Who are the ancient astronauts?

  • 2017

The world is full of incredible and amazing stories that require large doses of faith and research to be corroborated. Among them, today we refer to ancient astronauts, also known as aliens or ancestral aliens . Who were these supernatural creatures and why are they so important to human life? Let's shed light on the subject.

Hypothesis of the ancient astronauts

According to renowned and prestigious authors, such as JJ Ben tez, Giorgio A. Tsoukalos or Erich von D niken, ancient astronauts are extraterrestrial beings that were the origin of human beings and civilization as We know her .

That is to say, that this hypothesis or theory is based on a primitive extraterrestrial contact . A fact that could have taken place thousands of years ago on Earth. The moment in question is also called paleocontact.

According to this hypothesis, these ancestral aliens are responsible for the degree of current development of human civilization . That is, beings beyond the stars, reached our planet. Here they flew to sow the seeds of what we know today as society.

Thus, these ancestral aliens would be the forerunners and responsible for the religions we know today, the evolution of technologies and part of human culture . Therefore, some authors have announced it as alien creationism. That is, the origin of the human being, and how much we know, would be really far from Earth, beyond the stars.

In fact, alien creationism implies that deities are actually extraterrestrial beings that have high technology . Hence, for the original human, that is incomprehensible and of divine origin .

More information about the ancient astronauts

Thus, the authors of these hypotheses argue that human beings proceed or are descendants of ancestral astronauts who arrived on Earth thousands of years ago .

Now, how do they justify such a hypothesis? The truth is that there are several theories that can give value to it:

  • One of the theories that defends the visit of the ancestral aliens, connects with the divine beings and their not human forms. That is, the hybridization that humans saw or imagined for their deities in the various religions and beliefs, would actually be aliens arrived on Earth.
  • In reality, all customs and religions have many points in common. For the proponents of the ancestral astronaut hypothesis, their arrival on Earth made the origin identical, and spread throughout the planet over the centuries. However, all come from a base culture.
  • Another theory that defends the existence of ancestral aliens refers to the construction of the great monuments. According to them, the moáis of Easter Island or the great pyramids of Egypt and America were actually supported by a superior civilization capable of carrying out these engineering works.
  • Paintings and representations also serve to justify such an original visit. In much of cultures, both in Rome, during the Middle Ages, while the Mesopotamians were the light of education ... In all of them are examples of supernatural beings with certain traits in common with diverse deities.

Scientific theory or pseudoscience?

It goes without saying that the theories of ancestral astronauts have a good number of detractors . However, there are great research minds behind their hypotheses.

In this case, it is not desirable to make value judgments, either for or against. We simply reveal the existence of research and theories, so that each one freely judges whether he considers them true or not. However, something is certain, whether ancient astronauts or not, the origin of the human being remains very uncertain .

Seen on Wikipedia, by Pedro, editor of the Great White Brotherhood

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