MER-KA-BA Meditation: An Ascension Vehicle

Historically, Mer-Ka-Ba has been talked about as a vehicle that allows a person to ascend or descend to higher or lower worlds. But really the Mer-Ka-Ba is much more than an ascension vehicle. It can really be anything (the original pattern that created all things and all universes, both visible and invisible. See The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life, volumes I & II).

In the Bible, there is a reference of Ezekiel and the wheels on which Ezekiel ascended to heaven. This was the Mer-Ka-Ba.

In the Torah, there is a reference to Merkavah (as written in Hebrew) which has two different meanings: One means "car" which is a vehicle; the other is "The Throne of God." When the two definitions are combined, the true meaning comes alive.

In Ancient Egypt, the original pattern was called the Mer-Ka-Ba. It's really three words, not one. Mer means a kind of light that rotates on itself. Ka means spirit, in this case it refers to the human spirit. And Ba means human body (which can also mean the concept of reality that the spirit has). And so the whole word for the ancient Egyptians referred to a light that rotates and can carry the spirit and body from one world to another.

Once I spent a couple of hours with Credo Mutwa, the spiritual leader of the Zulu tribe in Africa. He explained to me that Merkaba (one word) meant for the Zulu a space / time / dimensional vehicle. He told me that according to the Zulu legend, his entire tribe had come from another dimension to Earth using Merkaba.

In the modern world there are teachers throughout the world (and I am one of them) who are helping people remember their Mer-Ka-Ba. This will begin a process in consciousness that will eventually move us from the world of the third to the next level, what has been called "ascension."

Ascension involves a process where the human body is transformed into light and transferred to an incredible birth in a new world. This is achieved through meditation and requires mind, heart, body and spirit fully integrated into a pattern of light and transcend the human limitations of this reality.

This concept of Mer-Ka-Ba as an ascension vehicle is not new. It is very, very old.

What is Mer-Ka-Ba really? Technically, it is an electromagnetic field of about four degrees Kelvin, which is primarily within the microwave range (at least in the third dimension), which is completely geometric in nature. Specifically, the geometry used is called "Sacred Geometry, " as a particular geometry that is found in the patterns of creation in all things of Creation.

The Mer-Ka-Ba field is extremely complex, involving the five Platonic solids and other sacred polyhedra. It is believed to extend across all possible dimensions and parallel universes and may possibly change its electromagnetic nature to any other appropriate one.

One of the functions of Mer-Ka-Ba, as we say, is to act as a vehicle that takes the spirit and body to the next world. However, this function (and many other possibilities) are impossible to obtain without some changes in the person. The Mer-Ka-Ba is situated around the human body as a three-dimensional geometric network that is inactive and does not work, waiting for the appropriate moment. When the spirit that inhabits the body remembers that it is there and begins to change certain aspects in itself, an incredible transformation begins to develop.

It was believed in ancient times, and even in writings about the Hebrews, that Merkavah could be activated by certain principles in meditation. This includes changes in breathing, mind, heart and changes in the body that alter the way in which the person perceives Reality. From my perspective, this is the beginning of "Illumination."

And it is still clear that Mer-Ka-Ba can also be "activated", as those of the New Age say, by other methods besides the masculine style of breathing changes instructions mentioned above. It can be activated through methods that are purely feminine. Through true qualities of life such as love, faith, trust and compassion, Mer-Ka-Ba can spontaneously become alive. In other words, a very pure human character can transform the Mer-Ka-Ba field around the person live, even if the person does not initially know he is there.

And yes, absolutely, the Mer-Ka-Ba is alive. It is a living field, not a mechanical energy field. Because it is a living field, it responds to human feelings and thoughts, which is the way to connect with the field. So the computer that guides the Mer-Ka-Ba is the human mind and heart. The possibilities have no limits.

At a certain and specific moment (not necessarily in this life), a person's Mer-Ka-Ba field becomes alive. When this happens, an electromagnetic change occurs as the result of a disk of energy that goes from a small place at the base of the spine and rapidly expands around 8-9 meters of radius around the body. This disk can be easily perceived by scientific means and if the United States Air Force is right, it can be put on the screens of your computers via satellite lite In other words, the military can see the people who activate their Mer-Ka-Bas, and see them as they move on the surface of the Earth.

Since the number of people who have done this now is millions, it is quite common to see it now. It is a huge magnetic explosion that attracts attention to it. This can be made easily visible to people who have activated their Mer-Ka-Ba, if they wish to do so.

The knowledge of Mer-Ka-Ba is well known to many of the most powerful governments in the world. I am certain that our government used Mer-Ka-Ba in 1943 in the Philadelphia Experiment and in 1983 in the Montoc Experiment (in its experiments of controlling the mind and dimensional explorations and in defense programs and systems).

But regardless of the experiments of governments, Mother Earth, the human race and we as individuals can benefit from this understanding and knowledge. The memory of Mer-Ka-Ba is unfolding all over the world. From my point of view, this expansion is part of the evolution of cosmic DNA. The Mer-Ka-Ba will be remembered now because it is time to remember.

Yes, I believe, like most ancient civilizations, that there is a specific moment in the history of the human race when great leaps in human understanding take place, as in ancient Sumeria, Egypt, and the Valley Valley civilizations. Indo.

I really feel that we have arrived at another one of those great moments in the history of mankind where the bright light spreads throughout the world, and another great leap in human consciousness occurs. And, my friends, I really believe, from my personal experience, that the Mer-Ka-Ba is the door or the dimensional window towards a high level of consciousness that could be the catalyst for that great change called ascension.

Then, to close, I will say it again: your character is the key to your ascension. No matter who you are right now, good or bad, you can change your character. How to lose weight is completely under your control if you focus.

By changing yourself, your Mer-Ka-Ba becomes alive. And when he is alive, everything is possible.

Mer-Ka-Ba meditation

It is a meditation technique, which is broadly divided into two steps, the first is to remember our spherical Christian breathing, well, and what is spherical Christ breathing? It turns out that we humans forget how to breathe correctly, in ancient times we not only breathed oxygen, but we also breathed Prana, prana is known in many ways, but a simple definition is that Prana is the life force, it is the universal energy . Then through certain visualizations and our intention, we reestablish this flow of energy within our bodies, and this is important because we reconnect with this energy, with the true source that is our energy food. The second stage would be the activation of our Merkaba field, which is nothing more than our body of Light, we all have this body, but we forgot how to activate it and now we just have to remember it. This body of Light measures approximately 18 meters in length around us, it is an extension of ourselves, it is like our arms or legs, but it has other functions. This body of Light when activated, potentiates our energy, that is, intensifies our abilities, accelerates our evolutionary process, also serves as a strong shield of protection and helps us remain centered, balanced and in harmony, among many other things.

b) The opening of the heart. There is something that is of the utmost importance in order to activate our body of Light or Merkaba, and this is, to open the heart, to remember our ability to experience unconditional love towards all life. It's not that we don't know how to love, but most of us, due to many kinds of circumstances, have closed our hearts to experience love more fully. And this is one of the indispensable conditions to activate our Merkaba, remember our intimate connection with God and with all life. Through several experiential exercises you will find how to remove the bolt to the door that keeps your purest and deepest feelings, not only to activate your Merkaba, but to make your life fuller in all aspects.

c) The Connection with the Higher Self. To graphically define you as the Higher Self I would like to take an example that Ronald Holt (Director of the Flower of Life) uses: To try to understand a perspective of the Higher Self compared to our ego being, the Higher Self would be like being in a conference room, inside a large auditorium that was divided into several smaller rooms. Our largest complete being will occupy the entire space as = ED as all the divided rooms. Our three-dimensional ego consciousness will only be aware of the room in which we were focused. The Higher Self in comparison, will be fully aware and will be participating in all the rooms of the room simultaneously. The Higher Self will have a much greater vision of the totality of our being in the various rooms or planes in which we exist; The Higher Being is our highest aspect, who not only knows our thoughts and emotions, but is aware of all aspects, circumstances, conditions, etc., that develop around us and therefore, connect with that higher aspect from us completely changes our vision and our landscape of life, by being guided by this superior aspect, instead of by our limited egos, we can create a much fuller life.

d) Sacred Geometry. We all know some geometry, the difficult thing is to understand how geometry can be something sacred, well, it's not as complicated as it sounds. The objective of teaching some sacred geometry in this workshop is to help us rationally understand how there is a deep connection between all creation. Many times we find it hard to put into words, or mental concepts, things that we have only experienced with our feelings, it is like trying to define love for example, that's what sacred geometry is for, to help us put in a mental concept, information that we intuitively know, but that we cannot rationally confirm. Everything in the universe comes from the same source or Universal Intelligence, which some of us call God, or Mother Nature, or Great Spirit, or whatever ... Sacred Geometry what it does is show us, with concepts that can capture our rational mind, like everything what exists was created by means of the same basic principles, since from a simple atom to an immense galaxy they follow the same identical geometric pattern, as all living beings, at the time of being conceived, be it a seed, a fish, a bird or a human being, we are developing the same geometric patterns identically ... when our rational mind manages to understand all this, we begin to think differently, to see life and the universe with another perspective, and this of course, creates positive changes in us, plus it's fun! Since we are going to draw some things ... How long have you not connected with your child and start drawing?

e) The Mystery School of the Right Eye of Horus.- As we mentioned, all this knowledge is not new, it is ancient, but over time they have been forgotten ... In this Egyptian Mystery school, the initiates learned these concepts of sacred geometry, to explain the creation of the universe, it is extremely interesting to see how the things that we have considered a mystery for so long, can be explained in concepts that we can rationally understand, stop being a dogma of faith, to become something that We can understand rationally and that it has an extremely logical explanation.

I hope this brief explanation gives you an overview of what the workshop is about, however we are at your service if you need more information on any point.

Drunvalo Melchizedek
Spirit of Maat

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