How to make ginger tincture for dizziness, nausea, poor circulation or indigestion

  • 2014

Ginger tincture is very practical and simple to make at home. We can use it as a home and natural remedy to treat nausea, dizziness, indigestion, poor circulation, congestion, colds, congestion ... here you can see more

To make ginger tincture you need only ginger and vodka or brandy. In a glass jar with capacity for about 200 ml, add 1/2 of ginger cut into small squares and the rest fill it with vodka or brandy. Move well and store in a closet or place where you do not receive direct light and remember to shake it periodically. Keep it that way for 3 or 4 weeks. After this time, strain and store the tincture.

In general for adults 3 drops are taken 3 times a day for a maximum period followed by 2 weeks. However, consult with the corresponding professional to know the most appropriate in your particular case.

This tincture can be used for 1 year.

How to make ginger tincture for dizziness, nausea, poor circulation or indigestion

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