Sirius Transmission and multidimensional light body elevation

  • 2015
Table of contents hide 1 Feeling the Effects 2 The New Body of Light and the Recalibration of Space-Time 3 Earth while It aligns with the Cosmic Heart. 4 The transmission of Sirius and the elevation of the multidimensional light body

February has been an extremely intense month in terms of energy changes and transformations. This seems to be a new pattern, as February 2014 was also an intense and powerful month. In the year, the energy has intensified throughout this month, culminating on February 22, 2015. This has not only been a Solar phenomenon; Although the Sun has also been in the process of activating a new structure of the Body of Light, the main source of these transmissions is the Star of the Syrian system.

Sirius has been a part of the Creation and evolution of the Earth for many stellar cycles. There is a "society" between the Sirian Council of Light and The Councils of the Earth, which has been renewed to allow the Sirian Teachers and Teachers to continue providing their experience and guidance on the evolution and design of the Body of Light. The Sirian Teachers and Teachers, acting through the Atlantean and Egyptian Sacred Schools, imparted to the Earth an understanding of the nature of the Creation techniques used by the Elohim and the Archangels; as well as the design and operation of the Human Angelic Light Body and its relationship with Time and Space in different Dimensional Frames.

In this more recent association, the Sirian Masters have helped to transmit, towards the Diamond Reticles of the New Earth, the Light Codes for the first major elevation of the Diamond Light Body. This transmission is intended to fine tune the Light Body for its new function as a Multidimensional Light Vehicle. Intense light waves are being transmitted from Sirius, which contain the wavy patterns and frequencies of the new Light Body calibrations.

This has been one of the reasons why there has been so much snow in the Northern Hemisphere . Crystal codes are being held and transmitted in the crystalline forms of snow crystals. Then this vibration and this pattern are transmitted to Earth, where they become part of the Earth Memory Bank that is maintained in the Crystal Data Bank "Diamantino" in the center of the Planet.

The information is being transmitted and received mainly through the Polar Star Portals in the Arctic and Antarctic. This means that transmissions are being received mainly by Lapland and Northern Russia, as well as by Canada; and by the countries of Southern New Zealand, Australia, Argentina and South Africa. Powerful waves of incoming Light Codes are being rooted in these places by Warriors of Light and Lightworkers, as well as others in Sacred Sites and strategic Cities of the Earth.

Feeling the Effects

To some extent, everyone will feel the effects of this incoming transmission, especially those who are sensitive to solar radiation. But the effects of the Sirian wave will be felt only to the extent that the Pineal Gland is active and functioning to receive transmission. A person whose Pineal Gland is inactive will feel the waves as instability and anger; and collective "irritation." If the Pineal Gland is active and working to transmit the energies, the symptoms will be different.

The Pineal gland will receive the powerful Light Codes and then transmit them to the Light Body and to the DNA structures of the physical body. Because the "voltage" of these Light Codes is so high, there may be side effects such as dizziness, nausea, insomnia, muscle spasms, anxiety and bad dreams. These symptoms will only be temporary while the Physical Body and the Light Body adjust to the new frequencies that are making Multidimensional Consciousness possible as a "real" experience.

This is an image of the Sirian symbol of the Eye of Horus that was taught by the Sirian Masters to the Initiates of the Mystery Schools of Ancient Egypt. The image shows that the Pineal Gland in the Human Brain was the main location for Creation and Manifestation, which was the meaning and purpose of the symbol of the Eye of Horus .

So when the Eye of Horus or Pineal Gland is powerfully activated by Light Transmissions from the Sirian star system, that means that a powerful Energy of Creation and Manifestation is on its way n. The Earth Councils are receiving new templates for Higher Forms of Life and Consciousness on Earth.

So you will understand that the more powerfully you are feeling the effects, the more you will be participating in this wave of New Earth Reality Creation. Those who are not receiving the transmissions, will continue with their lives in the framework of reality that they know, even when they are ready to graduate for the Multidimensional framework that is being implemented right now.

Right now there are many Busy Guardians and Spiritual Assistants, the main ones of which are the Angels and the Dolphins / Cetaceans.

The Dolphin Angels are Beings of Light that come from the Andromeda Galaxy via Sirius, to work with the Earth. They carry the frequency of the Golden Light of the Christ Consciousness, as well as the Frequency of Diamond Light necessary for the Multidimensional journey. They are Guardians and Masters of Time Cycles and Time Spirals that are the basis for the Mastery of Time Travel and Creation in Higher Frequencies. His Loving energy is helping Humanity begin the Mastery of Time Travel and Higher Consciousness.

The New Body of Light and the Recalibration of Space-Time

The elevation of the New Light Body creates a Multidimensional Geometric Vehicle of Golden and Diamond Light. This vehicle is composed of “Reticle” levels and “Flow” levels that allow the Being to change between the different dimensions of Light and Consciousness, while still rooted and centered in the Connection of Heart to Heart / Earth Star / Earth, which It is vital for life in the New Reality.

The "Reticle" levels are geometric structures that create the Templates for a specific Dimension; and the Body of Light allows the person to connect with those dimensions if the reticles are active.

The "Flow" levels are constituted by pure energy that flows between the reticles and can be experienced as movement and feelings / emotions.

These 2 aspects of the Body of Light work together to create the Multidimensional Vehicle. This vehicle is centered in the Heart; and it is the Balance Center from which all Conscious Creation originates. When you are in that Heart Center you are in Non-Time and Non-Space, the Divine Consciousness of Love and Compassion. When you start a Creation, you start working with Time and Space, depending on the level you have chosen and the creation you want to manifest.

When you get used to this "recalibration" you will abandon the old three-dimensional notion of time as a linear flow from past to present to future; and you will begin to see that Time is a Spiral or Circular Energy that can move in any direction at any time, depending on individual and collective choice.

This image shows the clearest expression of the idea of Time and Space Flow in a Multidimensional context. Past and Future are always in Flow; and at any time you can move either to the "past" or to the "future", or simultaneously to both.

You can exist simultaneously in many Realities and Timelines; and the choices you make will affect your Essence and your Self in all of them. The choice you make defines your Reality in the Moment of Now ... The Fulcrum of all Time and Space.

When you work with these new elevations and begin to incorporate the new Body of Light, you will open yourself to the perception and verification of the Multiplicity of Experience and Being. Some of you will become Time conscious Travelers; and you will begin to move consciously between parallel lives. You will begin to understand how the future shapes the past from the present; and you will become empowered to participate in this continuous Creation of Light and Love . You will embrace all that you are and the "Magic" of your Being on all levels of Creation and Light.

The Sirian Masters inform us that while you incorporate this new Light of Sirius it is very important that you breathe deeply while focusing on the energies. The Heart Center is under pressure to integrate all the power of the Light Codes, so breathing with the lungs helps expand and balance this area of ​​the Physical Body and the Light Body.

Find a quiet place to sit. For this meditation it is better to sit down than to lie to you, because the powerful energies must go down your spine towards the Earth.

Focus on your Heart Center and begin to breathe deeply ... ... inhale and exhale allowing your breathing to slow down until your body is quite relaxed. Open your personal channel to the Earth through your Root Chakra down to your Earth Star Chakra and to the Heart of the Earth. Breathe in harmony with the pulsations of the Heart of the Mother

Earth while She aligns with the Cosmic Heart.

Bring that Energy back to your Heart and breathe deeply. Now open the channel by climbing through the Crown Chakra and the Soul Star Chakra following up to the Cosmic Heart, breathing in harmony with the Divine Heart. Bring your focus back to your Heart. Now you are aligned and rooted. Now, if you want, you can summon the Sirian Masters, the Dolphin Angels, the Archangels and the Elohim to work with you, or any Star Master you want to help you at this time.

Open your Pineal Gland to receive transmissions of Light Codes from Sirius. While the Light floods the Pineal Gland and passes through the entire body, continue to breathe deeply and root the energy through your body to the Earth.

Just keep breathing and taking root, until your body feels balanced and calm. You may need to continue doing this throughout the day until the Light Codes are integrated.

You may also need to rest, sleep and enjoy only in tranquility. Drink lots of water and stay hydrated .

Bathe or shower frequently. You may enjoy a bath with Himalayan Pink Salt Crystals.

They are good crystals to work with: Diamond, Herkimer Diamond, Transparent Quartz, Tanzanite, Lapis Lazuli, Azeztulite, Golden Tourmaline and Black Tourmaline; and obsidian. Or any crystalline companion whose company you feel called at this time.

through Celia Fenn

Translated: Jairo Rodríguez R.

Energy and Spiritual Consulting

The transmission of Sirius and the elevation of the multidimensional light body

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