Vegetable milks: properties and nutrients

  • 2013
Table of contents hide 1 Vegetable Milk: Soy Milk. 2 Vegetable Milks: Almond Drink. 3 Vegetable Milks: Hazelnut Drink. 4 Vegetable Milks: Oatmeal Drink. 5 Vegetable Milks: Spelled Drink. 6 Vegetable Milk: Nut Drink. 7 Vegetable Milks: Sesame Drink. 8 Vegetable Milk: Quinoa drink. 9 Vegetable Milk: Rice Drink. 10 Vegetable milks: properties and nutrients

Today, despite the fact that cow's milk is one of the most consumed worldwide, more and more people opt for the consumption of vegetable milks due to their properties and the advantages they can provide for health. The consumption of cow's milk has a series of drawbacks associated, such as difficult digestion, mucus, lactose intolerance and digestive problems among others, which can be easily avoided by replacing this milk with vegetable milks.

Non-dairy vegetable milks made from water and vegetable ingredients. They do not contain lactose or cholesterol, most are low in calories, have a high water content (up to 90%) and their components are easy to digest and digest. In addition, they contain less fat than cow's milk, with a high percentage of mono and polyunsaturated fats, which benefit cardiovascular health. Its vitamin B group content is remarkable, although there is no vitamin B12 that occurs almost exclusively in animal foods. They have a considerable potassium content, and the sodium / potassium ratio is very good.

Therefore, it is an excellent alternative not only for people who choose to eat a healthy and balanced diet and for those who choose to follow a vegetarian diet, but also for those population groups who, due to special circumstances, do not tolerate any of the components present in the Animal milks, such as lactose or cow's milk proteins, as well as for people with slow digestion problems, irritable bowel, constipation, diarrhea ...

There are different types of vegetable milks, depending on their origin. On the one hand, we can find those that come from cereals, such as rice, oatmeal, spelled or barley, which are characterized by their high content of fiber, vitamins and minerals. On the other hand, there are vegetable milks derived from nuts such as almonds, hazelnuts, sesame or nuts. These are very nutritious and complete and are a source of quality fatty acids and calcium. Finally, there are vegetable milks from legumes, such as soy milk, with a high content of high quality proteins.

Milk and dairy products are one of the most introduced foods in our daily diet. It has always been presented to us as an excellent food, with great nutritional properties, and whose consumption was essential in a healthy diet. This has contributed to an excessive presence of this food group among our eating habits. Despite its nutritional qualities, excessive consumption of animal milk may be more harmful than beneficial to health.

The consumption of milk is recommended mainly because it is a source of calcium, but the excess of this element can lead to the appearance of osteoporosis due to overstimulation in the activity of the cells, which causes the premature death of them. The truth is that it is a food deficient in iron, which can even cause the loss of it in the intestines of babies. In fact, the human being is the only mammal who continues to drink milk once weaned, and who feeds on a milk other than that of his own species and therefore does not `` design. '' specifically for your nutritional needs.

In addition, animal milk is poor in fiber and is overloaded with cholesterol, fats and proteins. The latter is precisely what makes milk an unadvisable food in calcium-deficient states or as a prevention of osteoporosis (fragile bones) since excess protein causes poor absorption Calcium. Interestingly, the US is the world's largest consumer of milk, and also the country with the highest incidence of osteoporosis among its population. However, oriental cultures, where there is hardly any consumption of dairy products but if there is a diet rich in vegetable proteins, they have the lowest osteoporosis rates in the world.

Keep in mind that cow's milk is one of the main triggers of food allergies and intolerances (24.5% of childhood allergies). In the case of intolerance, many people are unaware that they suffer from it; It is an insufficiency in the intestinal production of lactase, an enzyme responsible for digesting the lactose present in milk. It passes into the intestine, where it ferments, causing abdominal pain, flatulence, swelling, vomiting, cramping and even watery diarrhea. Patients notice a drastic decrease in these problems when they substitute milk for a vegetable drink.

Animal milk is a food rich in cholesterol and saturated fats, so its consumption stimulates the liver to make more cholesterol, raising blood levels and accumulating, at the same time, said fat Subcutaneous form as `` body fat '', so it contributes to weight gain. Another risk associated with milk consumption is the abnormal deposit of minerals such as calcium or soft tissue phosphorus, which can lead to calcifications.

From the point of view of naturopathy, milk is a `` nourishment '', and it is common for many naturopathic treatments to begin with the withdrawal of this from the patient's diet. Traditionally, naturopathy relates the consumption of animal milk with respiratory problems associated with excessive mucus production (colds, constipation, asthma, sinusitis, rhinitis, bronchopulmonary processes), as well as with iron deficiency anemias, diabetes, some cancerous processes, and intestinal disorders such as irritable bowel or ulcerative colitis.

By this we do not mean that the milk itself is harmful to health, but it is not advisable to consume it excessively, having other foods that provide us with the same nutritional benefits without any of its disadvantages.

Vegetable Milk: Soy Milk.

It is the most widespread and popular of vegetable milks, dating back to ancient China, where it is documented the use of soy as food since 2800 BC It was later introduced in Europe in the eighteenth century and taken to America at the beginning 19th century

Soy milk is especially suitable for those who have lactose intolerances or allergies, since they do not have it, which causes greater digestibility by not needing enzymes to digest it. This drink is also recommended for people suffering from diabetes, since by slowly releasing sugars, it helps keep blood sugar levels stable. Since the 50s, the use of soy milk has been associated with the decrease in cholesterol, due to its composition rich in isoflavones, fatty acids and proteins, in addition to the vitamins and minerals it presents. The combination of these factors, causes the reduction of cholesterol levels in the body by up to 20%, decreasing the levels of LDL ("bad cholesterol") and triglycerides, in addition to promoting the flexibility of the arteries, causing circulation improve and causing a decrease in the incidence of heart conditions and / or arteriosclerosis.

This vegetable drink has a considerable calcium content, giving it beneficial properties for bones and circulation in general, improving healing processes. In addition, its potassium content helps to eliminate fluids, maintaining the proper functioning of the heart, kidneys and nerves. Potassium, together with the magnesium present in this milk, makes it a perfect food for the control of high blood pressure.

Soy milk has marked health benefits for women, since isoflavones such as genistein and daidzein have a weak estrogenic effect, making the pre-menstrual syndrome more bearable and reducing annoying menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes, sweating, etc. Numerous studies confirm that the consumption of products rich in isoflavones protects man against enlargement of the prostate gland.

Vegetable Milks: Almond Drink.

It is a good option nutritionally speaking. It is a milk indicated to lower blood cholesterol levels, used in postoperative processes due to its high nutritional value, its easy digestion and in those cases of diarrhea and vomiting since it is a good regulator of intestinal peristalsis (or motility). Especially indicated for pregnant women, infants, to fight nervous diseases, weakness or anemia. It is recommended in people with liver problems, malnutrition, childhood eczema and even favors the development of children because it is one of the few vegetable proteins that contain L-arginine (essential amino acid in children). It is beneficial for the brain and muscle because of its high potassium content (an essential element for the functioning of these tissues) and is an important measure in the prevention of osteoporosis.

Dr. Gene Spiller of the Healths & Research Studies Center in Los Altos, California, showed that the consumption of almonds reduces the level of blood cholesterol twice as much as olive oil. It has a high protein content (conferring a feeling of satiety) and soluble dietary fiber that, among other advantages, allows to increase the volume of excreta and thus dilute bile acid, lipids and sterols, thus reducing the carcinogenic risk of these in the colon.

It is an ideal energy food for the cold. It promotes the rise of breast milk, improves nervous system problems and is disinfectant on an intestinal scale. The content of iron and calcium is another virtue of this delicious milk. Magnesium, phosphorus and manganese are other minerals that contribute in not negligible amounts. It is one of the nuts with the highest contribution of vitamin E, whose intake is often below what would be recommended and that plays a valuable antioxidant role.

Vegetable Milk: Hazelnut Drink.

In addition to having the same benefits of almond milk (regulating the level of blood cholesterol, etc.), its taste is very pleasant. Due to its low sodium content, it is recommended in diets to control hypertension and prevents osteoporosis. It is true that hazelnuts have a high energy level but precisely here lies their main source of health, in their high content of monounsaturated fat, healthy fat with preventive effects of cardiovascular diseases (they are so rich in oleic acid that they become “authentic capsules natural olive oil ”).

Hazelnut milk, like all vegetable milks, has no cholesterol and its vegetable protein is of very good quality, since it contains a high proportion of L-arginine, which is a type of amino acid that plays an important role for proper functioning. of the cardiovascular system. It also provides trace elements and many healthy minerals such as copper, manganese, calcium, potassium and phosphorus. Hazelnuts contain a lot of plant fiber, mostly insoluble, which benefits intestinal transit and prevents constipation.

This milk is a good natural source of vitamin E, which acts as an antioxidant for human body tissues; They also provide significant amounts of B vitamins, such as B6 and folic acid important for a healthy pregnancy and for the health of the newborn. Numerous studies conclude that the usual consumption of hazelnuts is recommended for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, such as arteriosclerosis, heart ailments and hypercholesterolemia, and helps increase life expectancy. It is also important for all those people who require great physical effort.

Vegetable Milk: Oatmeal Drink.

Its high fiber content strengthens the digestive system. The consumption of this drink helps to reduce the risk of diabetes, cholesterol and body fat (since oatmeal inflates in the intestine causing a feeling of satiety helping to control weight). It is proven that, in addition to not gaining weight, oatmeal is one of the cereals whose distribution in macronutrients is optimal, as it is an excellent source of carbohydrates capable of supplying energy to the body, like other cereals, although it is richer in protein than Rice, wheat, corn or barley.

It has plenty of unsaturated fats and essential fatty acids, such as linoleic (which our body does not produce but we need to ingest) and antioxidant vitamins such as vitamin E. Few know that in addition to its high fiber content (like other cereals) It has exclusive segments in large quantities called betaglucans. These molecules have a large number of biological functions that are beneficial for the body, the most important being their ability to lower cholesterol and bile acids in the intestine, absorbing them and preventing harmful compounds from entering the body, helping to eliminate them naturally.

Vegetable Milk: Spelled Drink.

The Spelled is a wheat variety that has been cultivated for about 7, 000 years and is considered the origin of all current wheat varieties. This cereal has the peculiarity that it has not been manipulated or crossed with other species, so it is considered pure.

Compared to wheat, spelled nutrients are more easily assimilated by the body and also provides important nutritional advantages:

• Higher protein intake: up to 16% on average while wheat only has an average of 12%.

• Higher quality proteins: it has a better balance of essential amino acids that makes it especially recommended for vegetarian diets.

• It has a higher lipid content with a higher proportion of unsaturated fatty acids and is rich in essential fatty acids (oleic acid and linoleic acid), necessary for the proper functioning of the body.

• An average of 30% to 60% more mineral contribution: iron, zinc (necessary for the proper functioning of blood vessels), copper, magnesium (considered “anti-stress” food par excellence due to a magnesium rate 0.15%) and phosphorus, which makes it very nutritious. This may be the main nutritional advantage of spelled compared to common wheat.

• It is very rich in silicic acid that is one of the most necessary nutrients in our body since it is part of our tissues and organs (strengthens the tissues and strengthens the immune and circulatory systems).

• It is richer than wheat in iron and in vitamins E, B1 and B2 (reduces migraine attacks). The niacin (B3) content is also high (it brings benefits against cardiovascular risk factors).

• Abundant supply of fiber, beneficial for the functioning of the small intestine.

Vegetable Milk: Nut Drink.

This milk is indicated as an astringent in cases of diarrhea, has a hypotensive effect and improves circulation.

Norwegian and American researchers have for the first time made a list of the plant foods of habitual consumption that contain the largest amount of antioxidants. After the analysis of 1000 foods, they have concluded that nuts are the food that contains the largest amount of antioxidants and that, therefore, help prevent numerous cardiovascular diseases or diabetes. They are well above other foods that until now were considered the richest in these components, such as oranges, spinach, carrots or tomatoes.

The main antioxidant components present in nut milk are vitamin E, polyphenols and trace elements, selenium, copper, zinc and magnesium, the latter could benefit endothelial function (layer more internal blood vessels), as they would help prevent the process of cellular oxidation that leads to heart disease.

Other studies have shown the benefits of walnuts in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases due to their content in omega3 and omega6 fatty acids in up to 40 percent of their composition, in one of these studies there was He concluded that the Mediterranean diet is more effective if it includes a handful of nuts replacing certain foods such as butter or vegetables. whole citations.

Vegetable Milk: Sesame Drink.

Sesame milk has a very peculiar flavor, it is a light and nutritious drink, very digestive, which is recommended in cases of liver and heart disorder. Because of its vitamin B complex content, it is especially indicated to alleviate diseases related to the digestive and nervous systems, as well as in cases of anemia, scaly skin and constipated.

Sesame seeds have a high amount of protein, in addition to being rich in methionine, an essential amino acid. The fats it contains are good fats, that is, unsaturated fats, which together with its lecithin content (another lipid content in these fats) makes sesame a contributing food to reduce blood cholesterol levels. In sesame milk we find different minerals, such as calcium that is involved in the formation of bones and teeth, iron that performs numerous and important functions in the body, and zinc, mineral that participates in the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and proteins.

It contains good amounts of fiber, so its consumption is beneficial for the regulation of intestinal function. Sesame is indicated for the fight against skin aging, helps hydration and prevents wrinkles, improving the overall functions of the skin, including hair and nails. It also has anti-inflammatory effects and is excellent for treating the symptoms of pre-menstrual syndrome.

Vegetable Milks: Quinoa drink.

Quinoa has a high nutritional value improving the production of breast milk in women and its high content of lithium helps in the processes of depression control. Quinoa milk has a high content of protein, fiber, starch, calcium, iron (so its intake is recommended in cases of anemia), phosphorus and magnesium (more than that found in other cereals), as well as a good source of vitamins among which A and E. stand out.

Vegetable Milks: Rice Drink.

Rice milk should not be confused with "rice water", with antidiarrheal properties. Rice milk is obtained thanks to the fermentation, in several stages, of whole, fresh, ground and cooked rice grains.

It is a light, sweet-tasting drink, and has the advantage that, unlike other cereal-derived milks, it does not contain gluten. It is also a highly digestible food, present for thousands of years in the human diet.

Thanks to its content in tryptophan and vitamins of group B, rice is known as "The Serenity Seed", since these substances are essential for energy production and the balance of the nervous system. Because of its richness in complex carbohydrates, it gradually releases energy, favoring a stable mood. It is also rich in essential fatty acids (polyunsaturated). It has purifying and hypotensive properties.

It is recommended in slimming diets because it contains about half the calories of soy, oatmeal and almond milks. Having little calcium of their own, many of the commercial preparations are enriched with natural marine calcium, which makes them even more nutritionally attractive.

Vegetable milks: properties and nutrients

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