The mysteries of Evolution, by Archangel Michael through Antonio Cerdán

I invite you to participate in this trip through projections to the Akashic Records. Penetrate yourself and you will discover a Multidimensional Universe and I hope you follow your own path of experimentation. You have the right to only believe what you have lived and you are free to open up to believe the new realities shown here. All cultural, religious and social patterns are overcome when we understand the Laws and the essence of Love and Life, if the filters of your own personality allow it.

In each projection you will find the different methods that will take you to the cities or to the spaceships of the Angels, the Archangels and the Spiritual World. In it you will find a new and expanded information on Theosophy, Anthroposophy, Cosmo-Sophia in an integrated concept of Taosophy, with the interest of showing that Truth is one and Wisdom is contained in all spiritual schools. There are NOT several schools or groups in the Spiritual World; in the Spiritual World there is only one school of wisdom directed by the Archangels Metratron, Michael, Uriel and all the Hierarchies of the Universe. The time has come for all the followers of schools of wisdom to know that the Masters are in all the schools and that they are the Ascended Masters, the Masters of the heart, are the parents of this civilization, servants of the Avatar Cristo Maitreya. This school that exists in the Spiritual World of Love and Wisdom is the source that feeds and nourishes all schools: the Rosicrucians, the Theosophists, the Anthroposophists, the Masons, the Templars, the followers of metaphysics, from cosmic science, to the followers of Kardec, to the Buddhists, to the Hinduists, to the Taoists, to the lamas, to the Children of the Sun, and to all those groups that are sincere and true in the practice of knowledge and Laws of the Spiritual World.

The truth is all the points of view that allow us to see and understand the facts, in 360 degrees around the phenomena and penetrate through our own experience in them. Your truth will be enriched with these experiences. Being willing to learn from your own experience is the only way to see with objectivity. Only if you free yourself from your preconceptions and your ancient beliefs can you understand with your heart the mysteries of life and you will realize that God was always and is in your heart, and you will not need intermediaries since you can find that “source” what are you. You are an angel of the Sun in the process of awakening; Your destiny is utopia, the most beautiful, the best. Find out.

Those who are pure can feel the essence of Love and Alchemy; others will project their fears or their desires but they should know that everything that is narrated here was described by beings that vibrate in Universal Love, beings that we know as Angels. Perhaps many of us will have to wait several lives to understand everything in its maximum accuracy. He who enters to read it with a critical mind, his walk through these images of the Akashic will be sterile. Those who let their inner being speak to them, will understand that the Universe summons them to a new level of evolution, where each one learns to consciously use their energies, creating a bridge between all sciences, schools and philosophies, making science be the experience of life, of facts, and of phenomena not only physical but also spiritual. And penetrating the beauty of the heart, which makes us equal, universal and eternal to enjoy the Universe as a Community of Servants of Life, Nature and the Cosmos. Being co-creators is the great cosmic aspiration for those who have placed their great eta in the Love, Humility and Service to a Community Ideal. The Spiritual World opens its doors for us to transform ourselves into angels with physical bodies, but only those people who begin to live their lives with the new fraternal values ​​can get there. For many everything that is narrated here is Utopia; only that Utopia is the reality of the Higher Spiritual World; It is the goal of your evolution, and fantasy is a reality in another part of the Universe. "Only if you become like a child can you enter the Kingdom of Heaven." But only if you are reborn in your consciousness can you understand the truths of wisdom shown here, so that you understand them and can see them with your imagination if you are able to move or connect with aphasic records. These experiences are of the highest spiritual dimensions of heaven and have nothing to do with the astral planes. Everything you want to know about the astral planes will be found in Cándido Xabier's books. This book tells truths that were secret for many initiation schools of the past, so that people learn to believe that it is possible to be an angel, that there are still immortals in the Lemur sanctuaries of the Himalayas, the Andes, or the Montes de Ethiopia.

The process carried out to reach the akashic records, is first the spiritual connection with your Higher Self, or Holy Spirit, creating an integration in the Light, with full consciousness to rise to the spheres of the Archangels, Angels or penetrate the Cities of the Light of the Earth. The Angels with their presence near us take us to their spheres, to their ships and to the cities of the Spiritual World, and from the transparent salts of the Akashic records they show us everything we need to know to deepen science and the truth of Evolution and Earth. All explanations have been relibidas in the Spiritual World and described by a simultaneous process of channeling and conscious projection.

One of the surprising discoveries in these experiences is to understand that the Angels themselves are beings that completed their evolution in other places or in different dimensions of the Universe and are now here as Flames of Love to help us make the great evolutionary leap. Angels are Flames or Virtues or Spiritual Values ​​that manifest as intelligent energies. There are those who are pure Flames and do not incarnate and also those who transform into Angels through human evolution. On the other hand, many of the Angels who do not reincarnate have reached their level in other parts of our Universe.

Let us respect the truths of others and each one that grows with our experience as objective and free beings. If your heart feels that this is true, accept it; If he says no, leave him, follow your life and be happy. All roads lead to the same place if they are true and if they do not sink you into the abyss of mental prison that each one has created for himself. What we sow we will reap and what we think, we will transform. The truth will set us free and Love will make us immortal.

Micáel, Guardian of the Earth

From the immensities of star space,
Archangel Michael weaves sunlight,
In the depths of the Earth.

In the cycles of time
The archangel Uriel incorporates
In the depths of the soul,
The light of spiritual intelligence.

From the central sun
The prince of the archangels, Metatron,
Amplify the Divine Light
Sowing it in the human being
As self-awareness and
Individual free will.

In the echoes of the Universe
The legions of angels and archangels
They create the divine hymns that communicate the light
And the living thoughts
From the sidereal imaginations,
Of cosmic Christianity
And of the spiritual life
From our solar system.

In planetary evolution
The archangel Michael
Solar line guide
With powerful rays of blue light
Of truth and cosmic wisdom
It drives us and awakens us to the Truth,
To the breadth of cosmic intelligence,
To the dazzling vision of the trinity,
To the warm understanding of the mysteries,
To religious unity in universality,
To the cooperative fraternity of the peoples,
To the trinitarian wisdom of the cosmos,
To meet man are his spiritual self,
At the impulse of the etheric Christ, which represents
The planetary Christ before Humanity.

The legions of angels and ascended masters
They carry light and spiritual protection
Sowing seeds of micaelic wisdom
With patience, perseverance and kindness.
In the autumns of Nature,
The light of San Miguel
Illuminate our reality,
Waking up the wilting of everyday life,
Eliminating spiritual fanaticism.
Michael, winner of eons,
Beat and beat the Luciferian dragon now,
To the Luciferian pressure on Earth Humanity
That suffocates the ideals,
Wake up pride,
The interest in personal power,
The dogmatic pride,
Forgetting the archetype of the spiritual man
And the living presence of the Hierarchies in Humanity.
Constantly the Luciferian Dragon
Inside the man he fights incessantly.

Seeks to steal your freedom
And the thoughts of clarity.
That reflective self-knowledge
Wake up in your individuality.
Micael present is always there
And in the super sensitive worlds
With your finger indicates the path
Towards the practice of science
And spiritual ethics.
Its rays of meteoric light,
His spirals of protection,
They reach the sincere people
That invoke the presence
Of his strength, his light and his ideal.
The fight with the ahrimanic dragon,
It develops in the material habitat.
Ahrim n always persists, tempting us
In the feeling and the will,
With doubt, distrust;
With mental depression,
With the philosophical atheism,
With material consumerism,
With the automatism of consciousness,
Affective attachments, passions,
The vices, creating suffering,
Illness and loneliness.

It is love suffocated by interests
And personal pride.
However, many people have not noticed
That Ahrim n working them is.
The end of the century struggle intensifies,
The Sacred, Luminous Fire of Michael
Increasingly, it radiates to all Humanity,
Blooming and transforming inside people,
In light of freedom, equality and fraternity.

Inside the human being
awakens pure thoughts, devoid of selfishness
and decisions, sprouting from his Spiritual Self.
Michael firm, powerful,
lead and prepare the way ed Cristo
among the peoples of humanity.

Jesus Christ, the Avatar of Unity
present in Tibet and in the Spiritual World
It represents the light of Michael, Metatr n and Uriel
for terrestrial civilization and for Humanity;
He is the envoy of Christ Tronoo and the solar Seraph;
It is the sweetness of the Ascended Master,
waking up in the carozones
Wisdom and Universal Love.

Oh, human being! Let's start walking
work minute by minute
so that the momentum is critical, basic
transform your personality;
You model it with your actions,
your thoughts weave your spiritual aura
and egosite motives constantly crucify
the light of the Christ in your existential life.

The critical impulse is the live angel,
he is the spirit man in your individuality
that, through the ethereal Christ,
Look for your total transformation.

Oh, human being! it's time for your total renovation
look only for the union of your spirit
and the gestation of a man new to your individuality.
Oh, human being! don't sleep anymore
you model it in your sensitive soul,
Loving, which is giving in giving.
Loving the union itself.
Loving the light that is born in your ideal intuition.
Love that doesn't expect reward or gratitude,
Love that loves the enemy without more.
Love that is understanding,
born of mental silence and creates Peace;
who admires and is amazed,
that is created living the ideal beauty,
fruits of Love that deserve to be,
Beloved to eternity.
He is the magician who saves all the abysses
of dislike and pain,
of violence and exploitation
that exists when people
they have not discovered the ray of God,
That lives in your individual heart.

Oh, human being! It's time to move on,
you form it in your rational soul
with sincere understanding and humility,
with practical positivism
with healthy habits and mental hygiene.

The ideals are his life,
the universality of its truth,
They are living thoughts in the hearts of men;
It is service and help to others,
It is the spirit that lives in your conscious soul
and your ethical conscience allows you to act.
It manifests in balance,
middle ground that creates peace,
It is the light that radiates to the lotuses,
awakening the imagination,
Inspiration and ideal spiritual intuition.

Oh, human being! He is your spiritual man.
He lives in your thoughts
and among the thoughts of others;
the light of his gaze lives in every man
when you hear their point of view, without judging,
is the time that is canceled,
when the experiences together
They understand, without criticism.

It is devotion and respect
to the spirit that lives in each individual person.
It is the truth that unites all men
and philosophies of Humanity.

It is the etheric Christ that takes us by the hand
and leads us walking towards Unity,
mutual help and fraternity.

Angels, Archangels, spirits of time and time,
welcome in the living ether of the Earth,
the fate of the micaelic man,
who seeks his spirit and leaves his interests
for the service to the spiritual Hierarchy.

Spirits of form, spirits of movement,
spirits of wisdom,
incorporate into the astral life of the Earth
the acts of purity and love that man
weaves in his spiritual destiny.

Thrones, Cherubs, Seraphim,
resurrect in the depths of the soul
the just and fraternal impulses
so that we can overcome planetary karma,
the end of the cycle is coming,
so that we collaborate in the spiritual life
of our Universe and our solar system.


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