Message from the Angels: How to Create Balance in your Life.

  • 2014

My dear friends:

We love you so much.

Today we want to talk to you about the equlibrio. We hear so many of you say: “I feel unbalanced, I want to live in a balanced way. How can I create balance in my life? ”Most of you know how it feels to be balanced, and yet very few know how to create this state of grace.

In a balanced life you feel centered and at peace. You have been taught that in order to have a balanced life you have to find time to work and play, time to perform activities and time to rest, time for you and time for others. However, my dear ones, our suggestion to live in a balanced way is much simpler. Instead of over-thinking the matter, realize that true balance can only be found in the present moment. Ask yourself a question: "Do I feel centered and at peace?" If not, ask yourself: "body, mind, heart and spirit ... what do I need right now? … right now. Not forever. Not for tomorrow. It is not something outside of you or beyond your reach, but right now.

To be truly balanced is to be aligned with the Love and Grace of God, and you have that Love and Grace available at any given time. What do you need right now to feel centered and peaceful? Maybe it's breathing deeply. They may have to ask for comfort because they are worried about a situation, and like a child, they want their angels to come and give them a hug. Turn it on and sit quietly and quietly, and we will gladly come to comfort you. Perhaps they are filling their days with too much activity and long for a rest, spend time outside in nature, time to lift their feet, to call a friend. Honor those desires, my dear ones, and you will find your way back to the currents of grace in which you are always balanced.

Consider the analogue of a tightrope walker. The balance for this individual is not something she can find outside the present moment. When you walk the tightrope, you must be in tune with your balance at all times. Worrying about what should be done in a few more steps could be fatal. Thinking about what he did a minute ago would distract him from the work at hand. You are also on the tightrope, always trying to realign yourself with the needs of your own body, mind and being.

Therefore, my dear ones, try to be in the present moment with yourself frequently. Ask yourself : Am I focused and at peace? If not, ask your body, mind and being: what do I need now? Listen. Honor the guide, even if it seems too simple. You often think that you will require massive changes to live in equilibrium, but at any given time this requires only a small choice. You feel unbalanced when you ignore your inner compass. They feel balanced when they are centered and aligned with Divine Love flowing through you at all times.

Whether they are a person walking through life or a precariously balanced tightrope walker on a rope high in the air, true balance is not a static state of being but rather one that must be reevaluated with every moment What happens.

God bless you! We love you so much.

The angels

Messages from the Angels January 25, 2014

Message from the Angels: How to Create Balance in your Life.

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