El Morya: Transforming aggression into self-awareness - Part 2

  • 2017
Table of contents hide 1 Let go of your load, release it. 2 Venture out and let go of aggression 3 How will it be when the Earth is free from aggression? 4 Replace aggression with self-awareness 5 “I want to translate this from 'things have to change' to 'this is the change I want to see'”. 6 Consciousness is not defined by religion or secular paths, but by the energy of love.

Channeled by Linda Dillon, November 9, 2017

Suzanne Maresca: Host

[Meditation from 8:00 a.m. to 3:20 p.m.]

El Morya: And they say: “Lord, I don't even want to see the aggression that is inside me . This is something I don't want to do. I don't want to call my attention to this terrible situation, ”but when they love that trait, that aggression, what you do is undermine it . It's like pricking a balloon or making a hole in a plastic container of water, a jug of water. It simply crawls and is returned either to Gaia - and she is a transmuting teacher as you know - or to the air, or to the light, or to the Mother, or to me.

Part of the self-consciousness, part of the journey as transmutating / transforming teachers - beings of such strength and power in the balance of the Divine Masculine / Feminine - is that they are capable of doing this.

Those who are in the agony of that negative aggression, that's where they are. They may have moments of insight, of sadness, of feeling that they want to pay back, but in general they are afflicted by their illusion . Therefore, it is not enough to simply say that we will let them be part of the separation. When we talk with you about inviting and asking humanity to join you in the path of the lovers / lovers / bearers of light, we are being inclusive.

Let go of your load, release it.

Now, you are not going to say : “Oh, and by the way, come to this side and walk with us, walk with Yeshua, walk with all of us and bring your aggression, bring your disdain, bring with you your horrible and false illusions, that bunch of lies you've been telling for thousands of years. ” That is not what you say.

You are saying: “Drop that load. It only weighs you and puts blinders on your heart and your eyes. Come here with us. ” And they are telling you, and that is why I speak on behalf of the aggressors, they are saying: "I would love to . " "I am so tired. I am so frustrated . They chase me in the darkness of the night and I don't know how to free myself. How do i do it? "

And so they are showing them that it is done for the love of the Mother they carry, and for the will of the Father they carry, and for the love of the Father they carry, and for the Mother's will to give birth to this new planet. It has been called the "dream of the Mother", but it is truly the joint dream, not only the dream, but the real fulfillment of the Mother / Father / You.

Venture out and let go of the aggression

They say: "I don't know if I have the strength or the will to venture there, " and I'm suggesting they do it.

Now I know they are strong words. So where do you want to start, dear Suzi?

Suzi : Ok, there are many things I would like to ask. First, really fast: Gaianna? Could you please talk about Gaia's name that we are not familiar with?

El Morya : It's simply his angelic name: GQi anna . But just like you have a human name, she has many names! Many of you have simply called it Earth Mother Earth. Isn't it beautiful? And Gaia and Gia and GQi anna ella will answer no matter how you call her!

Suzi : Yes, that's beautiful. So the aggressors are in the agony of their illusion and we are in the moment of the fulfillment of the Mother's Plan . So, clearly we will not wait many more years for people to let go, shake, whatever. Is there anything you can talk about how this will look like, or do we just have to wait and see why is it a big mystery, how is it going to happen?

What will it be like when the Earth is free from aggression?

El Morya : How it is happening is the awakening of the purpose . It is not just about shaking what we call aggression for the purposes of this discussion, because it is also abuse, control, pride, lust, are a lot of things. So we put it all in the same basket, ok?

But you see, it's not just a matter of letting go because what would happen when people let go, as you said - and there has to be a willingness to let go, and I'll come back to that point - but if they let go and there was nothing with what to replace it, then what they will do, and what we have seen repeatedly in this and many lives, is that they return to what they know, return to the familiar, to what they believe has worked.

So before they release it, or while they are releasing it, what they do is also fill them and replace them with that self-awareness, that alarm energy, so that there is something that replaces what we have called the "basket of aggression."

Replace aggression with self awareness

Now, before the jolt occurs, what there is - and I am pleased to say that most of the time it is in its place - is the will, individual and collective. And that is why I am also emphasizing how it is so important also, in a close and personal way, to embrace your masculine self, your Divine Masculine self, because that is truly a will energy - that strong assumption of the Divine Authority that needs to be present.

So right now, what they are seeing is a growth of individual and collective will . But let's see the individual - he says: “I can't wait. I am impatient to see how all this is shaken and released ”, which is good because it is an activation of the will and, of course, will result in a productive and loving action”.

The human collective - they are not stuck in the cement as they were years ago, let me be clear about it - live an awakening of the will, but not the full awakening that says: “I want to translate this from 'things have to change' to "This is the change I want to see."

Do you understand the distinction I am making?

"I want to translate this from 'things have to change' to 'this is the change I want to see.'"

Suzi : Well, it's a creation process, isn't it?

El Morya : Yes, it is. But you are helping that group that is waking up from "I know I want to change" to "this is the change I want."

Suzi : Well, so you have something to replace the old .

El Morya : Exactly. We are not talking about years.

Suzi : Well, thank God!

El Morya : Now is the time! But this includes the complete activation in action of this community of light workers . And when I call it that - as you know, I have traveled in the West, I have traveled in the East - it is a meeting of conscience not defined by religion or secular paths, but by the energy of love.

Suzi : So you are saying that the collective will is ready ?

El Morya : Yes.

Suzi : That is fabulous. Clearly there are some who are not on board, and we will simply be in trust mode and know that the Mother has everything under control.

The Morya : Most of them are in this round-trip mode, and what is happening with the turning point is that they are losing. Think of it as if it were sliding downhill or sliding down a rocker, a seesaw. When they are balanced and can be stirred up and down, they say: “I want a change. I keep what I have. I want a change. I keep what I have. I am left with aggression because that is the game of the Earth. ”And they really believe that.

Consciousness is not defined by religion or secular paths, but by the energy of love.

Now what is happening is that the rise and fall is becoming a slide, so they are sliding down and are having more and more difficulties to return to that place of: ”I want to maintain the status quo because that is what which is familiar, " but they don't know it, so they say, " We need a change. " I think I want a change. I'm not sure, but I think that change is the way to go, ”but they are not sure what that change is.

So they are at the other end of the rise and fall, trapping and showing them and transmitting them all the time, showing them what the change is and how it looks . And at the same time, they are saying: “If there is any remnant of that anger / fear / abuse / control within me, let it also go away. Let him slide down my personal slide! ”

Suzi: Good, good, good. So light workers, accelerate ! That is the deal, right? [Laughing]

El Morya: That is the deal!

TRANSLATOR: Carolina, editor of the great family of the White Brotherhood

SOURCE: Linda Dillon. (2017). The Morya ~ Transforming Aggression into Self Awareness. 11/18/2017, from Love Has Won Website: www.lovehaswon.com

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