The lighthouses of light - Re-cordatories from home - Pineales crystals, no more secrets

Greetings from home.

There is much to talk about. Today we will give you a somewhat varied message, because many things are happening on planet Earth. It is a magical time for humans, because they wake up from a dream not only as individuals but as a race of spirits pretending to use a physical bubble of biology. What is happening is that all humans everywhere are raising their vibrations. Yes, you look around and the vibrations of the planet are low, and many times those lower vibrations are the ones that make headlines. We have told you that your human advance is limited by the lowest vibration on your planet. Still, they are not restricted by that. Because as they raise the collective vibration within that segment of the vibrational range, when they reach a new level, they automatically drag up to the lowest level. Do not worry about going out to save the world or change an individual person. Look at yourself and focus inside. See what you can do to activate that light in your eyes. Do what you can to find in your heart a purpose that you can sustain and to which you can lead. Now more than ever that is critical on this planet.

Most of you have contracts that activate time and you had to be here at a very specific time to do the work that your soul and spirit really wanted to do. The good news is that they already did. Now let's continue with this, and start taking over what you really are. Let us reflect your energy, so you can remember who you are. The physical body is in a state of change and that is happening in many different ways now. The physical re-wiring has already begun in many people across the planet and you are beginning to activate in ways you don't even notice yet. There are levels of their own dimensions that have been separated for eons of time. As you rewire, all those divisions of separation begin to move away and that is why we tell you that you are all becoming multidimensional consciously. They are beginning to notice that they are not the only person there. You exist in eleven different dimensions of time and space. These dimensions are beginning to come together very quietly as the dividing markers between one level and another begin to disintegrate. As the wiring continues, your own body will begin to perceive things with the eyes, ears, nose and mouth, which you had not noticed before.

Pineal Crystals

Things are happening right now, especially in the brain, as the body rewires. The physical body is evolving and one of those changes is occurring in the pineal gland, although it is not limited to it. Crystals are forming in the pineal gland; they are crystalline structures that you call calcite crystals and they form in the brains of humans everywhere. These crystals can be tuned to receive electromagnetic frequencies. You have communicated with each other through those electromagnetic frequencies (radio waves) that pass through your bodies. Without hindering you, many electromagnetic frequencies run through your physical bodies at this time, and yet you do not realize it. That will change. At first they may be hyper conscious, which can also be problematic. The idea is that they enter their comfort zone so that they can activate themselves. This is not a race, dear. Please take your time and do not propel your bodies too quickly because they endure what they can. However, they will achieve it, and they will do it well.

The crystals that have formed in your brain have been there for some time. The truth is that you started with a second wave of empowerment about 60 years ago, and these crystals began to form at the same time. Those crystals have been dormant in their bodies waiting for activation. Medical science is beginning to see them and you can already see images of those crystals forming in the pineal gland. According to medical science, they are problematic, because they cause difficulties and challenges to the human physiological structure. You think it's something you did wrong. We tell you that it is a natural part of your evolution, and it is incredibly exciting, because now you can see. You have talked about internal communication and telepathy, and even practiced it. Although many know it is real, it has always been out of reach for most, but not anymore. How can you activate the crystals and use them for your highest purpose? And more importantly: How do they tune them to capture one station at a time? That is the challenge with which they should start working as they activate those crystals. The crystals are alive; Earth is alive. She is a sensitive and very conscious being. And if crystals are the highest level of vibration in the mineral kingdom, they could easily say that, on planet Earth, crystals are the brain. Actually, the crystals are the pineal gland of the Earth. The crystals with which you are most familiar belong to the highest vibratory level of the mineral kingdom. That is why many of you speak with your crystals, receive messages from the crystals, or record things on the crystals. You have the highest vibrational level of the animal kingdom, just as crystals have the highest vibrational level of the mineral kingdom.

Humans are becoming crystalline

There will already be no talk about the Crystal Children and the indigos that arrive with telepathic communications already installed. They don't know how to use them, but they have internal communication and with some training they can tune the tuning and use it. You also have it. That is the formation of those crystals. Learning to use and adapt to them will have a very interesting effect on humanity. Not only are we talking about the human kingdom, because if you look at the cellular structure of plant life, you will see that there are more and more plants that become crystalline in nature. They are beginning to see plants and animals that adopt characteristics of crystalline energy, and that had never happened on this planet. It is part of their natural evolution, they are becoming crystalline.

It is not a difficult change. If you saw one of the periodic tables that you currently have, you would observe that carbon-based structures are only a few molecules away from the structure of silicon. With a few arrangements, they change from one to the other. This is happening not only throughout the Earth, but also plants, insects and animals are adopting crystalline structures. The interesting thing is that the time will come when you will no longer need physical crystals and they will begin to dissolve. These are temporary situations for you, but they are just at the moment they are beginning to form.

Calcium deposits have been found in the pineal gland of most humans. There are many reasons for these deposits. Scientists believe that it has to do with fluoride in water. When they started using cell phones on their planet, evidence was found that tumors formed and much was discussed on the subject. We tell you that this was very real and, nevertheless, it never materialized as the big problem that was expected. The pineal gland was vulnerable to the new frequency that was emitted too close to it, but that already changed. Because of the mass appeal of cell phones, the human body adapted and learned not to tune in to that particular frequency. You are beginning to adapt in many ways. That adaptation was to survive and at an unconscious level. Now you will learn to tune it on a conscious level. They can communicate not only with themselves, but with the rest of the Earth. They can talk through a glass. There are many ways in which they will begin to activate this, but now physical evidence is appearing on the planet. This is happening to all mankind, old and young alike.

Perception and the Economy

Let us pause a moment to discuss another important situation, related to the economic structure of this planet. In recent months, all have undergone major changes with the Earth's economy. You were waiting for it and knew it for some time. They have been talking about new structures, new provisions and new ways of handling money; Novel, exciting ideas. It is happening and now the opportunity is being accessed. From our perspective, many Earth economies resembled bags full of hot air. Being full of hot air, the bags looked bigger than they really were.

The largest of all those bags was the US economic system, and what happened there was that some of the air escaped from the bag. That was really wonderful because now they are seeing the possibility of building on more stable bases. Although there is no longer something to cushion it, there is still air in the bag. Something will happen soon, so we will talk about that and how it will impact your economic structures. What we tell you is that your economic structures are based only on perception. There is little factual basis in most of them. That is not bad, because it was the way they chose to participate in this game. When the Guardian was just beginning to receive information from us, he said "I have these beings on top of me who can see everything, I'm going to ask you about the stock market." We laughed like crazy: It seemed very funny that he asked us about the stock market, because that is a human game within another game within another game, based on the perception of perception of perception. And they pretend that we tell them where it is going? We found it very funny! This game was created by you and that's how you play it. Only the creators of the game can predict it, and they are not doing very well. You can play that game at vibratory level, but nobody else can do it. So we will talk about that, because it is something important.

No more secrets

All economies are based on perception and you are about to take part of the veil and see things you never saw before. It will happen in different areas. They will discover things about the event they call 9/11. You will discover that many structures have been hidden on this planet. The veil begins to unclog, so there will be no more secrets on planet Earth. It's that easy. Although many of their leaders still do not know it, they are quickly discovering that one cannot totally lack integrity and be before telepathic beings on Earth. It is what many of its rulers are discovering. Today it is possible to observe it in Iran. They are discovering that all eyes are fixed on them and, consequently, there must be changes or they will disintegrate. It's that easy. It may take time, but it is the process that is already happening. It is the part that you created to communicate through your phones, televisions, Internet and all other media. They are connecting their hearts and now they can also do it through the pineal gland. As this evolves they will not need the technology. With practice they will be able to release something from the external parts and do everything internally.

Something is about to happen on planet Earth that will be of enormous proportions. The whole truth must come to light, so there will be a big revelation. You will see and feel the truth even if nobody wants to admit it. Humans everywhere are beginning to see the truth in themselves. As a result of many lies and misdirected energies, many things have happened that are not in the public domain. Those areas are the ones that will come to light now. They will begin to perceive them and everyone will quickly know what happened. The way in which the world perceives it in general will determine the immediate future of the economy, starting first in the US to quickly spread to the rest of the world. Not only are their hearts permanently united because they are really one person, but their economies are linked together as well, and that is very healthy.

The End of Separation

They are beginning to see that someone is never alone. No one can completely segregate, and those illusions of separation have been undermining and killing humanity quietly. This is the time to press the reset button. Look for how they resemble each other, and not what the difference is. Then you can see others on the same path and reach out and say “Come. We found a door. Let's go through it together. ” That is what is happening on Earth right now. As we see it, that will be activated soon, because a critical mass is being reached in the area of ​​truth. People demand that the truth be told. The final result will not be too important, since it will be the perception of that event that will determine the future of your economy over the next ten years. When you look back at your story, you will see important changes in each of you right now.

They will also become more multidimensional as those crystals are activated, because they do not exist in a single dimension. They are multidimensional in nature, like all crystals. As you use them more, you will feel more comfortable and more powerful. They can use them consciously and give them a sense of security, they will feel that they are never alone on this planet. That will give them more confidence in the spirit that walks around pretending to be a human than they ever had before. They are beginning to carry more of their spirit in the physical body than was believed possible when they developed these physical forms. It is happening: you are adapting it. That is what happens and this is a period of adaptation, it is time to flow. It is the time to seek the light even in the dark. It is time to stretch to discover that light and that passion inside. Although they move very little in that direction, their life will change overnight.

We observe their struggles. We feel your pain, your loneliness. Sometimes we feel their energy when they cannot find a complementary vibration that validates their own. We know they feel very alone, but they could not be alone even if they wanted to. We will go down and tickle them in the sweet bony just to remind them that we are here, because we love them more than they will ever know. You are changing the course of the universe. They are evolving in God and we are also very proud to see humans on Earth become like God. Your energy fields will change. Most of you are healers or teachers of some kind. Therefore, when you find something that works for you, turn around and share it. Find a way to show it to someone else. Move that energy, because you are opening doors for all humanity to follow.

It's up to you

Please do not get involved in dramas or fears, because there will be many. Many things were hidden on planet Earth. Many of the conspiracies that some believed were real could prove true. Here the challenge is to see things as they really are instead of staying involved in the drama. It will cost to trust leaders of any kind once that happens. We tell them that it is perfect, because leaders are not going to change their lives. You will do it. They are the only ones who can take responsibility for it, and that is what they will discover. Everyone has the opportunity to determine their own destiny while these energies move. They can be where they want and change whenever they want. All they need to know is that they really have the option and are consciously aware.

Dear ones, your energy has grown very fast. They are incredibly beautiful. They carry that light inside and by letting it out, it adds energy to the light of the Home, which gives it the most wonderful human flavor. It is magical and we celebrate them all the time. We will celebrate them at Home, when they decide to return home. Many will choose that, because the coming times will be very stressful. Some will simply say "I need to go home." There is nothing good or bad about wanting to go home. Without a doubt, it is the most beautiful human experience they can ever have. Going home is the greatest peace. You can all do it now without leaving your physical bodies, because that is what awaits you. Enjoy this trip and hold on, because it will be strong. With the greatest honor we ask you to treat each other with respect. Take care of each other whenever you can and remember that this is a game. Play well together.


The group


By Barbara Rother


We have just returned from our two week trip to Moscow. We have traveled to various parts of Russia for five years. Our hearts connect more deeply with this country and its people, which is of tremendous warmth.

They may call it coincidence, but we all know that there is no such thing, that we were in Moscow at the same time as our new president Barack Obama. The purpose of his trip was to close the gap between Russia and the US. His agenda covered much more as his journey continued. I feel that in our own way, through Lightworker we had the same mission. I am glad the way Steve and I connected hearts with the people who attended our seminar and opening night that had a great turnout. I am proud of the way Steve was able to take a new group of people through a business seminar at one of Russia's main banks. He gave a wonderful two-hour talk to 50 senior managers, then continued doing private readings for two days with part of those same people. He won them with his charm and the messages of empowerment of the Group. One of our dreams is to connect all the people who are in this energy and also wake up the majority.

Without entering politics, I can say that I am really proud to have as our president a man like Barack Obama, who seems to be of great integrity. He gives new hope not only to our country but also to the world and that is what we all need to focus our attention on. This is how we will recover from our global economic difficulties. When we can see the positive and accept the negative, we can move forward.

While we were there, we presented our Transition Team seminar. It is one of our favorite seminars but one that attracts the least number of attendees. Many people do not like to focus on making traffic on the other side, but we talk about the issue in a beautiful way that allows people to part with fear. This is only one aspect of the presentation. We also visualize the transition from home to become a human on Earth. It was a powerful event with life-changing results. The synchronicity of this information could not have been more perfect. Another coincidence? I do not think so. Recently many people have made their transition and the Group has said that many more will do so in the near future. Since my ghost death two months ago I am now revaluing my own life. I feel that now I have a different aspect on this subject. I was always passionate about the process of being born, but now I had a new understanding about crossing over to the other side. I firmly believe that my time in this life is going long. I love life too much to return home yet. I feel that I have heaven on earth right here with Steve, my beautiful family, both biological and spiritual and with our trips that allow us to arrive with our Lightworker message wherever we go.

At night we watched the news before going to bed. There was a story that shattered our hearts to both of us about a twelve-year-old girl in Russia who wrote to then President Ronald Reagan about how worried she was about distance between the US and Russia during the strongest moment of the Cold War. His letter went far beyond his hopes and dreams. She was invited to the White House, met Reagan personally and from then on became a peace ambassador. Isn't it wonderful how a simple communication of a creature taught us all how we can influence the outcome?

I remember that when I was a child I really didn't know anything about Russia except the conversation about Communism and that in some mysterious way they were the enemy and the USA. It was theirs. At that time people had air shelters and in school we practiced hiding under our desk to protect ourselves from an explosive invasion of the Russians. I thank God what we have advanced from that retrograde and fearful way of thinking. Now we know that everyone in this world forms a connection with who we are. It is a small world. The hotel we stayed in in Moscow for two weeks was full of people from different countries, Israel, Italy, Spain and many more. I enjoyed trying to communicate with them even if we didn't speak the same language. It is a fun way to spend time in an elevator making contact even if only to greet us. By connecting with communication and love, we will all move towards unity.

We can all influence to achieve peace in the everyday worlds around us. Give your soul contact through your eyes and spread your light with your smile and kind words. From heart to heart, we can unite this world.

With love and light.


Lightworker is a non-profit corporation dedicated to expanding Light through empowerment.


Copyright 2000 - 2009 Lightworker. This information is to be freely circulated and disseminated, in whole or in part, taking into account the following conditions: 1. The terms “Copyright 2000 - 2009 Lightworker. ”must be included in all published material. 2. The user agrees that all rights, including copyrights on the translated material, remain the property of Lightworker. If you translate this material, we reserve the right to share that translation by crediting you as a translator on the Lightworker site so that everyone can access it. More information about the Group can be found at (English) and (Spanish)

Partial translation and editing:

Lightworker Spanish translation team

August 11, 2009.


In this message the Group refers to two important issues that may appear to be unrelated. At the end of the channel, it's my turn to put a title that describes the message for all of you. In this case it is difficult, since they covered very different topics, but in the end they will see that they are intimately connected.

One of the issues they touched on was the economy. They said that all the air in the bag had not yet come out and until there was a solid base, lasting growth could not be built. They stressed that our economic systems are based solely on perception. In fact, they say that these systems are based on the perception of a perception. The Group wanted to make this clear so that the next part of the message could be understood. They said that at this moment and in the immediate future we are at a crossroads. Since 1998, when they first channeled the information about the Crystal Children, they said that when they started arriving there would be NO MORE SECRETS. We are seeing that today. It is what is currently happening in Iran and in many other places on Earth.

The Group said it is about to reach a critical mass in the US. and that many of these secrets that come from different sources will be revealed. When it happens, the way we approach it and the way we perceive it will determine the course of our economies over the next ten years. The next ten years will determine the course of our economies over the next hundred years. If there is transparency and honesty, as these truths are known, it can be a positive perception. Although the initial reaction is most likely anger and distrust, in the long run, the overall perception will be positive, as a clarification that once these things are revealed, they will not be repeated. If you try to hide or manipulate this impending wave of raw truth, distrust will reign and the rest of the air will come out of the bag of our economy. It is our choice, and we can all have an active role in what will come. As an example of how to influence the outcome and make their voices heard, we just have to observe those brave souls of Iran.

The second important point they covered was that of the pineal crystals that form in humans as part of the re-wiring process and what that may mean for all of us. The Group has been talking for years about humans who are becoming crystalline, and this is the first solid evidence that it is happening in humans. In fact, medical science even now coined a word for it: "Biomineralization." Now that you all have an image of stone beings walking around, let me tell you that the Group explains that once this is activated, it could be a physical advance towards what would result in new forms of telepathic communication, time travel, awareness multidimensional and physical aging process control. Basically, it is the next step in our evolution. They are ready?

I think that, in a way and to begin with, these two themes are related, because if pineal crystals are activated, secrets can no longer be kept.

Big hugs and have a great month of July!


Steve Rother

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