Master Hilarion: Consciousness Revolution

  • 2015

Weekly Message from January 11 to 18, 2015


In the World a quiet revolution of consciousness is happening. As hearts open to the greatest energetic influence, they begin to remember their mutual Divine connections. They begin to sit in silence and solitude to go inside and reflect on the true state of their Being. They take the necessary time to understand that the World in which they are living is changing rapidly; and they are wondering why it will be. They seek to find the answers to their many questions; and they return to the Internet where they have the opportunity to test many keywords that act as portals for information volumes that will instantly be displayed before them, in the vast library of knowledge collective. They are looking for answers as to what life really consists of, to the existence of the Spirit; and as they do they discover information that opens before them a completely new reality. Inside their heart and soul, they discern what sounds true.

In many ways it is uncomfortable for them to begin to understand that each person on the Planet is responsible for their own choices and actions at all times, that their Soul is being held responsible for all their actions throughout their lives; that the World that they thought was real, was only an illusion projected by forces external to them. From this awareness comes the awakening; the desire to know where they are in the scheme of things. This awareness opens new exciting paths; and discover new possibilities for your life. When their hearts open to new possibilities, they see that only their attention, intention and diligence are required. In many ways the horizon expands; and they begin to explore new potentials for their lives, new thoughts, new actions that they can take to make their lives better than before.

They look at people in their lives from a new perspective. Well, it is in relationships with others where they can learn more about their own character, that what they see in the people around them that they like and admire, is a quality that they themselves incorporate. And what they don't like in someone's character is also part of their own character. They begin to have a more compassionate attitude towards themselves and others; and they see that each encounter with another helps them to broaden their understanding of Life and Love; and it helps them see more of who they are as individuals. They choose to accept and love themselves and people more in their sphere of influence; and accept the world as it is. Now you understand that your personal World is the result of your thoughts; and that they can change their thoughts for more loving ones; and that in doing so they create a life and a kind World to be experienced.

They begin to trust a higher power that has always been active in their individual lives, the Universal Power of Love that always guides them and stands firm in the face of time; and with this his life acquires greater meaning and purpose. When they allow themselves to feel and experience the Love that bathes them and everyone on the Planet, they realize that nothing can ever harm them or have a negative effect on them, unless they themselves allow fear to enter. By keeping the heart and mind open; and trust that the healing power of Love transforms their lives, they experience more joy and happiness in all their facets. By trusting in the Truth of their Heart and their intuitive perceptions, they attract towards them everything necessary to create what their heart desires; and greater peace and clarity will manifest in their daily lives.

In all Creation there is a Divine Order; and everyone's life is always kept in perfect balance. Each experience that a person goes through, is a lesson in Love and wisdom that serves a deeper purpose than the person can understand at the time they experience it. Everyone has the ability to rise mentally and emotionally over everything he finds in his life; and transcend it. The current tests that people are experiencing in their lives in these times, as individuals and as a collective, increasingly call for compassion, tolerance, patience and gentleness. These qualities are a sign of maturity and strength of character. It is possible to resolve situations in a kind manner that creates positive results for all involved. In the heart of all matter, there is only Love.

Until next week…

I AM Hilarion.

Translated: Jairo Rodríguez R.

channeled by Marlene Swetlishoff

Master Hilarion: Consciousness Revolution

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