A message from your guides: You are exceptional beings

  • 2016

My Dear Ones:

We love you very much and we are asking for your cooperation to improve the state of your world. We lovingly remind you that you are exceptional beings that have a much greater power than you believe. This is applicable to every area of ​​your life. When you put into practice knowing how powerful you are to make a positive change in your lives, you improve them immensely, and that will impact your world. Your world is at a critical moment. Do you want to move towards a greater future or a world of greater fear and helplessness? We ask you to keep this question in mind in everything you undertake. The world is what you create through your thoughts and choices more than any other cause, reason, action, event, or circumstance. At some point, everything that existed was just a thought. Every biological development, every chemical reaction, every invention, every circumstance is a thought manifested to create something that did not previously exist. The human race often questions why God would create this or that, when in reality it is you who have created those things that are questioning through your collective thoughts and fears, your perceived need to kill or be killed, whether it is a wild animal, an insect, or its human beings.

The Creator allowed you to create your own reality, and you have collectively created for many millennia exactly the world in which you live. When they understand this truth and allow themselves to start creating a new reality for themselves and their world, they can and will be able to create a new world through the power of their thoughts, words and deeds. This will require a lot of undoing from you, which does not mean that it cannot be done. What we mean by undoing is this: if they were able to erase certain things from their mind, from their conscience, from their society, from their world, what would they be and how would they do it?

Let's start with child abuse. Children are completely and totally innocent until they are corrupted or vitiated in some way. They are pure spiritual beings born in dense chaos, and there is a period of adjustment for them to get used to life outside the womb. If their physical and psychological needs continue to be met, they will grow healthily and continue to develop into beings of great strength, constantly increasing their physical, emotional and mental awareness and their strength. As in most cases, their connection with the Source decreases simultaneously as they begin to respond more and more to their external environment and experience the low emotions of fear and anger in various ways.

If the caregiver doubts their ability to care for this child, the child receives these forms of thought in his field and can process it in various ways. The child may perceive that the caregiver is inadequate to care for him; or that is not worthy of being taken care of; or he does not want to create difficulties or troubles for his caregiver, so he simply does not express a need for anything; or that you have the right to have your needs met, so you demand attention through tears, anger, or other unwanted behavior that attracts attention. Each of these management mechanisms has a profound effect on the child's personality and how he perceives the world. The child learns to distinguish between those who know how to 'take care of it' and those who do not know. It begins to develop a response system to the different people who care for it in different ways, based on what it detects from each of these people who take care of it via their thoughts, words, deeds, and above all, the energy they emit.

When children feel loved, safe and cared for, they thrive. When they feel deficiencies they learn to compensate for that lack in some way. They develop mechanisms to manage / cope with the situation and / or strategies so that their needs are met. If their basic needs are not met continuously, they usually feel that they are not deserving and are constantly looking for new ways to experience their worth. They may try to be the best student, or to help their mother or teacher in any way they can, or be the best in everything they do. Or maybe they feel so unworthy that they don't even try to be better than the other children / students. Either way, they are responding to what the world has given them.

When they are abused, they process it according to their life experience. They may feel devastated and feel that they must have done something to deserve it, which contributes more to the fact that they do not feel safe in the world, do not trust themselves or the people who care for them or the world . They may feel that the person who takes care of them is not the right one and separate from anyone who abuses them in any way to get out of the association with the abuser and take away any self-responsibility. They could justify time with their abuser if that gives them a feeling of worth because the abuser chose them above all other children; or because the abuser spends time with them as no other adult does; or because they feel they are preventing the abuser from hurting another child by allowing the abuse to continue; or because they feel they are helping the abuser in some way the abuser is sick and they are helping him feel better . In each of these scenarios the child holds a certain degree of awareness that what is happening is wrong and that they could do something to stop it or prevent it, but unless they are He has taught what to do if something like this happens, they don't say a word, often because the perpetrator has significantly threatened them by telling them there will be consequences if they tell.

So, what does this have to do with the state of your world? Everyone is so busy surviving that they have forgotten how to prosper. We are inviting you to prosper and remember that you are no longer children figuring out how to handle or face anything that comes your way. You are the masters of your universe. They believe [ to create ] exactly what they want in their home, their life, their workplace, their community, their region, their country, their world, and their planet. This is not as difficult as most of you think it is to improve your personal circumstances. Once your circumstances improve there is no way to prevent this from affecting others. When they live from their knowledge that the Universe is an abundant place for all that there is enough for everyone to live in abundance, to prosper in every field, and for all their needs to be continuously met without exception, they have to let go of the mentality of the yo first that keeps them all so weak and collectively needy. Believe the world you want where everyone has food, clothing, shelter, medical assistance, education, and the ability to choose how they will contribute to the world for all that the world provides, and create a great balance.

Do not accept any concept that prevents you from creating that reality for everyone. Regarding your system of government, why do you continue to allow things to remain as they are? Why do they collectively support poverty and war and the destruction of the Earth, which increasingly decreases their quality of life and health? Each and every one of you has the power to create massive social changes. Any person or institution that tells them the opposite is living in fear or perceives that she is benefiting while maintaining the status quo. The reality is that nobody benefits when many suffer. There is absolutely no reason to continue all that poverty that you experience. The only reason why so many of you believe that accommodation, education, universal medical care and so many other things are not possible is because you have been told that through a system that is invested in keeping you thinking they are insignificant and They are defaulted / disempowered. Think about it, dear ones, does it not make sense that if everyone has housing, clothes, food and is allowed to go after any desired education, the world would be a better place? Wouldn't people feel more satisfied? More joyful? Wouldn't there be more time to play, create, celebrate, to be in a state of gratitude for all the abundance?

The only difference between that reality and the one you are experiencing is perception. If you all perceive that you have the power to create a better world for everyone, you can do it. The resources are already there . Why do you think it is natural and correct to allow a few to sustain the vast majority of everyone's wealth when there are so many of them who are suffering? The whole can experience a high level of well-being when resources are distributed to benefit everyone. Anyone does not have the Divine right to go after wealth and accumulate it at the expense of others, and yet that is exactly what has been allowed to proliferate, and there are very few of you who question this system. The redistribution of wealth does not harm anyone at all. Even those who sustain wealth would not lose anything, except for some paper and false perceptions . They would earn exponentially as much as those who have nothing and would be catapulted into a life of well-being that would offer them an opportunity to express their gratitude in a way that contributes to the world in a way that only they can do.

Each and every one of you has a unique purpose. How can one live his purpose when his basic needs are not met? Do you understand what we are telling you, my dear? Your government is not working. It does not matter in which country they reside, if they are not experiencing well-being as a community, as a country, as a nation, their system is not working and it is time for a massive change for all, for the greater good of all. Don't settle for less than basic human rights for everyone across the globe. Do not be fooled into thinking that providing basic human rights to all would infringe on what you have or are able to receive. Nothing is further from the truth. If everyone has a roof over their heads, medical care and basic education, they can improve their lives in whatever way they choose. If they are homeless or unable to obtain medical assistance, they will continually battle. Don't you want to see everyone in your community with accommodation, education and medical assistance? Would this harm them in any way? Rather the opposite. The more the basic needs of people are covered, the more capable they are to go after careers and create a life instead of just living at the expense of others to exist. The more you have a paid job, the more you have to spend on any good or service you provide. It is a situation where everyone wins.

So, my dear ones, it is time for you to free yourself from those who abuse you. Recover your power and declare the life you want, not the life that those who abuse you are allowing you to live. Know that they have educated you since childhood to believe much of what you believe and much of it is false. Any system that promotes lack and inequality is not what the Creator has wanted for you. You are divine beings having a human experience. You have forgotten your Divinity . We remind you that living a divine life means that everything is proportionate to you. There is no lack or suffering or desire to see others suffer. There is love and all the divine manifestations of love for all.

Begin to see that what is not working in your life and in the world that is unbalanced, is the result of massive and systemic abuse. Empower yourself to be your own divine liberator. Face power with the truth and challenge abusers for who they are and who they are. They create change for themselves and pave the way for others to do the same. Say out loud what is not acceptable in your society and join forces with others to create a more positive change, to discredit those who take advantage of keeping them believing that they are insignificant, separate, unauthorized, in need, with fear, judging your peers who are perhaps less wealthy than you, and do your best to prosper in any way you wish.

Imagine health, prosperity and satisfaction for all. Talk about it, believe it to the extent possible, knowing that it will increase and eventually spread to all. You CAN do whatever you choose to do - including changing the paradigms that there will always be famine and poverty and war. That is what those who abuse you want you to believe. That is true only if you allow it to be so. You are sovereign beings. They have been trained in a way that prevents them from knowing that and acting from their personal power. We invite you to teach your children that they are divine, sovereign, that they do not have to believe that war, poverty, disease and destitution are inevitable. Your children truly have the power to change the world - more than you and your considerable power. Time is conducive for them to remember their divinity and their sovereignty, and please remember the wise words: " God helps those who help themselves ."

Whoever they perceive as the Lord, it is for the greatest good of all who receive divine assistance to break the chains that bind them to the false beliefs of poverty, hunger, and war. Trust the greatest good of all, not that of a few called the 'elites.' Trust the abundance of a benevolent Source that can and will provide to cover all your needs when you are empowered enough to request it. Ask knowing that the current paradigm is severely misaligned, out of balance, and ask in a way that encompasses the knowledge that you are divine, and therefore are worthy of the divine inheritance of health, well-being, unity, personal autonomy, and the freedom to carry out their own divine expression in the world. Ask, knowing that everyone who is capable of living meaningful lives has been given a unique gift so that they are able to share their gifts with others.

Know that all those who live in poverty, famine, ignorance and fear are really only a burden on society, not in the sense that they have been taught to believe but because of the lack of ability to offer their innate gifts to the whole Know that some of your greatest minds, some of the most powerful beings that have ever existed, are ignorant of your own gifts because of the degree to which you have been abused by your own current systems. Their gifts lie hidden behind hunger, destitution, poverty, lack of awareness that their power is needed in the world because they are suffering in mental institutions or quartered in a prison made for them by those who are not interested in seeing their gifts and What they can offer the world. Know that the crime is a result of abuse in each case. A large number of those who suffer from mental illness experience a powerful disconnection from what is because they know what it could and should be, but is not.

They are who could be the counters of the path of a massive social change towards the right way to live for all. Instead, they are in prison, drugged to subdue them, or with great delusions, forced to live in fear and distrust . Frequently the symptoms that appear are fear, distrust, and questioning what it is. From our perspective, all of them are natural responses to the level of abuse that they have witnessed and experienced. Compliance is not necessarily the healthiest choice. It may be a choice safe but, at what price?

My dear ones, reflect well on all that we have communicated to you here and ask yourself how you can personally increase your own personal well-being, as well as that of society and the awareness of what It is the right thing for everyone . What can they do to make the changes they want to see in the world happen? What do you imagine is your divine purpose? What would they do for themselves and others if they knew they could not fail? Would they choose differently from what they are currently choosing? How can they better align what they have chosen so far with what reflects their personal power and divinity?

We love you very much and grant you the will to achieve greater empowerment and sovereignty.

And so it is.

The Collective of the Guides

AUTHOR: Salena Migeot

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