The Force of the Word - Interior Development

  • 2016

The force of the word is really difficult to quantify, but its power releases an amount of energy that well oriented can create and destroy or heal and comfort. The interior development has a very important role for the use of the word , the internal strength of the people through the activities and accumulation of knowledge are developing a self-control for the good handling of the word and its power. Every word that is used releases an amount of energy that can impact millions of people either positively or negatively generating fear by just saying it.

The power of the word - Interior Development.

How do words act in inner development?

Words are a communication system that everyone builds to relate to the outside world, every word we use has an effect on our environment and on ourselves. When the child grows chronologically, his inner development does exactly the same and he becomes aware of his surroundings, creating an identity that is affected by words such as "I can not" or "I think I am not able" these words are defining the capacity of the person, his life will revolve around this. A person who develops under the words "if you can", will have a positive aptitude to the situations that arise.

The thoughts of a nature attract the forces of those same natures.

The magic of the word.

The word has the character of natural magic because when it is said it produces vibrations and sounds. There are languages ​​like Sanskrit that his words move energies that act producing effects on a collective or that his vibrations like the "om" connect the person with his inner self. For Buddhism and Taoists, words and sounds are of great importance for healing.

The strength of the divine word, in different religious rituals is of great importance, in Catholicism, the supreme being God is called the verb, which means expressing himself through the word and in the book of genesis God with a word creates the world and with a word destroys it as is the case of the universal flood. This demonstrates the power granted to the word from the beginning of time.

If you decree with the word that everything will change to improve, you can be sure that it will be so. With inner development, the person's ability to use the word and the force of the word become aware.

The power of the word lies in its use.

The healing power of the word.

Healing in different rites, they have the word as their most important tool . In the healings made in shamanic rites the voice and the words together with the dances introduce the person into a trance or climax by means of the repetition of words, the shaman speaks and vibrates those present, considering that the vibration greater is that of the healing shaman and it makes an attraction of the minor vibrations by raising them to heal with only the force of the word. In healing by the laying on of hands, the word is always the healer.

The one who speaks with words of love receives love, the one who speaks with hate receives rage and sadness, when the word is used do not adopt vulgar words, this lowers the force of the word, many times you must speak in a medium tone or force of middle voice, this will make your interlocutors shut up and make a concentration effort to hear you better. There are people who use complicated words to communicate, the word that has the greatest strength is the word that is understood by the person to whom the message is addressed. For inner development, you must move away from ideas that limit your creative power, the faith you put so that what you decree is fulfilled gives strength to the word.

AUTHOR: Antonio, editor of the great family of

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