Divine Mother - We are united by love and truth. Everything is fine now I need you. Via Susannah

  • 2016

I am here to support your creations. Keep going. I am the Divine Mother, I come to you in the name of truth and love . We are One we love each other. Sometimes it is hard for you to receive divine guidance - be patient, the torch of my light will come on time and clarity will come. I'm always with you.

As rivers connect and soar to the sea, their hearts connect with me through the light that has the powers of attraction and expansion. We are working to expand the antennas of their hearts to suit the universe. You are expanding in the totality that is purer; by releasing everything that your higher self is trying to eliminate. You are healing yourself by letting go of the pain, and there is no pain that I cannot wash. Lean on me to have more strength and achieve what you want. Support me in the difficulties and be certain that I will not allow them to harm you. Put all your difficulties into my light.

All they perceive of the outside world with their five senses, are only the appearances of the forms. What they perceive from the inner world they do with the sense of consciousness. Projecting their consciences can reach me. Say: Mother, I want to channel your consciousness and your energy - Feel my love in your heart, feel it.

The work has been exhausting for those souls who have participated in bringing light to Earth and in the union of the twin flames for a soul contract that will be rewarded as they move towards the light. I am the supervisor of the alchemy of love between the twin rays .

The Akashic Records and the Akasha carry the energy of the Divine Mother. Akasha's goal is to awaken his true spiritual nature and self mastery. The Sanskrit name Akasha means unlimited space in a database that stores all past and present experiences. All the experiences they have had are stored within the atmosphere of their planet, in their linear time and then transferred to the Akashic Records, in the soul book.

Energy is spent and renewed within its same cycle. The secret is to put it into action consciously, and thus generate new sources of energy through the realms of light that will serve you in the continuity of now. Be still and recharge yourself with the energy of God.

You are in the awakening of the spirit and your self mastery. My vital energy is at your service. From his love for the divine is born what I call faith and devotion. Feel the joy of your permanent union with me. I carry you in my arms and you carry me in your hearts. Yes, they live in this relative world, the only constant is change. The amount of pain you suffer is related to the way you go to the facts and circumstances without letting them go.

Get up in the morning, waiting for something wonderful to happen to you. The first minutes, dedicate them to the Creator Father. Many good changes are occurring to improve their lives on this planet. What does not change is the truth of who you are; You are my sons and daughters and an expression of God. As they recognize their divinity; they are living their transformation and an expanded state of consciousness.

How to harmonize the Akashic records with a higher prism?

We are working on the healing of their souls and their bodies, in solving their problems that overwhelm them and make them feel insufficient. They are not alone, they are in union with me, with their inner guidance and with the protection of the Holy Spirit and of the Miguel Angel. Now we are going to travel to the crystalline nucleus of Mother Earth, to a cave of crystals connected to the ether of the Akashic records. We ask for the divine guide of Sanat Kumara. We invoke the guardian angels of the Registries. When they get there; The Keeper of Records will give you the book of your soul, which can only be opened and closed by yourself. Once they have the book; ask the Spirit to open it in the situation that is causing them difficulties and ask the truth that they need to know. You are going to see images and listen to answers for the situations that you want to release and cut the energy cord with that situation that does not serve you for your greater good. You have to let her go and trust me. Your guides will give you a message that will help you understand your current life.

Each Soul has its own book, where without trial all the experiences of all their lives are registered, as a unified field of learning. The Soul that they are, needs to remember some experiences, to heal. If they stay in the old, they do not give themselves the opportunity to receive the new. It is your Higher Self, who coordinates what will be revealed to you, from the plane of the Akashic records, so that you have moments of clarity and truth, of harmonization and healing. Of greater understanding; Some situation they need to solve or some information they wish to find will also give them information about past lives that have created repetitive self-destructive behaviors. You can ask the purpose for which they are here. Say: I ask the Lord of the Akashic Records, my Higher Self, my spiritual guides, and the beings of light, to allow me to enter the enclosure of the Ak Records Children, under their guidance and protection, to access the information I request for my greatest good, and for the service of the Divine Mother.

“I ask my Divine Presence and the angels that heal the soul to find, cure, cleanse and rebuild, all the small parts of my soul that I have lost through painful experiences and integrate them. I want all the pieces of my soul back. ” It is possible that if some fragment returns, you remember the experience that caused the fragmentation and disintegration. It is an opportunity so that with the collaboration of your soul, you can heal through your Akashic records; some traumatic events, even in today's life, letting them go from their etheric memory, for greater well-being. The Logs portal opens there are many silver pyramids and the sky is pink. You are standing in front of a large hallway that leads to the room where the Akashic records (the book of life) are kept. It is a glass building without a roof or walls. You are supported by your guide, your angels, Jesus, Kwan Yin, Adama de Telos, Saint Germain, Hilarion, Sanat Kumara, Mother God, Father God and the prophet Elijah. The scene unfolds in this way: The keeper of the records is standing and he knows why you are there. He takes you to the great hall, his supporters follow him and give you your book of life.

You are facing your book - placing your hands slightly above the book feels its soul vibration. The book in collaboration with your soul, has the power to heal everything by itself.

When we give the commands (the book will guide you according to the indications of spirit) the book will open by itself - you will see a hologram of the experience or trauma that occurred to you somewhere in your existence as a soul that cries out for healing. You are the director of the Divine Flow. The flow can move. As the trauma is healed by divine light, divine love and forgiveness, you can write the amendment; That you choose life. In the Akashic Records of the past there can be no changes, but they can be modified. You will choose the amendment to affirm life and free yourself. Most likely, you are suffering today because someone in your soul story hurt you and these beliefs torment you now. Beliefs that have kept parts of your life imprisoned.

Ask the Cosmic Holy Spirit, its protection and the healing of traumas or experiences that you would not have wanted and that involve your current soul journey. Take advantage of the opportunity you now have to be increasingly aware of your thoughts, emotions, feelings and actions from your past. Meditate on your soul book. First they quiet the body and mind from their heart, and pay no attention to the outside world, in order to join their higher self in the silence of their inner sanctuary.

Let it be your mantra, "I release myself (ma), from everything that is not about me." See the transmutation of your physical body into your light etheric body that is just outside of you. Now it moves beyond your personality, your wounds and the defenses of your ego.

You realize a ray of white light that intuitively knows you should follow. As you progress along the axis of light, you see several rooms where there is vibration and movement. There are two levels in the Records. The first level is in the fourth dimension; what reflects the third dimension without body, what you live inside. All this moves towards a denser and brighter light, a higher frequency of existence. Now you comply with your guiding spirit that takes you by the hand, everything around you has harmony and balance. You feel joy and a feeling of familiarity when you are received by the teachers of the Registries - your guide has taken you to the Office of the Registries. Then you arrive at a cosmic librarian who gives you a crystal that contains a complete record of all your lives; All the lessons you've learned and you still need to learn for the mission of your life.

Each of you has been creating your reality through your emotions and thoughts - past and present and future. All these times are really now; The past was once the now. The present is the now and the future will become the now. You can think of segmented Akaskic Records in these three time zones - past, present and future. Since The Registries live in the now so that he can see his past, present and future, and has deduced a review of the life and previews that serve his highest good, and what it takes to fully activate his plan soul, your reason for being here through your talents that are the gifts you have to offer, know what you are and why you are here. Your Askáshicos records are interactive, as they reveal past and present, and integration with the future moment by moment with those you interact to upload the experiences you need and serve your greatest good and that of others. It is a personal “workshop” to access the lessons learned and those that are still needed to achieve self-control and the complete activation of your soul plan (reason to be here). Please forgive others, since each of you is exactly where you are for a divine reason. All incarnation cycles are divinely planned.

His science of quantum physics shows that there are active electromagnetic frequencies that also exist within informational frequencies. These allow movement; regardless of time or distance or simultaneous telepathic transmission of information. These frequencies contain consciousness and are the guide for the constant expansion of creation. It is your destiny to take advantage of these electromagnetic frequencies that are in and around your planet as information for everyone.

This information is available to you simply by asking and demonstrating that there is a loving Creator who intends to help you awaken your true divine nature by its knowledge and the application of the reason for your existence; Learn to love and be in service. You and all that is, become one, as written within the Akashic Records.

All fears, sorrows, and difficulties in surviving are ready to be washed and transmuted, if you send them to the Divine Mother. She is your own deepest truth and is attracting you home to seek refuge and protection in her infinite heart. She sees your soul and your whole being There is no pain too great that cannot be cured by her infinite mercy. So take great joy in this moment of turning inwards in a meditation towards the center of the Universe. If you go up, you will be rewarded. If you go inside and complete the cycle; He will meet you there with someone you already know. Everything is here now. Just ask and open their hearts and tell the truth. You will be shown an ever greater truth as you approach the Divine Mother who is near and within you .

AUTHOR: Susannah

SEEN AT: http://esferadelaunidadmaitreya.blogspot.com.es/

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