The energies and forces of the human being

  • 2015
Table of contents hide 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 The energies and forces of the human being

We live in a world of energies and the human species, we are part of it, we are constituents of that energy. The physical vehicle comes during an incarnation, two main energies and 7 forces, the first energy, is the energy of the soul or egoic this is what leads to conflict in the human being when he wants to direct from the soul the destinies of that consciousness, the soul energy is the superior energy.

The energy of personality.

The other energy is the energy of the triple personality. This energy of the triple personality is formed by the body, the emotion, and the mind. This energy resists being directed and molded by the superior energy that is the energy of the soul.

The seven forces of the etheric body

The seven forces are the powers of lightning represented in each of the chakras of the etheric vehicle. The interaction between energies and forces will produce in certain incarnations good or bad vibration, conflict or harmony.

Health effect of these energies

When the being is directed from the soul, the personality was found by her and the 7 forces of which I speak will be influenced by the soul, in that case there will be purity and good health. When the predominance is of the energy of the personality the soul does not appear and the 7 forces will be guided from the force of the personality, in this case, as unfortunately it happens in most of the still contemporary human beings, there will be impurities and poor health .

THE CONFORMATION OF THE BODIES OF THE HUMAN BEING. The electrons of the material body.

We have an idea that the physical body is constituted of the physical realm to which it belongs. The physicist is made of tiny particles of light that his science has called electrons. These are emanated from the Father's body to give the human being a covering of flesh, a wrap of flesh so that he can manifest and take experience here on earth. But we must know that this is not the true man but only a necessary vehicle for experience.

The etheric body: "the great unknown."

The etheric body is also taken from the etheric realm with vital substance . We can say that this is the true human figure and contains part of the force necessary to be transmitted and distributed throughout the physical form, giving it vitality and coherence. It contains all the record and memory of the experiences of countless incarnations, at the same time here is the true intermediary between the external and internal worlds of man. We had already said that the human being of the city, of the street has an idea of ​​his physical body, has an idea of ​​some emotional aspect in him, has some idea of ​​some n aspect of your mind in it; but as for recognizing a vital body as part of it, his conscience does not register it, hence we say that the ethereal body is the great unknown .

The attributes of the emotional or astral body.

The emotional or astral body is taken by the human being from the emotional or sensory world, often yields to the archangels and angels of heaven. This vehicle was given to man to express and increase the divine aspects of love, purity, mercy, mercy and forgiveness. Another attribute of this vehicle is to develop peace in the human being.

The wrong use of the mental body.

The mental body is also taken from that world of mental substance. The idea was that it should be the expression on earth or the interior and external expression of the Holy Christ Self, but it has not been so. Instead, this mental body whose function is to express the human intellect through all sources of information gives man knowledge, experience, registration, memory and learning. This vehicle should be the deer and servant of our Christ Self but not the master it is today. On another occasion we will continue to discuss some concepts that shed light on us all.


The human being is aware of his physical vehicle because he records it through his senses, he knows that he is with him. Its intelligence could be summarized as the result of the set of cellular lives that comprise it, called elementary life. When the physical vehicle wants to express itself in the human being, it does so through some discomfort, some pain, meaning that something is wrong with it; or also making the human being feel the need for some instinct to satisfy, such as hunger, rest, or sexuality.

Awareness of the existence of the etheric vehicle.

But we commented that the etheric vehicle works under the threshold of consciousness, most human beings now and more than before have had no knowledge that we have an etheric body with us; nevertheless some human beings already speak of vitality, of tiredness, of devitalization of the person, and that is already something; because consciously or unconsciously those terms refer to the good or bad functioning of the etheric body.

Awareness in the emotional body

And then we move on to that great vehicle of expression and experiment of the human being of this current race and the previous one that is the emotional one, the body of desires. We say that this is where humanity is stuck.

This vehicle is a great field of experiment of the incarnated human being, in which a great number of experiences of the human being of now and before also are reflected and expressed by its great development . The human being permanently focuses his consciousness on the expression and responses of this vehicle.

Awareness in the mental body

Then follow the mind. which this race that inhabits the Earth has the slogan of developing it, of enlightening it. When the human being reaches his mental development, a very repeated but very beautiful truth is said: "The Kingdom of God will descend to Earth."

EL PRANA: THE ETHERIC SUBSTANCE. Modification of medical laws.

affirmations Let's talk about issues that have to do with health. If the science of the world, if medical scientists, could work through acquired knowledge and awareness, about the etheric body and prana, the laws that have to do with health and disease in these times would be different .

The "health" concept

The concept that handles medical science to date in relation to health, we can say that it is very limited. Almost always the term HEALTH means aspects that have to do with the physical body and perhaps with some disorders of emotional or mental order, but we prophesy that in the not too distant future the same science of the world will recognize and take Masters in what concerns the world etheric and everything that makes it up.

Evidence of the existence of the etheric body.

Recall that due to photography there are already some, although rudimentary, findings that try to prove the existence of this unknown etheric body . But even more, work is being done today, in different parts of the world, by groups of great scientific stakeholders on the subject we are dealing with, and do not be surprised if at some point we have news that there are verifiable ways of the existence of this etheric world .

Mechanisms for receiving prana.

The etheric fluid or vitality is the substance of the entire universe . Cosmic ether and prana include from the galaxy and from beyond, to the body of the sun. It has reception mechanisms, while at some points of its surface it has projection and transmission places. Thus the etheric prana reaches all the bodies of the planetary system and the earth, where there are also localizable reception centers, but that have not been made known to mankind, to transform that cosmic prana into solar prana, that solar prana in planetary prana. And all creation on earth is included by prana and ether qualified with the earth's vibration.

The human centers that distribute prana.

The human being who receives it has its reception, accumulation and distribution centers of the mentioned prana.

For many millennia, the center of the spleen (the etheric part of this center), was extremely active as a receiver, accumulator and distributor of prana to the rest of the human physical organism ; Now, there is a tertiary center that although very small, located between the shoulder blades is currently very active, having two other subsidiary tertiary centers placed above the shoulder blades on the right and left side near the region we call the shoulders, forming An important triangle to study. But a very important tertiary reception center, located immediately and above the solar plexus, I repeat, of the tertiary order, has become almost inactive today due to human errors that have to do with civilization and with what is used of materials to get dressed.

Functions of the etheric body.

Likewise, once the prana has been distributed via etheric body first, and then, influencing and vitalizing all the physical cells and atoms, there is a surplus that radiates, which we can call the aura of health, with which man contributes with its quota for the maintenance of planetary prana.

The etheric body apart from many vital functions has to be an effective guard and separator between physical matter and astral matter. In no way can this protection be violated, unless the person, in their conscience, has a greater development. This would be the way to escape and thus could transcend to the astral worlds.

The ethereal influence on the physical, astral and mental bodies

Finally, remember the divine principle that says: the subtle moves to the dense and let's apply it to the subject. Let us see that this ethereal matter and prana, according to this principle, has a greater influence on the dense physical vehicle, but, according to this same principle, the ethereal influence on more subtle vehicles that you, such as the astral and the mental, would necessarily have to be minimal or nil. To influence these vehicles of experiment of man, we would have to resort to psychological methods, creating an echo of the forces of the soul, which do have a definite and marked effect on the mentioned vehicles.


The energies and forces of the human being

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