Mind maps + Creative visualization = to the achievement of objectives

  • 2011

By: Lorena López de Lacaille

Who would not like to have a magic wand or the Aladdin's lamp and that fulfilled all our desires? I am sure that we have all dreamed or desired it at some point, but once we open our eyes we return to reality ... however, there are other more tangible tools that effectively help us and allow us to fulfill our dreams, objectives or simple wishes. step, such is the case of mind maps or mind mapping (in English).

When we know what we want, we have clearly defined our objectives both in the short, medium and long term or in synthesis we have made our life project. It is important that we capture these ideas either in a personal diary or in a notebook specially dedicated to it (to avoid staying in the air or in good intentions).

To achieve each objective, there are stages and for this an excellent tool are mind maps. The term may sound a bit odd, but at some point in their lives they have been used to do some school work or work. A mind map, «is a diagram used to represent words, ideas, tasks or other concepts linked and arranged radially around a key word or a central idea.

For example:

As you can see we are more familiar than we think, but quite possibly they have lacked to use them consciously and make the most of them.

How can we create a Mind Map?

It is very simple, first write or draw a central image (whether you want to buy a house, or buy a car, or organize your wedding, etc.) put the idea you want to structure. Then, from the central image it gives off between 5 and 7 branches (or those that you think necessary) that are the important aspects that you consider for your idea. They can be: functions, parts that compose them, questions (what, how, when, where, why). Then, from the main branches, sub-branches and so on hierarchize and structure your idea as far as you want.

I suggest you write one word per branch; It is more a concept diagram than an essay. Draw without fear, use colors and curved lines. In this way you will make all the areas of your brain work and remember your map better and therefore your objective, that is, what you want to materialize.

Why use them?

“Because the human brain works in a non-linear associative way, comparing, integrating and synthesizing as it works. Taking this into account, mind maps establish associations between already known and new ideas without resorting to the linear process. When developing and using mental maps, both cerebral hemispheres are used, stimulating their balanced development.

They promote creativity, concept retention and learning in general. A student who uses mind maps is, on average, 75% more effective than the norm. ”

“Currently, mind maps are used both to structure the design of a Boeing 747 and even to apply it to business. Many of the world's most successful companies owe their productivity levels to the use of tools based on mind maps. ”

Why use mind maps?

Using mind maps helps us make better use of our mental abilities to create and study. On a single sheet we can represent or visualize everything we learned from a book or a complete project, therefore it will save us time and help us visualize, more vividly imagine our goals. Do you remember Creative Visualization? It's like when we daydream: we imagine or project ourselves in a place where we want to be, for example, on the mountain, on the beach, or in another country ... Or when we mentally anticipate a situation, for example, when we have than to make a presentation at work, or sell something and we imagine doing it before it really happens.

This type of creative visualization is what helps us achieve our goals, whether they are related to health, prosperity, the improvement of our relationships or any field in which we want to apply it. So in simple terms visualization is the imagination, source of inspiration and spiritual elevation, which allows us to obtain the necessary motivation to operate the most positive changes in our lives, thanks to our spirit, will and determination. Creative visualization + mind maps = to realization, so do not forget to apply this binomial you will see how you will get faster results. And if to this, you add positive thinking, constancy, the Law of attraction will undoubtedly be in your favor.

I hope you find this article useful, and until next month!


Sources: • How to create mind maps / Tony Buzan. It is a fairly small and practical book, it also has many illustrations. • http://www.visual-mind.com/concept_pro.html • http://el50.com/2007/08/14/mapas-mentales-una-forma-de-organizar-y-estimular-las-ideas / www.mundometafisico.com

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