these strips they are not (and do not exist) masters in the strict sense of the word. True spiritual knowledge, which should not be confused with mere information, is not taught because there is no means of doing so because it is totally experimental. Even two people can even learn the same spiritual concept in different ways, making each experience highly personal and never standardized.

All the energy bodies exert influence on the physical body, each filtering energy of varied frequency around the human being until manifesting itself in the material plane. Each one gives the human being a different perception (reality) through different states of consciousness. For example, a conscious person in the astral plane (exceeding the etheric plane) does not experience time or space, since they are perceived only in the common-ethereal consciousness.

Energy bodies are not the only resonant systems that are in operation during our incarnate existence. Other less known include:

B. Acupuncture meridians : Although some treaties fix the appearance of acupuncture in the fifth millennium before the Common Era, the oldest physical evidence found in Mongolia (stone needles) suggests a beginning 5, 000 years ago. Acupuncture is based on the meridian system, formed by five subsystems of ducts located (ethereally) at different tissue depths. These systems appear to be the link between the physical and ethereal systems, the "map" that cells use as a template in their replication from the moment of conception to build the physical body and are the networks that distribute the energy of the vital body (" chi ”) through it. Acupuncture recognizes that any disease or physical ailment is the result of obstacles in the flow of energy through the meridians, using the insertion of needles and the application of heat to particular points of the system to restore the natural order.

C. Chacras : This appears to be the best known energy system in the distribution of vital energy in the human body. It is generally believed that the vortexes called “ chacras ” (wheels) are 7, but each human body has more than 360 secondary and an additional number less by which we receive, assimilate and express the vital force. The first 6 major chakras are aligned with major branching points of our nervous system and each is linked to a particular type of extraphysical perception and the functioning of physiological systems. For example, the third chakra (in the solar plexus) is associated with the astral body and has to do largely with emotions.

D. Nadis : To “ translate ” extradimensional forces for use of the physical body, the chakras are connected to this other distribution system, whose Sanskrit name is derived from the word “ tube ”. In the average person, this system is composed of about 72, 000 ethereal " threads " that are intertwined to the nervous system. One of its important functions is to circulate the so-called “ kundalini ” energy (linked to higher states of consciousness) when it is activated in our body.

From all this compact description of the energetic-resonant systems of the human being we can observe that all are independent but are intertwined in their functioning. Like any machine, the general link between its components is of greater importance for general operation.

The optimal operating parameters of human energy systems are flexible according to our periodic cycles of existence. Sometimes, for example, our physical chakras (ethereal and astral) could be in reduced operation to facilitate some mental-spiritual process that is happening and at that time the general energetic-resonant system could be functioning in its optimal state for these circumstances. On the contrary, the processes of the low mind (instincts) in intense operation for long periods will cause an equally uncontrolled activity in the third chakra (emotions) that will eventually be reflected in the lower resonance system (the physical body) with some disease.

In the average human being the farms will always be in apparent imbalance (some more active than others), but such configuration will always be "the order within the [apparent] disorder."

As Sakiamuni said : " We must not push the current that is already flowing ."

Our interior: the spirit

In this matter of energy, after examining our immediate and cosmic environment and having reduced our analysis to the human body, let's look at one of our innermost parts, specifically what we call the " spirit ." By saying " internal " we use an easy analogy to describe something that is actually completely integrated into our corporeal matter . That is, the physical body is not a container where the spirit is housed as it is housed, to say something, the liver, but the spirit is part of the matter of the container itself, as are the atoms that form it.

To clarify, leaving aside the arguments of the different spiritual philosophies, in this context we will use the words " spirit " and " soul " as synonyms. We also differentiate between the general term " spirit " used by some as a reference to the universal All (" being full of spirit ") and the most common in its denomination as a distinctive unit (" the spirit ", " a spirit ", etc.) . We will use this last meaning. When talking about the spirit we have to include the so-called " P eriespirit ", originally identified by Kardec in his spiritualist work and whose concept has been extended by his followers. According to Kardec's description and that offered by spiritualist teachers, the Spirit is a type of container that circumscribes the spirit. It also has other functions, including archiving the evolutionary history of the spirit (acquired skills, achieved virtues, knowledge, etc.) and being the link between the physical body and the spirit (which adheres to them). Spiritualism tells us that the Spirit adapts its qualities to the physical world where the spirit is and that it becomes more subtle as the spirit progresses in degree of development.

Using the same logic from previous articles, remembering that " everything is part of The All ", that everything (and The All) is energy and that all energy is resonant, the spirit could not be different. We emphasize that there is only one essence in the universe, a force, although modified to produce an infinity of things ... including the spirit.

Seen this way, in a brief description we note then that the spirit is an energetic field that is linked to another (the Spirit). Following the logical chain we see that both are linked to a physical body (when it is incarnated) and that the three (or two when it is disembodied) are linked to the energy system of a planet (the Earth in our case). But this link does not end there, because we also have that our planet (and we with it) is temporarily linked to the energy of our solar system, which is linked to the energy of the Milky Way (our galaxy), which in turn is energy linked to the Local Group (formed by 35 galaxies in total) and so on to El Universal Universal . This perspective can be applied to everything that exists and we conclude that El Todo is a great compound of energies, all linked together although in some cases they appear to be separated .

Many questions could be asked about it:

If this is so, why do I notice that I am different from others , with my own identity, my own ideas, my own knowledge? Why are we presented with spirits that speak to us as if they still had life, with personality, with intact memories, etc.?

The answer is quite simple: because in the vibrational strip that exists the human being, such apparent separation is necessary for our operation while we are linked to a globe in the reincarnation stage.

A good metaphor for explaining the apparent diversity in the cosmic unit is that of sea ​​currents . Imagine a particular current in the sea, either superficial or deep. Such a current is circumscribed to a particular form (it has a definite form), moves independently and is measurable. We see how it changes its shape, speed and direction. We identify it as individual. Does that mean that the current is separated from the sea? Of course not. The current, like human beings, is a product of the general environment in which it develops in the case of the current, product of the sea and its energies and, in our case, products of the planetary system in which we live and its various energies.

Who is I?

The best understood in spiritism say that the "I" is not the physical body, but the spirit . But can this be correct? The spirit is actually an energy unit that among its various components has an energetic-resonant mechanism that allows it to perceive itself, identify itself . That mechanism is the ego (which, like everything else, is another energy system), which gives the spirit the identity that distinguishes its apparent individuality among other spirits . The ego is part of a useful set of temporary energetic-resonant components that the spirit uses to develop and to be able to function in the material plane with other spirits. It is what gives the spirit more directly the experiences in the material and spiritual worlds that facilitate a growing breadth of perception . The ego is a temporary energy that dissipates when the spirit permanently leaves the physical body.

In its normal functions, the ego acquires its own personality, although in reality fictional, through which the spirit assumes customs, attitudes and qualities that will bring varied experiences. In saying " personality" we must truly say "personalities", since the average human being develops different faces according to the environments in which he develops. Within the great human mass, each of the personalities of each person assumes different characteristics to deal individually with household, school, work, social, etc. The common person actually has many "I" who alternate the personality command in order to handle the affairs of everyday life . In the constant struggle of all our personalities, we could see a fragmented spirit, without unity of thought or action. On the absence of unity in the average human being, Gurjieff said: “ Every thought, every mood, every desire, every feeling says 'I' and in every case it seems to be taken for granted that every 'I' belongs to the whole man. […] Every thought and desire arises and lives quite independently of the whole. [...] Man does not have an individual 'I', but hundreds and thousands of small separate 'I' that in many cases are completely unknown to each other or, on the contrary, hostile to each other, mutually exclusive and incompatible. "

In fact, he also added that as long as the human being does not unify all his personalities it will be absolutely impossible for him to evolve.

When the spirit is in basic states of existence, the ego, identified with the lower mind mentioned above, becomes excessively self-important (hence the name "egocentric ") due to fears caused by its ignorance. In these states the astral body is still strongly exerting vibratory influences centered on emotions, which contribute to causing experiences related to that state.

We note that the basic spirits are entities that suffer emotional states of fear, aggressiveness, arrogance, hedonism, etc. In these people the functions of the upper bodies, specifically high mental and causal are practically nil .

As the spirit advances in its learning, its qualities are changing and the experiences facilitated by an ego and its personalities in each incarnation are taking on other nuances. That is, the energy system that we call ego is reducing its resonance to a point where, like the sea current, it is permanently transmuted into another type of energy.

Seen from this broad perspective, we cannot then catalog the experiences of the spirit as negative or positive, good or bad. We will notice that all the experiences facilitate learning that will take it successively through different states of existence, of greater perception of the conscious, of higher resonant vibration. From this perspective we also conclude that the 'I' cannot then be the ego or the spirit because both change.

The true 'I', then, points to that point of central consciousness around which other energetic-resonant systems develop: the Being (capitalized to distinguish it from the verb), in some philosophies called the High Being .

The Being must not be confused with the ego or the spirit around which it is formed. On this subject William Columbus, a Puerto Rican spiritualist based in New York for many years, wrote extensively on this point. Although Columbus perceived the information from a spiritualist perspective (although very advanced for his times), it has been exposed by many other spiritual philosophies . Columbus called these two elements " substance " and " essence " and said, in part: " We can, therefore, reasonably maintain that being the personality of the substantial, is in fact evolutionary, and therefore variable. We had expressed, on the other hand, that the spirit itself, as an essential being, is not variable, or in other words, that it is involutive . ”

Unlike Columbus, other authors such as Wallice de la Vega believe that the spirit is not the essential part, but part of the individualized entity, whether or not it has begun its evolutionary journey. The Being represents the essential part mentioned by Columbus, this being the very essence that forms the entire universe . The Being is that conscious particle of The All and subsequently goes through etheric-material-etheric phases. At some point that "individualized point of consciousness" acquires tools, or vehicles of expression, one of which is the spirit. That is, in its inner part the spirit is composed of the Being, which in turn is an undifferentiated part of The All, and other energy fields.

How do all the energy-resonant systems mentioned so far relate? It should not be difficult to see how the universe is an energetic sea, composed of a single essence but abundant in temporary vibratory units that are the product of the essence itself. There is nothing to say about that supreme part because there is simply no such information. Although the religious systems have given him a name and surname, they continue to present us with illogical descriptions of it and proclaim themselves to possess the truth, in our vain attempt to define that All, only speculations can be made. The closest we will come to a clear understanding of the Great Essence will come in advanced spiritual states where we will simply notice the harmonic perfection of its functioning ... without the need to attribute features and without the need to know beyond our understanding.


Reincarnation is known as the process by which a spirit goes through stages of embodied and disembodied existences. However, given the many physical and subtle components of the human being, an inevitable question comes: Who or what reincarnates?

Veamos nuestra percepción de la totalidad del ser humano según los conceptos analizados: Bajo esta representación el Ser, que es una de las partículas conscientes que forman El Todo, comienza a reducir su resonancia y ésta, en vibraciones sucesivamente menores, comienza a dividirse en octavas de frecuencia armónicas, aunque no necesariamente exactamente iguales.

En el dibujo vemos el Ser compuesto mientras se encuentra en la fase evolutiva de un ciclo de manifestaci n universal:

1. el Ser, 2. energ as intermedias (mente superior, franja causal, 3. regi n del esp ritu (ego-personalidad temporal, mente media), 4. P eriesp ritu, 5. franja astral (mente baja, chacras, nadis, etc.), 6. franja vital, 7. cuerpo f sico, 8. aura (radiaci n compuesta).

Esta afinidad es similar a la mencionada en un a art culo anterior que trata de la m sica, donde se explica que sonidos de diferentes frecuencias resonantes pueden ser arm nicos o inarm nicos, o sea, en afinaci no desafinados. Las diferentes octavas contin an dividi ndose en secuencia (denominadas como energ as intermedias ) mientras la resonancia contin e reduci ndose. Una representaci n de esto puede ser vista dentro de un piano . Si miramos el arreglo de las cuerdas que son golpeadas por los martillos accionados por las teclas, notaremos que hay diferentes grupos. Las notas m s altas (de mayor resonancia) son producidas por una sola cuerda, las intermedias por dos cuerdas y las m s bajas por tres cuerdas. Mientras m s grave es el sonido, m s cuerdas son necesitadas mientras menor es la resonancia, en m s octavas se divide.

En esta secuencia el mayor n mero de octavas va obstaculizando la percepci n del Ser por ser m s groseras en densidad . En alg n momento del proceso se forma una franja energética compuesta por varias frecuencias particulares de vibración, siendo esto lo que llamamos “ P eriespíritu ”. El proceso de división de octavas resonantes continúa, formando la región llamada “ un espíritu ”. En otro paso de densificación otro conjunto energético comienza a desarrollar un tipo de individualidad y personalidad, aunque ficticias. Luego se forman los sistemas energéticos humanos y, en su momento, el cuerpo físico . Externo al cuerpo material, en la región que ha sido denominada como “aura ” se refleja la cualidad general resultante de todas las energías que componen nuestra entidad humana, generalmente identificada por su color.

Ahora bien, este sistema completo que se ha formado durante un tiempo que no puede ser definido bajo estándares humanos, siendo en su totalidad un sistema energético y particularmente resonante, es parte de la primera mitad de un ciclo completo de manifestación de El Todo . Si recordamos, la definición de “ resonancia ” es una “pulsación cíclica” (repetitiva). Esta parte del ciclo descrito es la parte que ha sido llamada negativa”, “activa”, “generadora”, etc., y es conocida en términos hinduistas como la parte de exhalación en la “ respiración de Brama ”.

¿Y qué pasa con la segunda parte del ciclo de manifestación universal ? Como todos los ciclos universales, éste pasa a la parte del regreso al punto de partida (la inhalación de Brama). Los ciclos universales, según vistos, por ejemplo, en los procesos de vegetación, enfermedades, de civilizaciones, de planetas, de galaxias, etc., tienen todos fases de formación, brote, desarrollo y plenitud seguidos por fases de deterioro, descomposición y desaparición.Según muestran los dibujos, la involución es seguida inevitablemente por evolución y, en cuanto a los seres humanos encarnados y desencarnados respecta, los ciclos de reencarnación son parte de la evolución, del regreso al comienzo.

El primer dibujo muestra un ciclo completo de manifestación de el Todo mediante una de sus partículas, mostrando dónde aparece el espíritu.

El segundo dibujo representa un concepto energético del Ser cuando está encarnado (izquierda) y desencarnado durante su etapa reencarnatoria.

Recordando lo dicho por William Col o n y respecto al segundo dibujo, distinguimos la parte reencarnatoria como toda la región vibratoria del espíritu (número 3), pero sin incluir el ego ni la personalidad temporales ni ninguna de las regiones energéticas que están en el exterior del P eriespíritu . O sea, técnicamente el proceso reencarnatorio es la aparición, uso y desaparición de los sistemas energéticos que están fuera de la región del espíritu .

La analogía que dice que fuimos “ creados simples e ignorantes ” se refiere a la primera encarnación del recién formado espíritu . Pero con cada desencarnación desaparece una porción cada vez mayor de nuestros sistemas energéticos groseros, acercándonos más a nuestro estado puro del Ser. Con cada encarnación sucesiva el espíritu tiene un poco más de percepción general, con cada regreso completado situándolo en un nivel espiritual más alto (analogía). Mientras estamos en la mayor parte del trayecto del regreso, en los ciclos reencarnatorios, la percepción del Ser está nublada casi totalmente debido a la energía densificada que lo acompaña. Durante este periodo el cuerpo humano y el mundo físico que nos rodean aparentan ser lo único que existe y por tal razón nuestra existencia está centrada en la región energética de los cuerpos bajos. A través de las diversas experiencias que nos atrae nuestra cambiante resonancia durante la fase de reencarnación vamos despertando a realidades sucesivas en las cuales progresivamente vamos entendiendo más sobre quiénes (o, más precisamente, qué) somos verdaderamente.

Si observamos el proceso veremos que la evolución no atañe directamente al Ser, que es inmutable, sino a la energía resonante que lo rodea durante su regreso .

En su momento, siguiendo las fases de los ciclos universales, toda la energía volverá a aumentar su resonancia a tal grado que habremos regresado a nuestro punto de partida como Seres completos y con plena conciencia.

La teoría panteísta asume que el punto consciente de El Todo, el Ser, a su regreso después de las rondas reencarnatorias se funde en El Todo . Sin embargo, otros autores piensan que el Ser simplemente continúa existiendo eternamente repitiendo el proceso involución-evolución .

Porqué y para qué lo hace son preguntas nulas de nuestras mentes limitadas que todavía no entienden la eternidad. En este nivel de percepción no caben este tipo de preguntas porque la repetición cíclica es simplemente la naturaleza del universo.


La conceptualización popular sobre el espíritu nos dice que los espíritus son simplemente personas que han desechado sus cuerpos físicos durante la llamada muerte y ahora habitan en el mundo espiritual. Bajo esta noción algunos desencarnados están lúcidos y saben cuál es su estado existencial, mientras que otros están en un estado de turbación que no les permite darse cuenta de su estado, incluyendo algunos que ni siquiera saben que han desencarnado.

Por su parte, los m diums m s conocidos (los parlantes) sirven de intermediarios para la comunicaci n entre desencarnados y encarnados, sean estos simples esp ritus esclarecidos, esp ritus de luz que vienen a instruirnos o una variedad de obsesores que por m ltiples razones posibles afectan negativamente a los encarnados.

Vemos c mo los obsesores tienen la personalidad, las costumbres, los comportamientos, los ademanes y la imagen m s reciente que tuvieron encarnados.

Ahora bien, consideremos este cuadro desde la perspectiva de la resonancia universal seg n expuesta hasta este punto. Seg n expresado, la regi n energ tica esp ritu-periesp ritu reencarna despojada de las energ as temporales se aladas como identidad (ego) y personalidad, que se forman con cada encarnaci n.

Consideremos de nuevo que todo lo que existe en el universo est en un estado de vibraci n resonante particular. Esto significa que el sistema energ tico que llamamos esp rtu, al estar desencarnado, est en una frecuencia diferente a la de los cuerpos humanos (incluyendo las del ego-personalidad). De ser cierta esta conceptualizaci n, el esp ritu desencarnado no tendr a personalidad propia, menos aun si la personalidad que el ego percibe es en realidad ficticia, un mecanismo de la densificaci n de energ as. Entonces, si los desencarnados carecen de personalidad y est n en franjas vibratorias diferentes, c mo pueden manifestarse e identificarse mientras est n desencarnados?

Continuando en esta l nea de argumento, he aqu una posible contestaci n. Mientras estamos encarnados estamos constantemente emitiendo energ a en forma de pensamientos, emociones, estados an micos etc. Mientras tenemos todos los sistemas energ ticos durante los periodos encarnados, esa energ a generada est vinculada con nosotros, nos pertenece . La interacci n entre nuestra vibraci n personal y nuestras experiencias es de fundamental importancia. Por un lado, la cualidad resonante de esta energ a vibratoria atrae experiencias que son afines a sta, o sea, es lo que define los sucesos de nuestra vida encarnada. Ante estas experiencias, nuestras reacciones intensas moldean una vida cotidiana intensa llena de temores, rencor, agresividad, etc. y, contrariamente, las reacciones apacibles moldean una vida pac fica. Por otro lado, las cualidades de nuestra vida diaria, incluyendo nuestros pensamientos, palabras y acciones, definen nuestra vibraci n resonante . En conjunto, ambas (vibraci ny experiencias) controlan nuestra capacidad perceptiva y por ende son las que regulan nuestro progreso espiritual . Las reacciones intensas tienden a perpetuarse y despu s de la desencarnaci n son estas energ as, junto con las de un ego-personalidad fuerte (un cuerpo astral dominando la existencia encarnada), las que persisten en la franja vibratoria de la Tierra y mientras mantengan su fuerza son percibidas por, y manifestadas mediante, los m diums.

Recordemos que la nica, verdadera y permanente identidad es la del Ser, siendo la del esp ritu encarnado una mera herramienta temporal til que nos facilita vivir en el mundo f sico. Pero eso no significa que tales entidades espirituales desencarnadas no sean importantes en la labor medi mnica. Por el contrario, es muy valioso poder comunicarnos y ver cómo podemos contribuir a que éstas se armonicen con la resonancia universal. La labor encomiable del equipo médium-monitor ayuda a aliviarle a los encarnados la carga que aportan las influencias obsesoras que han quedado como resabios de vidas encarnadas pasadas. Por otro lado, una reunión mediúmnica también podría entonarse con energías de mayor frecuencia resonante, dependiendo de las cualidades de las personas que compongan el grupo. En estos casos, la resonancia más alta puede ser interpretada por un médium como un espíritu superior, especialmente debido a que la información que esta resonancia representa es de mayor envergadura.

En la mayoría de los casos los mensajes de los llamados maestros espirituales tienen matices de temas armónicos universales como la fraternidad, la justicia, la tolerancia, etc. y en otros casos contienen información avanzada que puede ser útil y apropiada para los receptores. Casi siempre la energía que trae este tipo de resonancia deja a los presentes con un sentido de paz y bienestar… o sea, con una afinación más cercana a la resonancia universal.

Aunque muchos adeptos esprituales han aceptado el concepto básico que “ todo es energía ”, pocos lo usan para cualificar sus propias creencias. Si lo usásemos consistentemente entonces tendríamos claro la realidad que las comunicaciones mediúmnicas, incluyendo la incorporación, la videncia, la clarividencia, etc. también pueden solamente ser energéticas. En tal caso, vemos que los médiums simplemente perciben e interpretan estas energías de acuerdo a su capacidad, creencias y estado evolutivo (resonante). Es por eso que en términos generales se habla de afinidad entre los médiums y el tipo de las entidades espirituales que cada uno recibe comúnmente . Todo el universo está basado en la armonía entre vibraciones resonantes : no hay razón para que la mediumnidad sea diferente.

Conocimiento espiritual

El espiritismo nos enseña que otra de las funciones del Periespíritu es servir como almacén del conocimiento adquirido según progresamos en nuestras vidas sucesivas .

De acuerdo con esta filosofía, una vez que adquirimos, por ejemplo, la destreza de tocar el piano, ésta será nuestra para siempre. Supuestamente, los espíritus más avanzados tienen más conocimientos y, por lo tanto, un mayor caudal almacenado. Sin embargo, el espiritismo también nos dice que el P eriespíritu se va haciendo progresivamente más etéreo, más sutil, según el espíritu progresa . La suma y resta de estos dos conceptos nos da un balance que dice que el almacén se reduce según su contenido aumenta . ¿Tiene lógica esto?

Aquí sufrimos de nuevo los efectos de las analogías. Primero, el conocimiento, como las destrezas, la capacidad espiritual, etc., no son objetos que puedan almacenarse como tales, sino que todos son tipos de energías o, más precisamente, cualidades de ciertos tipos de energías particulares . Igualmente, el P eriespíritu es un tipo de energía adherida al conjunto de energías que llamamos “ un espíritu”, por lo tanto su capacidad de almacenamiento debe ser inexistente. Si partimos de la premisa certera que todo es energía, debe haber otra alternativa que explique nuestro creciente conocimiento.

Consideremos la posibilidad de que todo el conocimiento del universo, no siendo otra cosa que las cualidades de El Todo, radica no en unidades separadas guardadas en diversas localidades (en este caso cada espíritu), sino que está desparramado por toda la amplitud universal… que de hecho ES toda la amplitud universal . Esto ha sido expuesto durante milenios por muchas filosofías espirituales que han asegurado que el conocimiento no le pertenece a nadie en particular, sino que está disponible a todos los seres pensantes y que el acceso a éste depende de la capacidad del buscador.

La contestación a este acertijo del creciente conocimiento de los espíritus radica, precisamente, en la resonancia universal . Hemos mencionado anteriormente que los sistemas energéticos cambian de acuerdo con nuestro avance evolutivo, permitiéndonos sucesivamente mayor capacidad de percepción, mayor amplitud del consciente, según nos acercamos al punto de partida en los ciclos existenciales del Ser. Lo que en realidad sucede con nuestro conocimiento no es que tengamos algún tipo de almacenaje, sino que. nuestra amplitud de consciente nos permite progresivamente mayor capacidad de acceso al conocimiento.

Usando una analogía, imaginemos un tubo de 2 pulgadas en diámetro por 6 pulgadas de largo por el cual podemos mirar usando un solo ojo. Más aun, imaginemos luego que el tubo ahora mide 20 pulgadas de largo. Notamos en este ejercicio que nuestra visión es limitada por el tamaño de la abertura del tubo. Así sucede con el conocimiento, mientras más amplio sea nuestro medio de percibirlo mayor acceso tenemos a su vastedad. El largo variable del tubo asemeja la inmediatez del acceso: mientras más corto más rápido aparenta ser el acceso. Por supuesto, un tubo de un diámetro más grande nos permite percibir más. Visto aun más profundamente, en el núcleo de este sistema lo que sucede son variaciones de la resonancia de nuestros sistemas energéticos. Resumiendo lo dicho, al comienzo de la primera fase del ciclo de manifestación el Ser posee acceso completo a todo el conocimiento porque el Ser es parte de éste. Según involucionamos, las energías que rodean al Ser van reduciendo su resonancia y por consiguiente se reduce la capacidad perceptiva hasta llegar a aparentar ser “ simples e ignorantes ”. También en este transcurso nuestra energía se densifica más y más hasta formar el Periespíritu, el espíritu y el cuerpo físico con sus sistemas energéticos. Inversamente, desde el momento que comenzamos la segunda fase sucede todo lo contrario: mediante el proceso de reencarnación evolucionamos aumentando la resonancia de nuestros sistemas energéticos y nuestra capacidad perceptiva se amplía hasta que llegamos a ser nuevamente un Ser puro (depurado).

Todos estos cambios son equivalentes a cuán armoniosa (afinada) esté nuestra resonancia con la universal en cualquier momento dado. Este proceso se repite eternamente.

Sanación espiritual

La sanaci n es uno de los temas m s populares en el campo espiritual. En la obra El gran reto del espiritismo Wallice de la Vega presenta un desglose del proceso de sanaci n espiritual bajo su perspectiva y experiencia como practicante, ambas explicadas desde el punto de vista del espiritismo. B sicamente expone lo siguiente:

1. Su pr ctica de la sanaci n ha ido cambiando a la par con su estado evolutivo, utilizando sucesivamente t cnicas aprendidas en la regi n de Cuzco (Per ), el Reiki japon s, el magnetismo seg n descrito por el espiritismo y su t cnica actual que fusiona todas stas y otras.

2. Su t cnica actual est basada en el llamado fluido c smico universal .

3. El magnetismo y el fluido c smico son dos cosas distintas, la primera basada en la energ a propia del ser humano y la segunda proveniente directamente de El Todo.

4. La enfermedad, seg n el visionario ps quico Edgar Cayce, se manifiesta cuando una fuerza en cualquier organismo o elemento del cuerpo se torna deficiente en su habilidad de reproducir ese equilibrio necesario para el sustento de la existencia f sica y su reproducci n, esa porci n [del ser humano] se torna deficiente en energ a electr nica .

5. La sanaci n espiritual es la restauraci n del desequilibrio energ tico existente en casos de enfermedad. La profundidad de efecto del fluido c smico alcanza niveles m s profundos del ser humano que el magnetismo, siendo efectivo en problemas f sicos, astrales (emocionales, etc.) y mentales.

6. La evidencia m s antigua de la sanaci n espiritual se encuentra en el tratado titulado Nei Ching, escrito por el emperador chino Huang Ti entre los a os 2, 697 y 2, 596 antes de la Era Com n.

7. Muchos m dicos han venido analizando cient ficamente los procesos de sanaci n espiritual durante los ltimos dos siglos bajo la denominaci n medicina vibracional, estando entre los m s recientes el Dr. Bernard Grad, de la Universidad McGill (Canad ); la Dra. Justa Smith, de Rosary Hill College (Nueva York); el Dr. Robert Miller (Atlanta) y el Dr. Richard Gerber, autor de la enciclop dica obra Vibrational Medicine

8. La sanaci n espiritual es un proceso que incluye cuatro componentes: el receptor (paciente), la energ a (agente sanador), m diums sanadores (mediador) y esp ritu sanador (proveedor).

9. La práctica efectiva de la sanación espiritual requiere la capacidad del mediador de mantener la mente enfocada (concentración) firmemente en un objetivo (intención) por un tiempo definido (duración). La voluntad es la fuerza motriz que, al ser acoplada con la energía, produce resultados.

10. La combinación de factores capacidad-calidad del sanador es de vital importancia en la sanación efectiva. No basta que el médium tenga una voluntad (capacidad) excepcional para “mover ” energía, sino que también debe este conducto estar en su mejor forma posible física, emocional y moralmente.

11. La profundidad de los efectos del sanador depende de la frecuencia vibratoria en que él opera y ésta a su vez es proporcional a su estado evolutivo.

12. Los tres métodos usados en la sanación espiritual son la imposición de las manos (principalmente para magnetismo), la irradiación local (fluido universal) y la irradiación mental (a distancia), todos dependiendo de la capacidad del mediador.

Basándonos en este resumen, podemos profundizar en los conceptos mencionados viéndolos ahora desde la perspectiva de la resonancia universal.

No importa cómo se le llame, la sanación de los seres vivos es posible únicamente mediante cambios energético-resonantes . Tanto la práctica de los médiums como la ingestión de medicamento, la manipulación de partes físicas, las terapias mediante medios verbales y hasta la cirugía, todas producen cambios energético-resonantes que pueden restaurar la salud.

Los dos factores más importantes en la sanación espiritual son las cualidades de la energía aplicada y la capacidad del practicante . Técnicamente lo que sucede durante la sanación es la influencia de un sistema resonante sobre otro, tal y como mencionamos en el caso de la cantante cuya voz puede romper la copa de cristal y cómo una reducción en resonancia general obstruye la percepción general del Ser.

En el caso de la sanación el mediador tiene la capacidad de entonarse con resonancias más altas por medio de su voluntad y presentárselas al paciente . Igual que los diapasones ejercen fuerza vibratoria unos a otros, así la energía base (llamada “testigo” en varias filosofías) sirve de referencia para influir en el desequilibrio energético del enfermo . En muchos casos personas sensitivas han reportado haber escuchado tonos, haber visto colores, o ambos, al recibir tratamiento.

Hasta aquí nuestra serie de artículos sobre la resonancia. Si el lector desea aprender más, no deje de consultar la maravillosa obra de Wallice Jusino de la Vega . No le defraudará.

FUENTE: “ Resonancia Universal ” y “ El gran reto del Espiritismo ” de Wallice de la Vega.

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