Awakening Messages - The Utopian Island of Lebab (Part One) by Laura

  • 2010

Dear Subscriber:

In this time that exists in a beautiful unreality, my soul had to become a feather to fly through words, with the only and well-intentioned purpose of reaching other hearts to help them to awaken, through these messages, to know that we all have stored in some corner of the Being.

These knowledge that deep inside us speak of a light that belongs to all of us, waking us up to the great Truth of the Universe, that truth of harmony that each one can choose as a crystal to look at this moment that is the life we ​​choose.

Everything you find here ... is yours, my deepest joy exists in the dream that some of these words make them your own in your soul and in your life.

This does not belong to me even if I leave my soul, because she is a shelter of passage, where I try with all love and humility to translate, making use of the gift of communicating that I was blessed, with the minimum possible modifications, messages of Light and Love turning them into texts, stories and stories ... That is why, I count on you to forward and disseminate whatever you find in these messages that you feel serves you and that can serve others.

This is my dream, because I feel that this is my Mission, and if our paths were found (either by looking for it or by simple "causality") it may be for this to touch your soul in some way, or the soul of that someone who, Close to you feel that this can help.

Thank you for being there, on the other side of the monitor, maybe ... on the other side of the world, or maybe meters away without realizing it ... it doesn't matter, because we know that time and distances do not exist in Universal reality. There are only beings, which connect with each other with bonds of energy, which are sometimes momentary and sometimes eternal.

The Universe today became an accomplice for Awakening Messages to reach your hands and I appreciate being able to share this evolutionary adventure with you.

With affection and the deep desire for love, light and harmony for your life ...


Awakening Messages


The utopian island of Lebab

(First part)


The year 2012 was the first months of what was expected to be the moment of truth ... for some the opportunity to confirm what their religious, historical or cultural beliefs proclaimed as a before and after for humanity, for others the occasion to end the fatalistic climate that reigned, considering that they were only superstitions that would never really occur.

The truth is that there was anxiety and uncertainty in the world, when the news of an unprecedented event spread ... a new island had emerged overnight in the middle of the ocean in an isolated area of ​​the globe.

The images that the satellites did not delay in transmitting, were quite imprecise because of a strange luminescence that emitted the appeared territory. An extensive land with abundant jungle vegetation was appreciated - something impossible for that region of the planet, given the climatic conditions - in the middle of a flat landscape with only one hill in the center.

The most diverse theories quickly emerged ... the lost continent, the earthly paradise, the movement of tectonic plates, the new land for the elect, a possible threat of tsunami and earthquakes as an impact, and even fear of the collapse of a nearby continent.

Of course, the territorial dilemma was immediately presented. The next day different nations disputed sovereignty over that unexplored territory; Given the imminent possibility of war or diplomatic conflicts at best, the UN convened an extraordinary assembly where an agreement was expeditiously signed, whereby the exploration of the strange island would be done by an international delegation that would be composed of Political and scientific representatives from around the world.

First there was an attempt at aerial reconnaissance that was of no use, since the intense light that emerged from the terrain did not allow sightings. Then they proceeded to enter the security forces by land, which despite going through the intricate jungle surface, they did not find any danger and did not find what the satellites showed like a hill.

Once security was confirmed, international delegations landed on the beaches, entering the luminosity to congregate in the center of the island territory, according to the previous agreement. After being blinded by the light for a few seconds, everyone could see like this, a small hill topped by a kind of stone building.

When they were about to ascend, the lift disappeared into everyone's eyes as if it had never been there, to reappear immediately when the scouts retreated.

Exclamations of surprise and fear could be heard in all languages, unexpectedly from the stone shelter someone appeared. He looked like a human being, his facial features possessed a beauty so heterogeneous that it looked like the result of a melting pot of ethnicities; it was impossible to specify whether she was a woman or a man; He wore rustic clothes, such as outside the time they reached the ground and had no hair.

While the spectators held their breath in the face of such a vision, that strange being inclined his torso by way of greeting and an absolute silence took hold of the atmosphere.

-Welcome, do not be afraid, I was waiting for you- he said, touring with his eyes the crowd that surrounded him, and began his story with a calm and deep voice, which filled every corner of the island.

Although everyone spoke different languages, from that moment on, each one listened to the words of others in their own native language; fact that originated the name with which the famous island was later known, in clear allusion what happened in the legendary Tower of Babel, but vice versa.

-I'm here to give you a message, perhaps the most important of your lives, so it is necessary that you listen with attention- solemnly manifested the mysterious subject of appearance andr Page - since you will not get any image or audio records - after a brief pause, during which those present were able to verify that all the recording devices had stopped working, you added, world leaders and renowned men of science, you will be in charge of transmitting to the people what I come today to tell you.

Then it will be known that when the message concluded, the hill disappeared again in front of everyone's eyes, and the island was turned into a sandy sandy expanse, without vegetation. nor usable resources, which determined that after a few months of unsuccessful scientific research, governments and power groups lost interest.

Before leaving the island, a confidentiality agreement was signed to those who witnessed the events, under the dubious argument that the knowledge of that by the common people would generate panic, thus covering up the true political and economic interests that motivated Hermeticism

Although some people who made up the delegations, upon returning to their countries broke the silence imposed, their statements lacking evidence were unlikely, making them targets of all kinds of teasing by the press; Governments officially denied the truth of the rumors in the face of public opinion, turning what happened into a blurred legend.

On December 20, 2012 at 9:19 AM, a strange signal of unknown origin issued a recording to all ends of the Earth, ending secrets and speculation. As before, each person could hear the content in their own language.

First he could see the messenger announcing what it was:

-Peoples of the world, long ago your leaders were entrusted with the task of sending you a message, in the hope that they would know, for having your respect and credibility, to avoid intellectual suspicions. Before the knowledge that it was not possible, you will see today with your own eyes what happened in the place you call Lebab.

Then the filming showed what happened months before on the island, after the messenger announced to the delegation that they would be responsible for communicating it to their people ...

-Who are you? Where does it come from? Who sent it? - some shouted questions, while others supported nodding what they demanded to know.

-Human beings are like children eager to know- said the messenger -but as soon as you have the possibility of knowing the answers to your questions, filling in the reason, you renounce it because you need to find complexity in what you consider indecipherable, how simple It seems fictional and that's why you distrust. You only stick to a limited vision of the truth, which ends up moving away from your happiness ... I can perceive that most of you think you see a puppet in front of you and are looking for the threads to unmask whoever drives them. My origin and my existence, here and now, is not directed by anyone in particular. It is far beyond your reach, for the moment, to understand who I am or where I come from. What I can tell you for your peace of mind, is that I am the bearer of a message that is not intended for the intellect but for souls, for the well-being of all mankind.

A murmur full of expectation toured the island, followed again by the shouting of demands, until recognized Heads of State of the most powerful countries, intervened asking for silence and questioned the unknown about the content of his message.

-In principle, I will appeal to your historical memory, to refer to who with the sun on their hands and feet on the ground, saw seed where there seemed only to be oblivion and devastation- he expressed as he walked in circles on the top of the hill - Even though you considered him crazy, because societies call what they don't understand madness ... he gave you truth and wisdom over and over again.

-Who is he referring to? - a famous scientist wanted to know, exposing everyone's concern.

-I mean who brought you messages of peace, of love, of equality, of scientific discoveries, of philosophical and technological advances to broaden your vision of the Universe, of art to express and elevate the spirit. Who you valued every time he left and attacked on each new arrival. Who again and again you tried to discredit, prosecute or ignore, because it symbolized for you the latent danger of getting out of the partial vision of a small imaginary reality, where you think you are safe; I mean who, despite your resistance, left its mark on different parts of the planet and the history of men. Probably each of you think you know who I am talking about. True?

At that moment, numerous overlapping voices rose in the crowd, exclaiming various names ... Abraham, Akhenaten, Beethoven, Buddha, Confucius, Da Vinci, Dalai Lama, Einstein, Francis of Assisi, Galileo, Gandhi, Hermes, Jesus, Jung, Lao Tsé, Lennon, Luther King, Muhammad, Mary, Moses, Montesquieu, Mozart, Newton, Plato, Pythagoras, Rousseau, Scherk, Schwuarz, Tagore, Teresa of Calcutta, Tomás Moro, Winfried Schumann ..., among many others, that because of the Riot was not distinguished.

He looked with compassionate expression at those who crowded at the foot of the mountain, making silence in the midst of collective anxiety.

"Who is right?" The crowd shouted successively.

-Well, I must tell you, that many have found the right thing about the man or woman to whom you attributed the prominence of my words ... -answered waking up evident bewilderment- because it brought every time different aspect, nationality, culture, name, soul, knowledge ... The people you mentioned, have made great contributions, some came to this world especially for it and others have accessed that knowledge while here, striving to discover a truth greater than themselves.

- Are you wanting to say - an indignant high-ranking official argued - that people as different as philosophers, musicians, politicians, painters, men of science and religious leaders gave encrypted messages to humanity about universal mysteries?

-You must understand that every time someone helped raise the consciousness of human beings, I was giving you a small part of the same truth.

-Are you here to tell us the complete truth? - asked another ruler.

- There have already been many messengers before me, it is time for you to discover that truth yourself, looking deep inside. The time to which you give so much importance in everyday life, finally reached you in the Universal. Will you be able to see this time?

The deep silence that followed that shocking phrase was interrupted by a generalized murmur that rose in pitch until it became a confusing hustle and bustle. The messenger disappeared for a few minutes inside the stone shelter and when the crowd had calmed down, he introduced himself again to complete his message ...

How would it change our lives that a different being would come into the world to give us a message?

What would we do with our lives, if we realized that there have already been thousands of such beings on the planet at different times, communicating part of the same truth?

Or ... has that already happened?

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