Angry Reiki Course Level 1 and 2 together: October 28, 29 and 30, 2016 in Barcelona

  • 2016


Level 1 and 2 together

October 28, 29 and 30 in Barcelona

What is Anglic Reiki?

Angelic Reiki is the result of channeling of the Arc Angel Metatr n through Christine and Kevin Core, who founded it in 2003.

It is a healing system that works with angels, archangels, ascended masters and other beings of pure light.

No previous experience in reiki is necessary.

No symbols are memorized, the angels will do it for you.


- For me, the Master of Angelic Reiki or facilitator of Angelic Reiki courses is a human being with his lights and his shadows, like everyone else, neither special nor est illuminated.
- The power is in oneself, do not look for it in something external, not even in the angels. You are already that and it is within you.
- The angelic reiki is a way to raise awareness, to a "realize" and not act from the ordinary mind that always repeats the same thoughts, habits and emotions.
- It is not a way to escape from reality or to be in a fantasy world, rather it is to anchor on earth and be happy on Earth.
- The human being has a tendency to separate what is material and what is spiritual. We are a body and we are also a spirit, we are all at once.

Therefore the angelic reiki is not something exclusively spiritual because it is all spiritual (everything has essence): scrubbing the dishes, loving yours, running, shopping and everything in life as well. It is spiritual if you live it consciously and more, if you feel alive and grateful for everything.

Montse Garc a Ariath . Therapist and Trainer

CONTENTS Level 1 and 2:

Self healing with the angels

Healing with Ascended Masters and Archangels

Multidimensional healing, past lives, ancestors

Tune objects and healing tools to angelic vibration

Cleaning and Tuning for Level 1 Angelic Reiki

Cleaning and Tuning for Level 2 Angelic Reiki

Fusion with your angelic healing group

Practices of the types of healing mentioned

The course can be another step in the progress and evolution of your consciousness and therefore of your own life.

Since energy is light and light is information, channeling and integrating this vibration allows you to expand your heart, release emotions and blockages, awaken abilities and / or sleeping gifts, feel that you are a human and divine being, experience the loving energy of the angels

Angelic Reiki Initiations:

There are three initiations during the level 1 and 2 course. Two initiations made by angels, anchoring the symbols in the energy body of the person and one to the Angelic Kingdom through the Archangel Metatron.

The Teacher is a simple guide. In addition, before each initiation you will receive cleanings and releases that you need at that time to clean your channel (cleaning your channel is remembering who you really are) .


Course Manual and Official Certificate


Montse García Ariath. Angelic Reiki Teacher, accredited by Christine Core.

Awakening of the Female Consciousness, healing and blessing of the womb, liberation of ancestral memories. Healing Archetypes and Healing Codes. Integrative Body Work. Psychological Astrology Ovarian Breathing In formation of Family Constellations and Expressive-Enneagram Movement. Diploma in Occupational Therapy specialized in Neuropsychology


First day (Friday) 4:00 p.m. to 8:45 p.m.

Second and third day (Saturday and Sunday) from 9.30 a.m. to 3.30 p.m.


Email :

Telephone : 675 092 555

There is discount on the price of the course if you make the reservation in advance

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