The (re) Education of the Sacred Incarnation By Lauren C. Gorgo

  • 2011

July 28, 2011

“There is a beautiful display in their physical world that is unraveling the part of the day where they come to understand the depth of the work they have done… they get to see, feel, touch the reflections of their achievements on the material planes.” - Seven Sisters of the Pleiades

Physical Rebirth

According to the perspective of the seven sisters, and from the last three eclipses, along with the enormous rewiring of the heart we go through, we have officially begun the process of physical alignment with our mental and emotional bodies. This means that much of the energy support we are receiving at this time is directed towards the understanding and experience of living as a fully integrated galactic / spiritual being ... in a human body. Emphasis on the part of the human body.

During the remaining days of the ninth universal wave we will be emerging in gradual stages ... (re) being born in physical dimensions, one layer at a time, and in preparation for the exteriorization of our true divinity, where we can finally share our self / gifts with the outside world. We are really feeling the pressure build up and the yearning for freedom is becoming unbearable, but we will not be able to emerge completely until we are fully mature galactic humans.

The Pleiadians are emphasizing that our physical bodies are a very important part of this stretch of the trip, because the body is our point of contact between the physical and ethereal realms ... where we use, structure and anchor our potential in form. In other words, 'we' are where the proverbial tire meets the street . where the spirit meets matter ... where our creative passions meet the world ... and it will be up to our updated biological costumes to provide each of us with the necessary hardware to participate in the world of fifth dimension, our work.

Green light

Although technically we ascend to higher dimensions of consciousness, I have always understood that ascension is rather a descent ... an arduous and slow process of cracking our souls into our bodies and the earth until we feel comfortable enough to live here. And I don't have to tell you that getting into our bodies and staying in them is / has been a task. In fact, for many of us on this trip, taking root in physical dimensions has not only been an incessant and tedious undertaking, but it has been largely impossible until now.

There are so many star seeds (of the blue ray especially) on this planet that they have never even come close to touching the ground ... much less in a fully embodied way ... and unfortunately this has made it very difficult for some to live in 3D. But that was really what it was. Those in the ascension timeline could never feel completely comfortable in 3D, because all of you mutants are wired in an oddly different way ... and the purpose / result was that we all successfully avoid complacency ... even if we paused the alarm sometimes of the alarm clock.

The main reason why many on this road (especially the younger generations) have refused to land in the lower dimensions is because the frequency of our own home territory was not available for us to snuggle into it, until recently ... especially because we are the ones who are anchoring her here ... so she didn't feel safe. Being in a dense body can be disturbing due to the limitations of the lower realms ... those frequencies to which we are simply not accustomed. It's like trying to put the ocean in a bottle of Coca-Cola ... it seemed ridiculous to even try to root all our expanded limit in a container that felt VERY restrictive.

But now, my star friends ... our bodies are coming into operation along with the rest of us, which means that we are being given the green light for the full dive. Our biological systems are tirelessly preparing us to begin our physical journey towards 5D together, which means that a rebirth is underway, as well as the development of a new (co-creative) relationship with our outside world. Apparently, we still have a lot to learn about our new self, so the invisible say that a se (re) education of the sacred incarnation is required.

Mobile Parts

We would like to emphasize the need to be active during this time, reminding each of you that it is vital that you begin to move your physical bodies in a way that supports the systematization of their new cells. Seven Sisters

My partner, Leon, once told me in a passively sarcastic tone cars have moving parts, did you know?

He was sarcastically referring to the fact that I almost never leave the house (courtesy of tireless fatigue) and as a result, my car sometimes passes in the garage for days and days. And although at that moment I wanted to throw a glass full of iced tea on you, those words really resonated in my head and became a constant and martyred reminder that if I don't move the parts of my vehicle, problems arise .

The constant physical and emotional heaviness and lethargy that accompanies paving roads can be discouraging, to say the least, and I will be the first to admit an aversion to regular exercise even and especially, yoga ufff. It is that I cannot force myself to do or do an asana.

From the beginning of this trip, exercising for me felt like too much effort for too little reward, which, unfortunately, made it very easy to give up and fall prey to inactivity. . So I definitely understand that even the idea of ​​exercising can be overwhelming, with so many symptoms. That said, I have been receiving repetitive messages that it will be much better if we overcome fatigue (adrenal) and begin to move our parts regularly. In other words, we can no longer be sedentary, without increasing consequences due to higher frequencies.

If the symptoms have been dictating your life or really destabilizing them on a daily basis, you may now be seeing a growing need to work more (pro) actively in cooperation with your body to overcome energy disease and depression (stagnant energy). We are in the second phase of the incarnation, which the seven sisters refer to as the concretion of our divine body, when the soul begins to experience itself authentically in human form. and they insist that physical activity will help us greatly in this process of roots.

As always, our body is the best indicator of what and how ... and desire is our fuel. If they can cultivate the desire to be more physically active doing something they like instead of something they fear, they will double the results, but even the simplest movement with the intention of stabilizing, revitalizing or regenerating will bring more palpable results now. Either way, a greater focus on the physical will help us maintain homeostasis through these increasingly physical changes.

"We would also like to add that along with the movement, the physical body still needs rest and rejuvenation through periods of integration ... doing and being, activity and recovery ... this formula will be necessary for optimal personal care and nutrition during this time." - Seven Sisters

The conclusion is that we are now physicalizing our authentic self in the material world ... cell by cell ... and with so much energy channeling through our meridians, we will simply feel better if we raise the bar in terms of physical care. If we heed this call to move the body regularly, we will be supported to dislodge stagnant energies and release stored toxins without much effort.

I am also hearing that any part of our body that needs healing (love) will probably make its presence felt during this cycle, if it has not already done so, and that we will be given the opportunity to release deeply rooted emotions, responsible for long-term physical afflictions. data. Any primordial resistance (fear) that we feel with respect to the incarnation will also be emphasized for its healing ... especially because we need to take root ourselves first before we can root the life of our dreams.

“The amount of time it takes to fully embody your physical vehicle is directly proportional to the amount of resistance you maintain. What we mean by this is the following: For the physical body to integrate these high frequencies, a deep level of delivery, acceptance is required, so that each cell can harmonize with the galactic forces of creation. If there is resistance to contain, carry or accept these energies, the body will flinch in rebellion and create great discomfort. Therefore we recommend a softening, an opening and a willingness to welcome and fully embrace these energies ... not to reject them. As during a birth, relaxing in discomfort will relieve stress in the physical body during the intensive rebirth process that you are currently experiencing. Allow, allow, allow, is what we would say in response to all resistance disguised as suffering. ”- Seven Sisters

Biodynamic Intelligence

“What we would like you to understand is the following: the new human form is of dynamic constitution… it is a living entity by itself and therefore requires a new level of communication and relationship for its maintenance. The operation of your new system has not so much to do with “how” they use it, but with 'why'. ”- Seven Sisters

A 5D human is very different from a 3D human when it comes to consciousness and self-responsibility ... that is, the state of being awake and aware of our multidimensional mind and motives. "Why" we do something matters now more than ever, since our intention must be generated from the heart-centered love in order to live in a harmonious life flow ... the intentions based on love are the true 'programming' that the New human prototype required to function optimally.

Invisibles have told us many times in the past that our cells have intelligence, and that we are just beginning to learn to work in conscious cooperation with that intelligence as we develop a deeper and more loving relationship with ourselves and come to honor the body. Like the sacred temple that it really is.

In this next phase we will learn to work together with our biology ... that does not mean that our autonomous biological functions will stop if we do not pay attention to them, but that everything works better with our conscious participation, especially now that our minds have a greater influence on our cells.

What has changed?

Until now, our biology has largely been operating on autopilot, without our conscious participation, or what star-beings call 'intentional programs' that enhance or optimize our human experience.

The new human prototype is a biodynamic system of cellular intelligence that works with or without intentional participation ... however, just as biodynamic agriculture produces a self-sustainable system, with more vital, nutritious, abundant, and even easier results, when It is considered the holistic interrelation of soil, plants and animals according to the celestial calendar, so also our biology works best when used in a conscious and integrative way.

And this is what our next phase is going to be about ... learning to use consciously and create balance within the body and by using intentional force fields that will maintain our ability to exist holistically within a still separate world. First we had to integrate the understanding that this was possible, and now each of us will come to know how this works.

All the sense of being a human of 5th dimension is to exist within the world of 3rd dimension of form, but with a conscious connection with the intelligence field of unity. This is what is so particular about this special moment on earth ... that each of us is reaching the ability to co-create as the gods / goddesses that we truly are ... and of course, while functioning in a body. The benefits of this are immense, although largely unknown because this is something that is new to all of us ... that is why the invisible stress that this part of the trip is so exciting, because we are going to learn to do many new things., like it was the first time.

Symptoms of Fusion

Since we are expanding on all physical things, I thought it would be useful to mention that ... in addition to the high multitude of symptoms that may be experiencing ... deep changes are also occurring within the structure of our brain during this time.

If they have been experiencing unusual attacks of vertigo, instability, dizziness, sinus discomfort, blurred vision, inability to read or concentrate, burning / watery eyes, pressure on the skull / eyes, earaches, headaches / migraines, or distancing ' out-of-body '… most likely it is related to what the Pleiadians call "symptoms of fusion."

The sun acts as a transmitter of light codes that are interpreted by our pineal and pituitary glands, which have been continuously stimulated during the recent cycles of intense solar activity. They may have noticed an inability to remain in the sun for a long time during these periods, or an over-stimulated nervous system (anxiety, nervousness, uprooting, etc.) for no apparent reason. As with all symptoms, these will remit as the body assimilates at frequencies.

Apparently, our brain is physically transforming from a reptilian (primitive) brain to what they call the "brain of a galactic supervisor" ... the main difference, they say, is in the calculation and level of understanding, and the mutation is activated by merging sacred (polar) forces of energy.

As the energies of the pineal gland (female) and pituitary (male) gather in what is commonly known as the Mystic Marriage ... or the opening of our "sacred inner vision" ... we are also (surprisingly) capable of See these light codes in a very literal way.

If you have been waking up in the middle of the night with a blindingly bright interior light behind your eyes, you can't turn it off ... something like someone was shining an industrial-sized flashlight inside your brain, from the top of the crown ... most likely, the birth of his multidimensional consciousness, the step into the fifth dimension and beyond.

This can also be accompanied by strong pressure both on the crown and on the forehead, and sometimes this light is also audible ... like a hum of a very high frequency that is also quite annoying, but strangely interesting. This can be a bit disturbing if one does not know what is going on, but the invisible say that these increasing radiations of the pituitary / pineal (light of the higher dimensions) are a natural part of the "sacred incarnation" scenario, or the "Concretion of our divine body".

Ultimately, when the fusion is complete, spirit and matter unify while the multidimensional forces of spiritual light merge with the physical matter of our third-dimensional brain, and we are free.

To keep holding on ... even if it's hanging by a thread ...


PS: Another warning that potentially robust solar flares are expected to arrive on the planet by 30-31 / 7 ... just in time for the new moon yupi!

Copyright © 2008-12. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this article on condition that the content remains complete and intact, full credit is given to the author (s), and freely distributed.

With the proper authorization of Lauren C. Gorgo, El, has all its material translated into a Word file, which you can download from your site Think with your Heart in

Translation: Margarita López

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