The Energies of the New Earth: February 2011 ~ AA Miguel through Celia Fenn

  • 2011


The Energies of the New Earth: February 2011 Archangel Michael through Celia Fenn

Dear Family of Light, there are great changes taking place in your Earth at this time, while the old Grid system crumbles and the New Earth Grid of Fifth Dimension is activated. Yes, indeed, this may seem instability and turbulence at first sight, but looking deeper you will see that all this is part of the changes and transformations we have been talking about in recent months and years. And, we say it again, don't be afraid, know that everything is in Divine Order as you go through these changes. They will be sustained and supported in Divine Love.

Dear ones, Evolution is the process by which the Creative Energy of the Spirit manifests itself in the Material Plane of existence. It is a continuous process as Creation becomes more complex and beautiful in its Infinite Expression of Love. Similarly, your personal evolution is an Infinite Expression of Love, and must be accepted with Joy, and not with fear or anxiety. In fact, Dear Ones, you may feel fear when encountering the waves of anxiety within the "unconscious" Collective that is not yet awake, but do not assume this fear and anxiety as your own. As we have shown you in recent years, remain focused on the Energy of your Sacred Heart and maintain the balance of Love and Peace within you. Everything is fine.

Now, since many are going to be feeling "symptoms" by the energetic changes, we are going to share with you our perception and understanding of these processes within their Being and their Bodies. At this time, the Galaxy is entering what we will call "Harmonic Alignment." This means that all the different Levels and Dimensions of Light are being placed in a Harmonic Alignment of Light and Sound that reflects the internal coherence of the Divine Light. This creates the most beautiful Heavenly Tones and Harmonics throughout the Galaxy, while the Galaxy aligns with its Twin Flame Galaxy, Andromeda, and then aligns with the Cosmic Heart of All Creation and Light.

Yes, Dear Ones, a Great Process of Light, Love and Infinity, but the same process is now taking place in your own bodies and the different dimensions and levels. Your Physical Body and your DNA are aligning with the Earth Codes and all levels of Physical Creation, while your Soul is aligning with the Spirit and all levels of Cosmic Creation. These two processes are found in the Heart, from where they feel and sustain the Ancient Wisdom and the Infinite Love that moves through their evolutionary processes.

At this time, they are simply aligning all levels of their DNA, to the point where they have activated all the thirteen "filaments" or levels of DNA available at this time. The thirteenth filament or level of the light codes of your DNA connects you with your Cosmic Heart or Origin, in the depths of the Cosmic Night of the Memory of Creation. By making this supreme connection of light, you access all the Wisdom and Love of Infinite Cosmic Creation. Therefore, it is not surprising that they can feel changes and repercussions of these processes within their physical being.

Now, you could say that at this time you do not have access to these levels. They may feel they know nothing more than what they knew yesterday, or last year. But we say, Dear Ones, that you will not have access to this information with your mental body and your finite minds. The mental body alone is not able to contain this information, it has what they might call a "limited capacity" for the storage of information, since it is limited to events within linear time. This is, of course, the purpose of the mental body, it was designed to facilitate the experience within a linear time in the third dimension, it was never meant to be the determining element of its existence.

The Cosmic Wisdom and the Knowledge of the Infinite are contained within the Bodies of Light, the "interdimensional bodies", and are encoded in the Fields of Light. This is where the Body of Diamond Light is so important, because it is the particles of Diamond Light that contain the Wisdom and Love of the Creative Source. The Diamond Light is like the "DNA" of the Cosmic Creator, it contains the Infinite Love and Wisdom and the Light of Everything that comes from the 13th Dimension and carries with it the Tones and Harmonics of the Cosmic Love.

In this process of Harmonic Alignment, Dear Ones, each level of your Being is in the process of aligning with the Tones and Harmonics of the Cosmic Heart pulses. They are becoming Awakened and Conscious expressions of Divine Love. And they are going to “feel” this in their Heart, Soul and Spirit, and they will access this information on the Trips to the deepest realms of their Being within the Meditations, Ceremonies and Collective Group Days of Light.

The Divine Feminine Energies and the Embrace of the Cosmic Mother

Dear Family of Light, as you have advanced towards this process of Cosmic Harmonic Alignment, you have been assisted by the compassionate Love and Livelihood of the Great Mother, the Divine Feminine, through the incoming waves of the Shekina Light. This is an aspect of the Platinum Ray that has a High Frequency of Light and Divine Love. Now, as they enter into Cosmic Harmonic Alignment, they begin to experience the Embrace and Love of the Great Cosmic Mother, who was known by the Ancients as Ma'at.

Ma at is the one that sustains the Cosmic Balance of All That Is. Its name is pronounced Mayat or Maia, and its children It is the Maya, who are the Galactic Custodians of the Wisdom of Time and Balance. Ma at is the one that weighs and measures and creates what is known as Time as a way of understanding the deployment of Cosmic Creation through the Dimensions of light. Those who are his children are the Custodians of Ma at, the Custodians of the Sacred Days and Nights and who guide them through the Waves and Frequencies of the Cosmic Days and Nights.

The symbol of this Great Being of Light is a Feather! This indicates that she is the Lightness of the Being and that she Floats and Flows with the Cosmic Winds of Creation. Dear ones, imagine an eagle soaring in the Wind, in Perfect Balance sa is the Energy of Ma at!

She is the Great Mystery and the Guardian of the Cosmic Night. To enter into your embrace is to enter the Heart of All That Is, and experience the Lightness of Being and the Flow of Cosmic Time within the barge of millions of years, as the Ancients called Planet Earth. To be embraced by your Light and Love is to know your Infinite Essence and connect with your Cosmic Wisdom while she guides you through the Cosmic Night and the Great Mystery of Infinite Existence .

When Ma at enters her life she helps them maintain balance in their Heart and in their Being. She is Balance, and helps them manifest that balance in their life. She helps them maintain that Lightness of Being and Flow with the Winds of Creation and the Cosmic Waves of Light of the Great Cosmic Heart that begins Creation and Evolution. n in the Light. Dear ones, it is possible to mount these Cosmic Waves of Light with the Elegance and Grace of a Feather in the Wind, if only they are allowed to be sustained all the time by Divine Love and Grace.

In addition, Dear Ones, the advice and wisdom of the Mayan Day Guardians will help you understand the nature of the Waves of Light that come to you from the Heart C The same and how they are an expression of the current deployment of Galactic Manifestation and Cosmic Creation.

The Incoming Waves of Light and Expression of the New Earth of Fifth Dimension

Dear Family of Light, as the Earth enters Harmonic Alignment with the Galactic Center, the Waves of Light from the Great Mystery will become more intense and powerful. This alignment is a Birth or Rebirth Process, and you are preparing for this Great Evolutionary Leap along with All Creation.

As we said before, the key moment in this Spiral of Creation will be on November 11, when the Earth makes its alignment for the 2012 Event. But the waves of Light that will help this The process will begin to feel in the coming March. These energy waves will carry the frequencies and codes of Divine Harmony and Unity, and will be activated with great force in the Grids of the Fifth Dimension. This means that the process of Creation in the New Grids will accelerate and intensify again, and along with this there will be an acceleration of the disintegration of the old energy grids. This is going to manifest itself as a renewed pressure on the Economic System, since it is this system, more than any other, that keeps people in the old limitations of fear.

Dear ones, since this system is under renewed pressure, we ask you not to fall into fear. Your needs will be met and will be supported by the fifth dimension grilles and the light networks. It is only the third-dimensional grids that will disintegrate, and although this may seem grim and apocalyptic, always remember that you are not supported by that grid, no matter what it may seem to your finite mind. Always remember that your power lies in your infinite being and in your ability to hold the energy in your heart and manifest what you need. You are powerful and loved, and you are Love.

So, for the March Equinox, you will be feeling the intensity of this Wave. And they will float like a Feather in the Waves of Cosmic Light towards a New Creation. New ideas will come to you, new connections, new projects and new communities. Because these Cosmic Waves are the Energies of a New Creation and a New Earth. Therefore, we ask you, do not focus on what is disappearing, but rather focus on what is emerging and coming to the Manifestation - a New Earth and an Age of Light!

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© 2011-12 Celia Fenn and Starchild Global

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Thanks Margarita López !!!

Translation: Margarita López

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