The Inner Light Author Adri Volt

  • 2011

The interior light is a final illustration project, presented in 2011 aimed at all types of audiences. The goal is that each of us, activate our endless center of light, making it shine every second of our lives with more intensity. This is the way to show, so that we can all remember what deep down, we already know. "There is no concept of loss, when we are in our true Self. Just being who you are, you help Being to others." This and no other is the magic of Life. To be and to be. This is how the law of Harmony works: mind at the service of the soul, never the other way around.

The School of Life is the scene of our interior. Sometimes, waking up is slow, lazy and fragile, but thanks to the perfection of the Creator, who grants a thousand and one opportunities to be reborn, in one way or another, at one rate or another, we will all end up being aware of who we are. Among the methods that the soul can choose, to become aware of attitudes that do not offer any kind of benefit in their spiritual advancement, is sickness, accidents, etc ... whether their own or similar. As we know, wisdom is the daughter of experience, and without experience there is no wisdom, but for wisdom to be evident, we must ask ourselves inner questions that lead us to that cause-effect awareness, synchronicity, confluence of events, etc. and stop living in casual and superficial. Then, a process that makes us reborn is necessary to feel our potential of light as we never lived, transforming our mind through a strong impact of consciousness. Only at that moment will we have the possibility of creating an intense point that anchors us to our Being, to our Light, in order to acquire wisdom. That is the turning point towards our evolution. After the breakage of the walls that closed our way, we enter the life in which there is no why, there are no doubts, there are no fears and all because at that same moment, we hit with Us, with our true nature, with the essence of all Being, with Love.

This is the story and learning of a lost firefly, always persuaded by the light of others, never by theirs. I want you to enjoy the story, live it and share it, as much as I did writing it, feeling that Love that is in me and that I also want to share.

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The Inner Light Adria Volta

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