We are not numbers ... and we are unique

  • 2017
Table of contents hide 1 the humans behind the indicators . 2 the number and the human . 3 the simple things we can't measure ... 4 beyond our limitations ...

The reality is that we rarely think about the figures so common today and that they measure everything in our current world, it is not a habit to question ourselves that is behind the data The humans who are behind the indicators .

the humans behind the indicators…

The new thing is to hear about the management of companies based on indicators, this is not far-fetched because it is currently necessary to keep track of the evolution of activities and businesses, however in the desire to control everything that happens around us we have Lost the compass in what human beings are and need .

For example, if we read in some media about a poverty indicator and it is 3.0, we can think that at least it is not at zero, however, if we go beyond statistics and go to the places where it living in situations of extreme poverty we can observe in a crude and worrying way adults and children who live without food or clothing, with serious diseases or in a street situation.

A number indicates the seriousness of the situation but does not allow us to go beyond events, transcend from the theoretical to the practical ... from the number to the human.

the number and the human ...

As a result of the above, in some countries, human resources departments are conceived as less human because they have reduced the number of hours, leisure time, number of families, quality of life, but… what is the indicator of peace, fear, joy or greed ?. Something is really escaping us.

In the eagerness to control everything we have stopped living and observing fully and attentively, time passes us chasing a monetary goal, the rest has stopped caring because we cannot measure it.

If we think a little sometimes what gives more joy or satisfaction is precisely everything we cannot measure, moments of clarity and internal joy that we cannot classify, that become unique and unrepeatable .

the simple things we can't measure ...

Remember for example when we were children and we enjoyed the minimum that appeared in our lives ... we did not have the indicator of the joy of climbing a tree ... we did not worry about scoring if we were happy at 20%, 100% or 300% ..

Or if the loss of a loved one affected us 30.7% .. it seems illogical but in these times it happens.

It is also interesting to hear people talking on their cell phones as if they were seeing the facial expression of attention, affection or disenchantment of the other ... we are losing some sense of how important contact and human treatment is.

beyond our limitations ...

Of course, this does not mean that we should not measure things, but rather, we must take into account that there is another important dimension that is qualitative, everything that cannot be quantified but that favors us, feeds us internally and converts us in something more than matter to travel to our interior, it is what motivates us to move beyond our limitations as then we can understand that beyond everything we create To narrow down our action, there is another profound dimension that is worth exploring, which makes us feel satisfied regardless of how others rate us and label us.

It is important to remember that among this world of indexes and numbers there is also the sphere of nonconceptuality that offers peace and well-being, although it seems difficult to believe our nature The latter is infinite, spacious, generous, devoid of spatial and temporal dimension ... it is love and generosity .

So let's not forget that although technological advances and the pace of current life push us to reduce everything around us to indexes and numbers there is always another deep and healing space whose end The latter is none other than promoting our internal development and personal growth. Just because that's right.

AUTHOR: Pilar Vázquez, collaborator of the great family of the White Brotherhood

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