Kryon talks about channeling

  • 2016

Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of the Magnificent Service.

What do you think of what is happening? In these few minutes we will talk about channeling. We've talked before, but we didn't give a full message. What do you think of what you see? Those present who perceive energy know what happens. They can feel the change; You can feel the hearts aligning with the message. It's easy, it's an alliance of love. And next to him sits a person who thinks this is a fraud. The difference between these two people is not so much. One is able to feel this energy, the other chooses not to feel it, but if you look inside, the inner God is in both. They have all the tools available. Free will is like that. Those who do not believe that this is possible or appropriate are those who are attached to a box of belief that they learned when they were little, not something they chose, but something they were told. If they are going to examine something, some will say: You used certain words, good words: who, what, when, where, why. So let's talk briefly about that.
Who can channel? What is the authority? What authority is needed to sit in a chair and open the veil? There have been people channeling for hundreds and hundreds of years. You call it in many ways. Did you know that in the Vatican, the Holy See, when the Pope sits in the Ex-Chair, is infallible because he is channeling? Then you will say: Well, but it is the Pope! but in saying that at least they are admitting that it is possible. Who can channel?

When a great composer conceives a melody that changes the planet, did they know that it is channeling? When they see a painting or sculpture that makes tears appear in their eyes for their beauty, did they know it was a channeling? So who can do that? The answer to that question is: anyone. And that depends on the level of consciousness that you think you can achieve. How many of you have had an intuition that became a great idea? Something that was obvious to you but not to others. Do you realize that they channeled that? The "who", therefore, is easy to answer.

Who knows that they have channeled in the past? I will say it again: in his sacred writings, there are many writings of many human beings. Sometimes they talk about history; Sometimes they involve deep energy. Sometimes they write with passionate words; Sometimes they are writing from a prison. You have called it "the word of God, " and yet God did not write any of it; Human beings did it. That is channeling.

Channeling could be defined as the energy that enters a human being that is deep and divine and true and is then given to others. However some say it's too weird, too weird. They do not understand what is the language of love. And this is the answer to the "what." It is something that happens naturally - if you allow it. He is not a man in a chair talking to hundreds of people. She is a woman and her child, and she intuits what her son needs. She channels solutions and answers like mom. That's. It belongs to all human beings. It is something that change begins to improve. The healer who stands in front of his patient and discerns what the patient really needs - not what the patient says he needs. He talks about the kinds of things that are wrong in his body, but all the healer sees is the balance to eliminate fear and increase love. And where did he get that information? He connected with the Source, and channeled it.

The next one is "where." And the answer is: anywhere. Those who tell you that it has to be appropriate, only in a certain place, are those who never truly experienced full channeling, whether in a good or bad place.

Channeling can be simple; It can be you with you . Maybe something happens to you; you are on a highway and someone locks you up (laughs) and suddenly you channel a peaceful energy. You just channeled what you needed to keep calm, to smile and understand that it makes no sense to get angry. Have you ever thought about that? Some put worship, channeling, meditation, in compartments; It can only be done in a certain place, at a certain time. This is the answer to "when" : whenever you want; where appropriate; when you feel the love of God in your life.

What happens if the channeling is not what you thought? What happens if it is the inner God and you, naturally, all the time? Twenty four hours a day, seven days a week, every hour you are awake.

And the last one: "why" (laughs). I want you to accompany me to imagine something . Let's say for a moment that you have the consciousness of the Creator, and there is a system by which you create human beings. You put a piece of yourself in them; they create them in their image, and that image is love. But they give them free choice so they can go in any direction they want. They can see them as their Creator or not. But if they see it, wouldn't you give them a natural way for them to respond to their love? The "why" should tell him. Because they are deeply loved. The "why" is that we want to have that love response from you. The "why" is that you are able to bring that energy of love into yourself and change yourself. The "why" is that you live longer, that you can heal your own biology. The "why" is that they can become compassionate with others. That's what the "why" is all about.

Each one of those who are here and those who hear my voice is intimately known to God. There is a silver thread of consciousness that starts from each one towards the Creator and is always there. Even if you don't believe any of this, it 's there! No matter what they believe, the Physics of this is constant. Exactly And forever. The only thing that moves it is what you believe. They are in the midst of the biggest change in human history. That means that at this moment there is more probability for them to see the truth than ever before. And the truth is the "why." Because they are loved without measure as part of God, their creation. There is a hand extended towards you; It is within you; it is the hand of the Creator that says: " Discern this energy ." Is there anything here that you have missed? Are you afraid of God's love? Do you fear him Maybe it's time to change that.

We will be back.

And so it is.


AUTHOR: Lee Carroll




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