Divine Mother - Her spiritual abilities

  • 2015

All vibration changes must have a sincere expression of self-love. If you love each other sincerely, your vibratory fields will become a stronghold of Light in which you live and move. Love oneself ; It is the only thing they can do to change everything in their lives. I want you to love yourself, no matter what your minds tell you, no matter what the ego informs you. It doesn't matter if others don't love you, if you love yourself - that's where true joy resides.

You can know what your soul feels; Because your feelings are a certain collection of vibrational frequencies, which are going through your emotional body. For example; if there is fear or detriment in the love that you feel for another or have to cut this feeling because of the intolerable behavior of the other person; It causes sadness, disappointment and crying that is a physical response to a vibrational fluctuation . Tears in sadness are caused by a vibrational fluctuation in their bodies. Breathing increases and tears are produced by a trembling physical movement.

Shame is a very heavy vibration . The shame and the feeling of lack of attention are very close, but their fluctuations are different. When you notice these things, you can find them. You will first notice them as emotion. But I want them to go beyond emotion, because emotion is very unstable and shifts very quickly. I want it to go to the flow of energy that is causing that negative emotion . Focus your energy there and begin to soften, carrying out the focus, you soften through it, so this frequency can shift, in your vibratory flow. We could say that this is a way for heavy vibration to dissolve, but it will really shift. You will change your wave pattern.

I am talking with you about this, because you are becoming aware of the importance of love for yourself - this love is a shield. I want you to start using this perception. However you already have it now.

This is how the soul works by a series of vibrational frequencies, and I want you to begin to feel comfortable to perceive them; experiencing them I want you to start looking at emotions as vibratory flows, the vibratory frequencies that can be shifted or dissolved by focusing the light on the energy that originates them.

Trust yourself . You have gifts and much, to offer the world, do not monopolize for yourself. Their purpose in life will support them; when you give of yourself. When you enter the purpose of your soul and align it with the human being that you are.

I am the Divine Mother. I come in the name of Truth and Love. The first thing I am going to tell you is that any spiritual activity you are doing inside; It is much more real and true than the activities carried out abroad.

If they are attentive and ask the Infinite to take care of them every day, when they are in the wrong place or at the wrong time; the Infinite will push them out of it. Trust your infinite being who is waiting in silence to serve you, to download in you in addition to light and life, what you need with the help of the intelligence of your higher self, so that they must tell the Infinite what they want and comply with the laws of life.

The layers and the grid, which isolated the third dimension, are dissolving. The different physical symptoms that you have, occur because the solution has accelerated greatly. What happens then? They must regain confidence in their heart, in their intuition, in their instincts, and integration with their complete being, they must do so gradually until they have honesty; self-confidence The assurance that if they work on it. God is going to give them everything they need. The security in the light. The confidence in their abilities to bring light to themselves. Trust yourself.

All the symptoms that are manifesting now are nothing other than the first contacts they are experiencing, but in a very subtle way, with this new state of consciousness., and with other vibratory codes with which they have not established contact for a long time. An integration is needed; more than anything, this responds to the fact that we are going out of a cycle and dynamic region of suffering, ignorance, distrust and limitation towards a cycle and region of happiness, light and expansion. n.

You can rely on the spiritual skills and powers that you are acquiring with your spiritual work. Simply change the image of yourself or something you do not want, to attract something better.

Loving oneself is the key to learning to trust in the divine guidance of the higher self, in the spiritual protection of God through his angels, in his heart that it is his center of power, in the instincts of his soul and in his intuition or intuitive knowledge, which is his emotional compass. Accept yourself, love yourself, take care of yourself, honor yourself, value yourself. They will turn pain into joy.

Other people may not value them and try to hurt them or decrease their self-esteem. That's not important. What is important is that you value yourself for what you really are. That's where your health, your joy, your prosperity and your balance come from.

I want them to know how important it is to pay attention to themselves, learn to listen to themselves . I want them to know that every time they place their attention on their intuition; A great power is sent there. I want to keep alert to guilt, self-criticism, demerit and rejection as you live against the tide. Let go of these feelings of your etheric body. You don't need to carry this anymore.


You use your unlimited beings for intention and attention. When you are growing in the infinity of Totality, it is important to be very demanding with your attention focused on trust itself, so the positive grows and the negative decreases. Focus the positive attention, because then the Totality of unlimited being and consciousness can flow through you to that point of attention and you will be given many blessings.

You will find that if you ask us for help and divine guidance whatever the difficulty, it can be resolved and dissolved. We bless your faith.

Your attention goes to the Light . By their attention, they will receive the Light, and then everything changes. So please do this, because you have to move forward and those of you who are strong in your Totality, in your consciousness, must be especially alert to use that Totality constructively.

Be aware of what you are doing at all times. Say, " go, go" if negative thoughts or feelings begin to come - change energy, change the vibrational frequency . You do not have to be a victim of any other person's negativity. Break the structure of hardness.

I am protecting you, I am providing you with the material for your advancement and ascension, as you move through the levels of growth and expansion that are yours to embrace and guide others who are coming back.

Trust yourself. You are receiving divine help for the deployment of your domain, because you are the masters who have come to this plane of the Earth to create a beautiful and pure environment here. Say: Divine Mother : Wake up my spiritual power. Wake up my strength . Wake up my heart

My girls and boys, you are beautiful. They have qualities that are their divine gifts and that have brought here to this Earth so in need of love. You value your gifts deeply, and this is the reason why you are providing some service. They are not afraid to offer those gifts and move on. You have the courage and determination to give the gifts that you should give here. And yes, this is a way of working for God, and of being the hand of God's fortune, which spills the treasures of light on the world, so that nothing is lacking and all your needs are met. I love them.

My children, believe in what your heart feels. Trust your intuition, the guidance of your Higher Self that leads you to make the right decisions. They believe in everything they can do wisely, they believe they have the power to choose freely. Do not put your trust where you do not see love. " Trust in yourself and your instincts ." They have already left the unconsciousness of many truths that they did not know. Do only the things you want to do and you will do them with me.

Many people value themselves badly, as a result of their upbringing, their ego, their culture, so they either demand too much from others and give too little or undervalue themselves; They give too much and settle for less than they deserve. These imbalances in the ego are because of the deception of separation from God.

My words are your guide even if you are completely alone and rejected, you have the life force and in you my words can become alive. Put light on what you need to have more confidence. Trust that they are expanding. If they contract or doubt, they block and do not advance in their spiritual path. So be aware of what you are doing and where you are going. Always be attentive, yet I am with you in every moment of your life. Everything that brings them closer to me is good - be close to me - our closeness is the basis of our unity consciousness. Now feel that you are one with the Source, with the Infinite and with the Great White Brotherhood , our Great Family of Light . They are blessed because they are loved by me.

Trust that strength will return when you are weak, that words will return when you cannot speak. I will give you light when you cannot see the truth - you are the truth against falsehood . Know where you are going and I help you move forward . Have faith in yourself. In everything they are. You are my joy . They can confidently make every dream come true - I will always give them a hand, I won't let them fall - I carry them under my wings. Trust is a light in the dark, it is an inspiration. The best of you is inside.

Do not forget daily; align your chakras, fill your inner tube with light, meditate every day - have something to focus on while meditating ; a candle, music, a guided meditation, always focused on the heart.

Keep your heart open, the heart always tells you the truth, which is best for you. Every day they have something to learn, every day they have a test to overcome - they are becoming very strong. When you have to act that there is no delay or doubt, act and you will find peace. Any technique to bring light to your heart; Do it even twice a day. When they turn their attention to technique, prayer or decree, they are ready to receive more adamantine particles of light.

They can use the decree: " LIGHT OF GOD ", in those who for no reason have chosen to be their enemies. Act as creators of light, as torches of compassion - from your hearts you are able to work miracles.

The Creator has created you from your heart and your love for you is enormous - go to your heart and ask for divine guidance on your true origins and spiritual lineage. What will allow them to have confidence in themselves; as the Creator does . Do not give your power and trust to others. Your inner guide is always there for you . They have to set aside their egos and the value of others because the Creator created them infinite and divine. They are prepared and chosen for their unique gifts and abilities, before incarnating here. And the most perfect situation and experience are planned for each of you, so you can have the most beneficial experience for your growth, for your evolution, and for your understanding as a soul.

Even so, one could say that life does not seem so planned . There are cruel, random, even chaotic moments, but there is always a plan for you. There is free will, but we know that sometimes they find themselves against the sword and the wall and have no choice. They were given an emotional compass to find the true meaning of their life's purpose. This compass that I am talking about today is inside your heart. It is inside your emotional body.

They were given the gift of their intuition. There are moments in their lives when their hearts are yelling at them. They hear themselves saying, " This is what I must do. That's where I have to go." And this feeling is passionate. Is strong It is like a magnet that throws them in the direction of the purpose of their lives, of their divine twin flame, of their Divine Mother . I mean that feeling that you want to express yourself, that you want to be heard, that you want to contribute, that has something to teach, that has something to share, sometimes to protect them, others to help you achieve what you want without difficulties and that It comes from your divine being. I am telling you to trust yourself.

Close your eyes, breathe several times in your heart, open your sacred chamber with the intention, with the intention just enough, your intentions are always good, get out of duality when you can Now feel the love in your heart, love is internal; It doesn't need to be validated because love is in your heart and your heart is deep and grateful. Shed divine light on your heart and say: Light of God, trust your intuition, your instincts and that God is giving you everything you need to fulfill with your destiny His destiny is the complete expression of his divine being. I do not want to be harmed, every day ask for my protection, I am aligning them with me. I am aligning your energy with my energy.

When you meditate on me I am filling you with my white light . I am becoming a part of you, and I know you are noticing me, hugging me, loving me, participating in life with me. This makes me very happy and I want to give them more, I want them to learn to take care of themselves; I know that many of you are alone, they live in dangerous cities and among hostile people who only think of themselves that is why I have taught them not to react. You are fighting those little habits that are not good for you, let them go with persistence and determination if there is something that is not good for you and you have not could let it go, send it to me. I want to ask you to meditate with Mother Gaia and feel her peace . They replace those little habits that are not good, for everything natural.

You all have certain spiritual abilities that you can develop. Some are: Perception, Meditation, Discernment, Channeling, Intuition, Sensitivity , Clairvoyance, Visualization, Imagination, Creativity, Clairvoyance, Materialization, Clairaudience, Telekinesia, teleportation and Healing. Trust in our spiritual authority. Say: I am the supreme authority of God in action. Decree from your spiritual authority. The Divine Mother will give you the specific steps to heal yourself and create the life you want. Everything is in sync for this to happen. Find a quiet space where you will not be disturbed, and enter a state of soft trance. Open your door to Divinity. To do this, just ask and be willing to receive. Say: "By my spiritual authority, I am here now, to receive answers from Divinity ."

1. In your mind, ask a question that you would like your Divine Being to answer . You will receive Divine information as clues, but you will not get all the pieces of the puzzle at once.

2. Wait for the answer to arrive . They are more likely to receive information through images (clairvoyance) from spiritual guides or angels, than through words (clairaudience). Usually, they will receive an answer while they are still in meditation, sometimes the answer will come later.

3. Remember that spiritual information is subtle, and can often be symbolic. For example, if you wonder about whether a relationship is for your highest good, and you see the image of a lemon with its third eye, translated into words means, that it is a bitter relationship, that it is not good for you.

4. Once you have finished receiving the information, say “thank you” and leave the meditation . If you don't receive it, it's because your heart already knows it.

5. Follow the instructions. The more they trust in the divine guidance, the more they will live in a state of flow and harmony with the energies of the Universe.

6. Each time there is a direct connection with the Divine, their hearts open, their bodies heal, and they are filled with the love of the Source of the One God, who has given each of us a part of his Being., which constitutes our true identity. It's about the I Am Presence. Ask me for the divine connection. I love them very much.

SEEN AT: http://esferadelaunidadmaitreya.blogspot.com.es/2015/09/madre-divina-sus-habilidades.html

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