Message from the Chinese Goddess Nüwa - Be Kind of Any Way

  • 2015

Ah, there are so many beautiful hearts filling this beautiful earthly world, it is very pleasant to see it. And yet, what I see is also the conflict, and not only the great conflicts between governments, politicians and religions, but conflicts between you. A small conflict from time to time is not a bad thing, without them one would not know what needs to be corrected or what can be learned. There will always be unreasonable and illogical people; You have also demonstrated self-centeredness on occasion. After all, are they not on the path of the great discovery and exploration of the I? The way to get there is unique and individual, and all roads are worthy of respect and appreciation. There will always be a way of doing things that does not resonate with the way you strive, but that does not mean that you cannot be cordial, considerate, respectful and kind, my dear and beautiful hearts. Similarities are what brings you together, but from what is different you are destined to learn, not to separate and divide more.

It is already known and accepted that you are affectionate, and indeed, kind. It is also true that sometimes showing kindness to others makes them feel vulnerable. Why? Do they feel that their goodness or their actions will be questioned? People always have questions. It is necessary to ask in order to give up the habit of assuming what the other person is thinking.

Just because you find someone who does not agree with a certain way in which you do things or choose a way of life or practice that is different does not mean that you cannot relate to that person and be friendly. Every stranger they see has the potential to be their friend. All they need to do is stop fearing, opening up and saying hello, encouraging conversation, even when you start with vague topics like the weather. Smile and make shine that beautiful heart that beats with the rhythm of life to each inhalation and exhalation they give.

Let what is similar or equal become the bridge of understanding of what is different. The different being is how each one of you is destined to be. You know it, you realize deep inside that you are not destined to be just like your neighbor or the person you work with or next to who you sit or who you choose to marry. Put your best effort into every opportunity to interact with others, leaving aside the need to judge, criticize or assume. Every man and woman is a beautiful creation, a brother or sister . . . a friend. Even the destitute and illiterates are worthy of friendship and kindness, and both are the product of a generous and caring heart, and where there is genuine love there is no room for thoughts or egoistic ideals because everything comes from a place of purity and grace.

My precious hearts, any relationship you have had in the past has not failed because of lack of love, because it was love that helped pave the way for both of you. What caused the separation is a lack of mutual friendship. You cannot make a lukewarm and unhealthy attempt to be friends and expect the relationship to last. For friendships to last a long time there must be an equal effort of both to give and receive in order to understand, ask, comfort, nurture and simply love each other without wishing to change the other person.

Relationships based on kindness, appreciation and respect have ties that are flexible, but strong enough to withstand the many challenges they will face without a doubt. Keep in mind, my precious hearts, that you might be having a bad day and want to shout, download or do something aggressive that could be considered negative; The person with whom they share their discomfort may be having a bad day too. Consider that others, besides you, are also going through challenges, difficulties, and any other tribulation that life has offered you. There is no person in this busy world who has not suffered some kind of loss or who has not dealt with any difficult situation or two to overcome. Life, as you know, is hard; Everyone tries their best to overcome their own challenges and hardships. Instead of reacting with your heated emotional self and hostility, take some time and breathe, reset yourself and regain your composure, a much calmer and reasonable one.

With so many different kinds of people in this busy and chaotic world it is understandable and inevitable that you lose patience and get upset at times, but you have the ability to handle your irascible temperament and emotions before you say something or act in a way That is irreversible. You are an emotional species by nature, and learning to make peace with these riots is a powerful challenge, but one that is rewarding and admirable. My precious hearts, just imagine how different your day would be if you contained the need or repressed the habit of thinking negatively, of making assumptions and judging the other person who is just trying to make his way along his own path. Instead of being critical of others, try to see the good in each person you meet and respect their way of being and choices that may not resonate with you, but that does not mean they cannot show kindness and gratitude because they have shown you a different perception. or a different way of seeing something.

The best way to be friends with someone else is to be friends with themselves first. Contemplate really, truly, what it means to be a friend. What strengths do you look for when choosing a friend? How similar are they to the way you see the world? Are they able to accept and ignore their flaws? About this and more it is necessary to think about what it is to build relationships. Let your precious heart guide you and trust your influence, my precious hearts.

The more they extend a friendly hand to someone, no matter what their perspective on life is, the more they will know peace. It is not difficult to be kind, it is only a little change how things are doing today, taking time to see around you and see from the heart where you need a little kindness. The world before you is your playground, my precious hearts, and every dear being who shares it with you is a potential friend, some possibly for life. Will they reach out or smile friendly? Now is the time to make anything possible; Do not wait for tomorrow because tomorrow has not arrived yet.

I AM Nüwa, the Chinese Goddess of Creation

Received by Julie Miller

Translated by Gloria

Message from the Chinese Goddess Nüwa - Be Kind of Any Way

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