The prayer levels

  • 2013

This note was shared by our sister Lupe Ocando, really beautiful what is raised in it and that we must take into account since our page is based on it .. pray .. connect .. ask .. believe .. FAITH .. LOVE .. day by day we feel beautiful miracles and many hearts feel identified with this work that we promulgate ... on what level are we dear World Family of Angels?

Why so much prayer is requested, why most of the Why so much prayer is requested, why most of the messages, Channels, and contacts ask for continuous prayer? Well in this little article and based on the study of José Trigueirinho Netto "Powers of Prayer" we place some of the characteristics described by the philosopher. Perhaps it is time for us to commit ourselves fully to prayer.


The sentence has 6 levels and each level produces different effects:

First level

* Save the essence of being, avoid the loss of energy in risk situations.

* It connects us with the Superior planes.

* Neutralizes and circumscribes negative forces that are around us, stopping their progress and preventing our aura and our environment from penetrating.

* It revitalizes our consciousness

* Promotes and maintains healing energies.

* Allows us to reach sublime states

* Protects the coronary center, located at the top of the head. * Acts in the pineal gland. * Harmonize the pituitary gland.

* Stabilize thoughts and emotions

. * Creates a protective dome, which can reach several meters around the body. * Unwrap the ability to adapt to the new times

* Heals the ground.

* Heals the plants.

* Cure the animals.

Second level

* Dispel existential doubts.

* Promotes definitive internal and external changes, if we were really willing to transform ourselves.

* Strengthens compassion.

* Repels negative mental creations.

* Can overcome physical pain.

* Eliminates insomnia.

* Promotes the circulation of energy in the bodies.

* It can disintegrate cells that do not work well, as in the case of cancer, but only acts if we really want to live.

Third level

* It can dissolve or dematerialize thought-forms emitted upon us.

* Offers clear indications of what we should study.

* Enables contact with the energy of the Solar Disks of Power, where the instruction to which we are entitled comes.

* Create conditions for the Hierarchy to approach us.

* Keeps our Faith alive.

* Does not caution against pride.

* Stimulates the formation of groups that can pray selflessly.

Fourth level

* Activate in us the process of Redemption, which comes from doing the opposite of what we did when we erred.

* Protects the healing energy that penetrates us.

* Restores impaired nervous systems.

* Strengthens the bond of the inner being with the Earth self.

* It gives birth to us the ability to pray for no reason, to PRAY for PRAY.

* Free us from the sense of ownership.

* Protects us from theft of energy, from "vampirism"

* Awakens in us the energy of forgiveness and teaches us to forgive ourselves.

Fifth level

* Prepares us for the New Humanity.

* Integrates in us great spiritual impulses received.

* Awakens perception and internal contact more deeply and begins to influence even in psychiatric cases.

* It can restore muscle masses, bone fractures, ligament traumas.

* Disconnect from our being negative entities. (Negative devices)

* Collaborate in the ascension of consciousness.

Sixth level

* Prepares the environment for sleep when it is done before bedtime, removes dirtiness caused by thoughts emitted during the day.

* It helps us to sleep well, to go to the deepest part of being.

* It allows us access to deep nuclei of consciousness.

* Collaborate in the maturation of the spiritual body.

* It takes us out of the deception of thinking that we do not need to pray when we are well, it makes us see that when we lack anything we are in the ideal situation to pray selflessly.

* Promotes inner peace.

* Build peace in groups, form them based on the truth and the aspiration of its members.

* Disintegrates the traps of the ego.

* It leads us to humility.

* Promotes aspiration for contact with higher levels, which act in the body of the soul.

* It allows us to receive from the soul the energy that aligns the bodies, which harmonizes our material being, organizes our extrasensory perceptions and makes contacts possible, keeps us whole.

* Restores, heals and recovers the aura hit by negative energies.

* It helps us to develop and maintain a new order.

* It leads us to emptying a complete receptivity with the higher planes, with the intermediation of the Spiritual Hierarchies.

* Unites us with the Cosmic Brotherhood.

The levels of prayer


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