The Manifestation is an Independent Study Program

  • 2014

Dear Me:

At any moment when you do not manifest as you wish to manifest, your internal fears of power are coming to the fore .

In past eons you hid your inner power so wonderfully well that you still don't necessarily know how to access it easily and effortlessly - as easy as you breathe now.

You believe that manifestation is a difficult process that requires great concentration.

Accept that you have created your current reality - and your past lives; and yet they cannot grasp the concept that they are able to create their desires too, as well as their fears.

You have been punished for eons of time, so to speak, living lives of fear and karma. You accept that reality, but you have tremendous difficulty realizing that you use those same skills - a seemingly effortless process - to create a joyful life.

Many of you grind your teeth in pain because of the fears you have faced and cleaned in this life . It's perfect, but how is it possible that they can create their desires?

Don't you still understand that you continue to punish yourself by ignoring your game box of your abilities? You create your reality - both joy and fear.

You are wonderfully good at creating a life of fear - which perhaps continues to date.

But they refuse to walk outside their prison cell because they fear a punishment that no longer exists.

Of course you channel, heal and intuitively read other people - all of which are considered by you as the spiritual elements of your being, but creating the physical life of your dreams feels outside your abilities.

They are allowing themselves to remain in a prison that no longer exists.

What kind of life do you want to have - one of continuous pain and fear, or one of joy? Of course your immediate response is: "a joyful life." Therefore, do it.

Such a command, so to speak, is no different in telling your children that they probably have to complete the university degree before they can aspire to be a business executive. Few teenagers at the age of 18 are excited to study four more years.

That's the way it is for you now. Practice, practice, practice assuming you have as much skill as any other, it is merely that you are not yet fully educated in the techniques and skills of creation .

The difference is that they must educate themselves.

No one can teach them how to use their personal skill set - including how to create as easily as they breathe. They may not agree with this - believing that someone gives them the power to create.

Only you can give yourself the power to create the life of your dreams.

Perhaps this seems negative to those who want their fairy godmother to take them by the hand and take them out of the self-induced prison. That's not going to happen.

You must decide for yourself that you want to get out of your prison to go to a joyful life. No one can take that step for you, not even walk with you through it . In the same way that no one can walk with you through your "dark night of being." This is a unique adventure that you must remember, and then do it.

They can stay in their prison for as long as they wish. It is your self-will with which no one can interfere - and no one will. It is your choice to continue creating a life of pain and fear.

Perhaps they are remembering that although some pieces of his life have fit into place, he has taken an effort on his part to create or manifest those pieces. It is part of your learning process.

Just as when many of you learned to drive, you had difficulty driving, listening to the radio and chatting with your friends [at the same time], now you do everything without much effort. Not because they are wiser or stronger than when they were teenagers, but because they have practiced so much driving a car that it has become almost effortless.

So it is with your physical manifestation skills. They believe big. Believe in small - but practice creating. And in the not too distant future they can create without consciously thinking easily and effortlessly.

You are responsible for going out your prison door. Just as they were responsible for learning to drive. You can receive directions and you can observe others doing it, but you are responsible for the actual activity of self-creation .

Get out of your prison door and practice, practice, practice - until the demonstration is as effortless as driving a car or breathing.

So be it. Amen.

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman to

Translated by: Gloria Mühlebach

The Manifestation Is An Independent Study Program

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