Los Arturianos - The energy climate - Report No. 1

  • 2015

Beloved, we are the Arturians.

We are here to begin the process of sharing with you the energy climate reports. As you know, the energy fields in Gaia have been extremely intense ; and the frequencies seem to be rising every day. However, simultaneously there are other places, other situations and people, whose frequencies seem to be decreasing. This is because as the frequencies get higher, there are people who are giving up.

This does not mean that these people cannot continue their Ascension process, but instead it means that sometimes our beloved Galactic and Heavenly ones who wear Human forms need some time to rest. Some of you just need to stop and be calm, take vacations, do only what you want to do, be with friends, travel, be in nature, write, sing, dance; Anything that brings joy to your life.

This is very important because even when you are sitting quietly, your body is working very hard. Your body has to adapt to higher and higher frequencies of Light.

While this higher Light is entering your Pineal Gland, it is going to your endocrine system and going through all your Chakras. As the highest light frequency enters the endocrine system of all your Chakras, so to speak you begin to have a different biochemical mixture.

Another thing that is happening is that time is getting more and more confusing. This confusion is due to the fact that while you are entering your Penta-Dimensional consciousness, you are beginning to remember what it is like to live in the NOW. Hence you get so involved in the NOW of what you are doing, thinking or being, that you lose track of time.

Then you look back and say, "Oh look, I wasted all that time!" We want to tell you that there is no waste of time. We want you to know that it is vital that you allow yourself to surrender to your true Self, surrender to your Penta-Dimensional Self that resonates with the One of NOW.

Speaking of resonance, we see that many of you have begun to feel that the Kundalini is climbing up your spine, merging; and waving up and down. In that Kundalini, your Body of Light is getting ready to make a leap forward. Now, we will not give you time for this because time is an illusion of the 3rd Dimension.

You already have a Body of Light in your Penta-Dimensional Self. When you are serving on Star Ships, you do it primarily in your Light Body. However, the Body of Light that you carry during your Penta-Dimensional state of consciousness does not have the same appearance as a Body of Light that you can perceive in a state of three-dimensional consciousness.

If you perceive a Body of Light in other worlds, but you are in a three-dimensional consciousness, it will be something that is almost outside your perceptions; consequently it will seem like a flash of light. It will be a little blurry; and you may not see details like fingers, noses or eyes. You could see only one great Being of Light.

However, if you are also using a Penta-Dimensional Light Body, you will perceive that body in much greater detail. In fact, you can see all the details of that Being. You can see his face, his arms, his body; and you can feel it resonate with its Penta-Dimensional Light just as you do.

It is very difficult to accurately perceive a reality that is beyond your state of consciousness. You could perceive it for a little of your time with your imagination, which really is your Penta-Dimensional thought. But you will get tired quickly because your three-dimensional brain is not programmed for that kind of perception.

Now more and more of you our beloved ones who wear earthly vehicles are beginning to awaken to your higher perceptions. You are beginning to see with your clairvoyance, hear with your clairaudience and feel with your clairvoyance.

Consequently you can see Beings of Light that you could not see before . However, as long as you have not become accustomed to perceiving that frequency, you may have difficulty perceiving and recognizing the details.

It is very similar to using an old glass radio to try to receive a high-speed transmission from outer space. That radio could not receive it; And if I did, it wouldn't be very clear. That is what is happening now with you. Just be patient; and allow yourself to perceive the superior realities in whatever way they reach you.

Remember that belief and perception are the best friends. If you can believe that: "I am perceiving a Star Ship, " then you have given yourself permission to imagine that you are really seeing a Star Ship. In fact, you cannot see that Star Ship unless you use your Penta-Dimensional imagination, or your clairvoyance, or perhaps hear it with your clairaudience. You may only know with your clarisensitivity that the Starcraft is there.

Sometimes you will look at the sky and see a star and say: “ No, it is more than a star . I know within me that it is not just a star. I can feel it. I can feel it in my heart.

I can see it in my Third Eye. I can even imagine on that ship. Oh, NOW I can remember that dream I had not long ago !

I don't remember many details of that dream. I just remember that I was talking to someone who was definitely not Human. Even if he was Pleiadian, he clearly was not Human.

He looked like a Human, but he didn't feel like a Human. He did not speak like Human. In fact, he didn't speak, we just talked with our mind.

Then, while I woke up, I worked hard to recover that for my physical self. I could only keep it for a few minutes; And then he left. All I could remember was that:

"I think I should have had an experience last night, but I can't remember anything about her."

Don't worry, practice makes perfect. You will be increasingly able to recognize that you visit us regularly. You can also recognize that we visit you. Now, we would say that we do not visit you by lowering the frequency of our bodies to the density of your World, except for short periods of time.

When we visit your frequency, very often we wear special costumes that help us maintain our internal frequency. If you were going to dive into the ocean floor, you would wear a special suit because you would need that help to live in such a different environment.

In the same way, we often need help to be able to spend much of your time in your low frequency of reality. We can also project ourselves in the gloom of magic, as they say in the 3rd and 4th Dimensions.

Really, we know how to create a way of thinking around us. Consequently, you see that way of thinking we have created. In no way are we trying to fool you, but we don't want to scare you. We want you to know that we are among you; and we are with you much more than you can imagine .

Now I repeat, we go down to touch you and walk with you for a while, but we return to our ships and to our higher innate frequency. But for us it is good to go down even if we have to make special preparations, because then we can really understand what you, our beloved Beloved, have to spend every day. We also want you to know that we are here and that each time we will be more visible.

So just relax and believe that we are real. Remember, what you can believe you can perceive; and what you can perceive you can believe.

Be assured that we perceive each one of you and send Light to all of you. We are also sending them to all of Humanity, especially those who are lost. Fortunately, many of them are waking up. It makes us very happy to share this information with you.

Well, see you on our ship. We will return soon (according to your illusion of time) to transmit another Energy Climate Report. Have a wonderful day; and we send blessings to all of you.

The Arturians


Do you remember being on the ship? How are you perceiving your superior messages?

Translated: Jairo Rodr guez R.

Energy and Spiritual Consultancy


By Suzanne Lie

The Arturians The energy climate Report N. 1

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