Manual of Good Customs of the 21st Century

  • 2011


Yesterday was recommended today is imperative. Daily meditation is the fuel of our body and our soul to travel this time. Do it simply: three phases, conscious breathing, body relaxation, light coming. The simpler, the easier it will be to incorporate it as a habit.


We cannot continue every day as someone who goes on a plane and says to the pilot: ll me wherever you want .

We need a map. Every morning write in your notebooks the clear intention, the ntention of the day, of the week, of the month, of the year, the intention of a lifetime ... It may change every day, but this will help to sustain your actions


Our dreams are leading us in the direction of our evolution. They have always done it, but now it has become much more necessary for us to pay attention to what they say. Practice the memory of the dream, record even if you don't understand it, share them with others.


Old relationships and characters from the past are presenting in our field. The purpose is that we finish closing all loose ends, detaching ourselves from what reflects our old way of being. Say goodbye in a genuine way, with farewell letters that include: thanks, forgiveness and taking responsibility for the cut. They will discover that they receive extraordinary energy in return.


Get together with your peers, with those who share this philosophy of life. The change will find us together. Participate in events, exhibitions, global meditations, forums ... stay connected. Attend courses, seminars. Generate their own sacred circles.


Mother Earth is evolving along with us. In fact, she is the initiator of this movement and the rationale that we are turning to a higher destination. It is the ship that takes us through the cosmos. Let's do rituals in the most simple and universal way: leaving an offering of food and love, to her and her creatures.


Get out in the sun, even on the terrace, even if it is raining ... take contact with natural energy at any time you have. Walk instead of taking a taxi, observe the signs of the wind, the feathers, the clouds, plant a tree. Load yourself with vitality and purity.

8. ART

Express yourself creatively, even if you feel you have no artistic ability. Art is an inherent quality of the species, only that we have been conditioned to accept only certain creative forms. Paint, model, draw, sing, dance, act. Do it alone or with other people but let the soul speak in its own code, which is that of art


Every soul has a dream, and that is its North. Find what makes them happy and follow their mark. Abandon all those prejudices and limiting beliefs that tell you what is "possible" and what is not. When we arrive at the moment that awaits us as a species, it will do us no good to have done things as "expected of us." Find your mission Right now.


Our energy fields are full of waste that is no longer functional to our growth. In other times, it might have taken us years to understand and transmute those remains of karmic experiences. Today, acceleration and changes in our DNA explode ancient crystallizations. Clean up what is left of them with chakra work, sound healing, energy work or whatever they have within reach.

11. REST

All this become for us an unusual fatigue. Matter is slower when adjusting its dynamics to that of consciousness. Protect yourself by getting enough rest, and more. If you can, take a nap every so often, no matter the time of day. If you can't, replace some “commitment” outing with time for you, relaxation and restful silence.


We are being accompanied by spiritual entities of different colors and frequencies, but with the same great project: to witness the wonderful moment in which a species transits from one dimension to another (if! We talk about all of us!). To some extent, you can help us with loving connections, encouragement and inspiration, however the experience is personal and non-transferable, nobody can live for us, our own experience. Enjoy it!


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