The Lighthouses of Light ~ Conscious Corporations - Re-Cordatories of the Home

Opening Space for Empowered Humans

The re-cordatories of the Home of the Lighthouses of Light are presented live on the Internet, transcribed and placed here on the 15th of each month.

From Steve:

As we move forward in the economic restructuring that is being developed on Planet Earth, the group took the opportunity to share more information about the future of corporations, governments, religions and organizations of all kinds. Although they claimed that the message was for all kinds of collective meetings, they specifically referred to corporations. They indicated that corporations have influenced and, frequently, controlled our world and yet have a defect that is inherent in their constitution; Your intention is to make money. In the lower vibrations of Planet Earth that worked very well, but now the mentality of 'winning at any cost' presents serious signs of weakness.

Humanity is evolving at an incredible rate and now is the time for all of us to observe our evolving corporations, governments and religions, as well as our individual beings. This readjustment of the economies, which is currently taking place, will motivate us all to ensure that this will never happen again.

One of the suggestions that the group brought up previously is that a corporation converts that group into a legal entity, with the same rights as any individual. However, people are also responsible for the highest good of humanity. Due to its conformation, a corporation can be sued for making decisions that benefit humanity instead of focusing on profits.

The group previously suggested that we give each corporation a 'soul' and that we work with them on that level. To achieve this, they must respond, first, to humanity as a whole and then to the goals of each of these corporations. To obtain the privilege of becoming and continuing as corporations, they will have to show that they are contributing to the greater good of humanity. To illustrate that idea, the group noted an event that happened the previous week, when OPEC announced that it would hold the current production quotas at existing levels, instead of reducing them to raise oil prices. When asked the reason for their decision, OPEC stated that the current financial situation in the world was fragile at this time and that they did not wish to sharpen the problem.

Basically, the group stated that if we are to turn a corporation into a person, we must also give it a soul, a conscience and the responsibility of a human being. Transparency in business will be common. As corporations develop these new attributes, they will also develop their own personality and expand their market coverage, far beyond what was once considered possible. They assured that in the future we would have conscious corporations that would actively participate in the human experience. Conscious corporations will open space to empowered humans in whom we will all evolve. The interesting thing is that it won't be long before we all understand that working together for the greater good of humanity will also lead to greater benefits.

I wonder what would really happen on planet Earth if we had New Energy Corporations that asked themselves daily: What have I done for the world today? I would love to buy shares in such a company.

Big hugs and friendly elbows!


Of the group

Greetings from Home

Dear ones, this is a magical time. The present moment contains more magic than you have ever imagined. His whole world is in a state of transformation and that is happening on many levels. There really are four critical areas on your planet at this time. We tell you this not to alarm you but to encourage you to pay attention to what is happening now, from a broader perspective. The pace is accelerating. In order to create the world they have imagined and truly allow themselves to be part of the new Earth that is being formed, it means that they must first let go of the old belief systems and ideas they used to have to receive support from their current environment . In order to achieve this, they will often go into what they call the `` crisis phase, '' or take away something they thought they needed. Dear ones, that is happening on many different levels.

Empowered Societies

Today we want to focus on something that they can use not only in their individual lives, but also in their collective lives. First, let's begin by explaining how your environment will look when you have made some of the transitions you are initiating. It will help you to see a little what awaits you in the days you visualize right in front of you. Their main task will be to adapt with their newly discovered power, to the world and to the friends and people around them.

We have affirmed the following: You are God and have the responsibility to create. And the second thing to remember is that they are not the only god that exists. Learning to get along with the other gods will be something extremely important in this transformation of the new planet Earth. It is critical to learn how to live harmoniously with the empowered humans around them, within their energy field and as part of their daily lives. That involves more than becoming empowered beings or simply taking responsibility for their own happiness and reality. That only represents the beginning. Opening space around them for their children and their parents, as well as for all those with whom they share daily to empower themselves, will be critical in their shift to the higher vibrations of the new planet Earth. It is what we want to talk to you today: the new energy of the empowered human.

A centered God

Empowered humans need the support that their societies cannot currently offer. The biggest challenge is that humans in general are accustomed to surrender their power. The game of following the leader is deeply rooted in their societies and has been taught for many generations. Although many are beginning to change, if you wish to achieve it, you must strengthen your commitment to yourself and take responsibility for your reality. Eventually the social structures that will support them will be formed; However, there are currently very few. Being able to think about their energy and what they need first represents the starting point of creating a space for empowered humans. The reason is very simple: You are god and create your own universe before you. Consequently, they must focus to increase their effect on the world around them.

Second, as new children grow, they will teach them how to stay surrounded by fully empowered humans. That is something extremely important, because as the collective vibration rises, they will want to surround themselves with more empowered people, live in empowered communities and work in empowered companies. It's what is happening right now, and they are motivating you to look for that now. That is also why it seems that there are so many catastrophes on earth in these times, because they always feel able to face them. When humans are challenged, they feel able to get ahead, and that is what they are doing now. The entire creation process was invented because it was necessary. Much of what they will create will be new environments that will emerge from the dust of what they succumbed.

Conscious Corporations

Much of what they are witnessing right now represents changes at the collective level. Corporations, companies - all kinds of collectives, be they religious groups, a government or simply an organization - whatever, represent a collective vibration as well as the collective vibration of this hall. Everyone is aligning their individual vibratory patterns right now. While they listen to our message, they align their vibratory patterns with ours, so that they not only receive the energy of our words, but also feel the energy of the heart that accompanies them. During these messages, they are receiving all the connections that are being transmitted at different levels, even those that do not involve the use of words. Let us talk to you about collective vibrations and about something you will see in the future and that we call: conscious corporations. How will they be? We will explain what we see now.

We do not pretend to be experts in their business areas, because it is a human game that was created within another game. You can change those rules in the way you prefer. Their corporations are currently in business because of only one purpose: to make money. We will not tell you that this is wrong in some way, because there is no right and wrong as long as you know the approach of that corporation or that business, because you know where your heart is. Up to this point in their evolution, business and corporations did not require a heart or a conscience, nor to worry, whether for the world around them or for its impact on the world. Basically, they were never motivated to have a conscience and that is what has started now. We do not intend to tell you how to do it, because this is the game that you created. We will share ideas and concepts about how other games did it in other universes; however, none of them has gone through the transition that is now going through planet Earth. They are writing books that will be read by many other planets as similar transitions begin. You are the first. They have been the only planet with free will.

What happens is that the collective vibration of humanity is beginning to rise. Those corporations or collectives, be they organizations, businesses or governments, if they fail to fit into the highest vibrations and fail to adjust, they will crumble. It is what is currently happening on Earth with the global economic system. We tell you that nothing is wrong; It is exactly what you conceived. It is the easiest and softest path they have taken. Don't pay attention to what you see in the news, because those changes are already happening. You can see that if you observe them for what they really are. These groups are nothing more than collectivities of individuals. However, until this moment of their evolution, these groups never had to respond to humanity, and that is what we see that is changing on planet Earth.

What is a Conscious Corporation?

When people create a corporation, they submit a request to the government, who registers it as such. That government grants you the right to become a legal entity. That entity can do many things, and can even do things that an individual cannot do. More importantly, that legal entity has not been required to have a higher awareness or vision regarding the role it plays in the world around it. As we indicated many years ago, the day will come when every corporation, organization and community of humanity will have a person who will have the responsibility to establish the direction that fits in the universal energy and the impact on those around it. These people will be fundamental and will be very important for the life of a corporation, in general. This concept had not been taken into account before, however, as they evolve, it will be one of the most important elements.

That person will keep his distance from daily operations, objectively observing the general picture of the corporation. The role of that person will not only be to measure the effect of the corporation on the world around it and on the people with whom it interacts, but also on the people who work for it. They make up the collective vibration that will be changing and evolving. There will be many of you who will unite with the desire to manifest the new ideals of business and to create conscious corporations. New Internet pages will emerge, new ideas will be discussed and books will be written that will circulate very quickly to spread those ideas. Now is the time for each of you to examine in what way, and from your own world, you can empower those around you. How can they open space to the other gods that surround them in their surroundings? It is the same question that the other communities will ask themselves. Be it a religion or a group of people that make up a club, or a government, a corporation, or simply a place where people gather, there is a collective vibration that is formed and can be molded. You mold it with your individual thoughts, actions and desires regarding what you want to happen with that collective.

The Soul of a Business

You will develop new ideas, concepts and techniques to make this work in your daily life and in your current corporations. Many have come to ask us about secret governments. Many tell us that their vote does not generate any change, because there are other people who actually govern. Yes, it's true, and those people are you. Yes dear ones, you have secret governments, but they are called corporations. They are currently the ones that govern most of their governments. That is not a bad thing, because it is simply the form that you established and that now has an effect on this planet that you had never had before. The question now would be: “Do you want the planet to be governed by corporations or governments, or by anyone, whose main focus is to make money? How can you invite that higher vision to fit humanity? ”We will tell you the way it was done before.

You cannot demand that a corporation have a soul. It doesn't work that way, because we can't force them to know their own soul or have a connection with it. But if they have a collective vibration of people who meet that condition, an energy equal to the individual vibration that composes it is created. The collective vibration becomes an entity, in the same way that a legal entity is created for a corporation.

Look for ways to introduce collective consciousness into the soul of that corporation and they will open a space for empowered humans wherever they go. We tell you that, when it happens, the entire competition paradigm will change. You will begin to understand where the real and healthy real competition lies, in which you stimulate people instead of trying to overcome or overcome them. They will also understand that when they open space to the empowered humans in their corporation, many of the lack paradigms will even dissipate. He will begin to believe. Now, they believe that there is only a certain amount of wealth in the world. That is not true, dear ones, because your wealth is currently counted by the amount you share with others and not by the amount each person has. It is about the way in which wealth circulates, and its fears have been responsible for stopping that circulation. That will also disappear soon, because it is already being adapted by you.

Last November we made some predictions that we would like to remember again, since we want to add something more. In November we assured that the Dow Jones Industrial averages could go down to 6500. The reality is very close to that figure and now they are in recovery. We use that example, because it reflects their collective consciousness in the monetary sector and also coincides with their collective spiritual vibration. Now it is necessary to reschedule everything to allow all the air to escape, before they can do a total reconstruction. Do not consider this as something negative, it is a normal process. When they touch the bottom of what is coming soon, they will begin the reconstruction on a solid base.

Opening Space to Empowered Humans

They will discover that they will require different management techniques, because they are no longer dealing with children of three years. They are dealing with empowered humans. If you want them to work with you in this collective vibration, no matter what it is, you must open space for your creativity and growth. Thus, they open the space so that there are improvements - any kind of improvements. The best way to achieve this is to discover what they are passionate about and allow them to apply it in their work. We call it open space to the other gods. In doing so, not only in their environment but also in corporations, they will allow them to live the life of a fully empowered being. That is a key factor that will inject life into these collective vibrations, into the collectivities that have ruled the planet Earth until now.

Corporations that are already learning to work and live in harmony with the Earth, are discovering that, although the process involves some transitions and expenses, the reality is that the end result is better if you live in harmony. The results are certainly much greater when they empower all their employees. Quite simply, the business makes good sense. As they begin to connect with their superior beings, developing new connections that they did not previously have and new visions that they had not seen before, they could include them in the greater perspective of corporations, businesses, religions and governments around the world. All collective vibrations will be successful if they manage to make room for the empowered human, in which all humans are becoming.

What is the Appearance of a Conscious Corporation?

You can see this in your daily life and also in the community. They will see its effects when they watch the world events in the news stations, and we tell them that it can happen in a blink, as happened last week. We want to talk about it so they can appreciate a little how they will see it, because they didn't expect it. OPEC, an organization established to help oil-producing countries to set and regulate oil prices, was expected to announce a reduction in oil production with the intention of raising its price. However, last week, in a surprise announcement, they declared that they would not make changes at this time. When asked the reason, they indicated that the members considered the monetary crisis that was developing and decided that they would not aggravate the problem. Thus, a collective vibration of people focused on producing the greatest benefits for their member countries, made a higher decision for the good of humanity. They may be sued for it. Good for them, because that is the challenge that all of you will have to face. Their businesses have been established with only one purpose, one sole purpose.

Now is the time for each of you to start observing your personal environment and consider how to make changes in your daily life to make room for empowered humans. If you own a business, you already know these challenges. You can check right now that they are beginning to adapt. For example, you will see that there are banks in these days when so many banks are having problems all over the world, that go through the situation without stumbling, mainly because they are opening space for the empowered humans who work for them. It is part of your collective vibration.

Create the Soul of the Company

Everyone has the opportunity to do it now. They have the opportunity to do so with their family, friends, work, or wherever they spend their time. In all the communities in which you wish to be a part, first look for ways to open space around empowered humans. If you are linked to the management of that company, take that empowerment to management. Give your company a soul. You will get along with that new soul because you have created the collectivities, but you have forgotten that part that will generate all the change. Yes, corporations will still be related to money generation. That is a primary focus and the reason for its creation, but now they will do it with a heart and a conscience. They are not alone on this planet. No one is. That separation is coming to an end, in ways you never saw before, and that magic is what allows each of you to move on to the new vibration of planet Earth.

None of this will be easy because, for humans, change is difficult, but they will certainly make it. They know the direction they have taken. Do not stagnate believing in what you see. They are seeing the change of planet Earth. Earth, like you, is evolving, because its connection with you is inseparable. They are part of each other.

Soon we will talk more about planet Earth, to help them understand their perspective on the same process. As they work to discover ways to empower other humans in their area, they remember the following: the more light they can carry inside, the brighter the planet Earth will be.

We leave you with three simple reminders: treat each other with the greatest respect. Take care of each other whenever possible. Remember that it is a beautiful game and play well together.


The group

Connecting the Heart

Valuing the Moments of Tranquility

By Barbara Rother

I thank you all for your understanding of my need to take some time to rest. When we returned from our last trip to Belgium, I knew I needed a break. I hope you have not felt that I did not connect with you when I stopped writing my contribution in Connecting the Heart last month. Know, please, that my heart was connected to yours, even if I didn't express it in words.

Life can become very chaotic, in a wonderfully stormy way. I have no doubt that the spirit was taking care of us when the April event in New Jersey was postponed. That gave me time to relax and enjoy being at home. Yes, our home was finally remodeled and it is wonderful to be able to rejoice with the beauty of our creation within our home. I feel very blessed to have a home that we have built with our love and energy.

These moments at home allowed me the luxury of clearing many stored things. As you know, they are the things that you cannot even imagine that you have to discard, because they keep a sentimental meaning. I looked at many photo albums from many years ago. It makes me very happy to be able to reflect on the past, having such wonderful memories. It is exciting to think about the future and know that I will take hundreds of photos of my family and friends. I know that one day I will really take some time to reflect on my past by reading all the greeting cards, e-mails, looking at the photographs and enjoying the moments that I treasure and that are the reminders that constitute my life. However, right now I am too busy creating those memories. Sometimes, we just have to step back in our busy lives to be able to reflect and catch our breath, and move on again. This leads me to fully appreciate Steve. Although my schedule has been more relaxing this month, his has been full, because he opened many days for private sessions, and always works at Lightworker. He always gives himself totally to others with his heart. I must remind you to take some time to relax. We have enjoyed our moments playing the guitar, singing, dedicating time to each other and to friends and family. I remember the group saying that we should put ourselves first to be able to offer others more. I took time to rest and enjoy the home life and sometimes I encourage Steve to slow his intense life a little.

I ask everyone to take a rest period. Simply enjoy the moment you are in. Reflecting on your life will allow you to be reborn in yourself.

I feel renewed, which is very suitable for this time of year. I can feel the beginning of spring. I can see her in the awakening of flowers and in the freshness of the air. It is the beginning of what awaits us. I am ready and open to everything that comes my way. I thank myself for the rest time. Now, I'm ready for the exciting moments of life!

With Love and Light,



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Translation and Editing: Spanish Translator Team

May 25, 2009

Initially reported by Manantial

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