Opening Time by: Ana María Frallicciardi

  • 2013

October 2013

Finding a point of balance or coincidences between our daily human life and our experiences of spiritual evolution is an interesting challenge to experience.

We are already used to unforeseen changes in our routines or projects. Sometimes they tell us that dimensional portals are opening, that we are receiving unusual flows of solar energy. There are also messages from Guides and Ascended Masters that guide us in the midst of so many climatic, dimensional changes and temporary openings. How do we integrate the new energies? Do the changes we experience come from outside or are generated within us?

These questions are posed to us precisely when the Sun passes through the sign of Libra. How are we interrelated with the energies of the Cosmic Lattice? We are part of an evolving universe. As it is outside it is inside. In our energy fields we are experiencing the transformations of the planet. We are a humanity in transformation.

This October presents us with astrological aspects determined to understand the mutual “Resonances” that exist between the planets, as living spheres of energies, and our human realities.

It all comes together. Our expressions, intentions and life decisions modulate the vibrational frequencies of the collective consciousness of humanity.

The Sun in Libra allows us to see from the "other side". We usually say that Libra is the sign of the couple, of associations, of human ties, where people seek support, to be approved by others, to have a place within society. But now we question these places differently.

On October 5 at midnight the New Moon takes place, where Sun and Moon in 11th Libra will be in exact opposition with Uranus in Aries. While the Sun tries to retain the associations, Uranus from the opposite indicates the need for personal freedom, innovation, more air in the links subject to dependencies.

The greatest transformations are happening in the old basic structures of society to give rise to more authentic relationships.

We are experiencing defining changes in all our relationships and emotional ties, both family, couple, and social and in any relationship where there are dependencies of authority-obedience.

There is a deep need to find inner freedom to express our evolving Being.

In addition to the opposition aspects of the Sun with Uranus in Aries and quadrature with Pluto in Capricorn, in the week from 10 to 15, there will be a quadrature with Jupiter in Cancer, leading to certain disorders or imbalances in the family, justice and social.

This is a year of deep challenges. Our Being perceives that it must make changes and sometimes it is not finished understanding why. The energies of changes and transformations pulse from within or are imposed from outside. Change is present on our table. Some believe that they must move from home, city, work. Perhaps the transformation is deeper than an external move, first of all you would have to move old beliefs, release hidden fears, detach yourself from painful emotions and then observe the external panorama.

A new way of life opens up, there are real and concrete changes. Focus on the changes from an inner conviction, with clarity and certainty that it is for your greatest good. If you are not sure yet, find the transformation within you and await a moment of greater external clarity, which will surely come with better proposals. Those who have made the changes in recent months will not feel so much pressure and may end up settling into their new stage. They may also experience the need to be alone, stop so much external movement.

With the Sun in Libra the social movements, the voice of the peoples, occupy an important place in the world to create the new reality of Union, Peace and true progress. There is no time to lose if we want to continue inhabiting this planet! Every day we are taking concrete actions to generate the activation of the new human consciousness and restore a dignified life on the planet. Each occupies its place in the Great Cosmic Concert.

Opening time

We are starting a new stage. The Earth is adjusting its resonance at a higher frequency, it is necessary to understand these changes. We live on the planet because the Earth gives us its energy. If she shifts to a new resonance of evolution, we also have to take the path of conscious evolution. Those who cannot understand the importance of caring for the planet, living in harmony and respect for Mother Earth and all her children will gradually lose control of the power they had until today.

The new power of humanity opens from the Unified Heart of every human being. Because the resonance of the New Earth is allowing the spiritual codes that each of us brought from its place of origin in the galaxy to be activated.

In our Unified Heart we have the memory of our origin. There we have codified our spiritual power, our capacities for the evolutionary leap. Finally, in the seed of the Unified Heart is the "instruction manual to find the way back home."

In recent months we have removed many old energies from our heart center, many felt great anger, emotional losses, detachment of ideas and beliefs, cleanings necessary to access the information codes contained within a seed of light in the Thymus. There is the deepest truth that each of us has. In our hearts are the ascension codes that each one needs for these moments. Trust the feeling of your heart. You are Lighthouses of Light.

Ana María Frallicciardi

Capilla del Monte - Córdoba - Argentina

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