The Three Levels of Existence by DEEPAK CHOPRA- October dc

The first level of existence is the physical realm, the second level is the quantum realm and the third level is the uncircumcised realm.

Level 1: The physical scope

The first level of existence is the physical or material, the visible universe. It is the world we know best, which we call the real world. It contains matter and objects with precise limits, everything that is three-dimensional and what we perceive with the five senses: what we can touch, see hear, feel, taste or smell. It includes our bodies, the wind, the earth, the water, the gases, the animals, the microbes, the molecules and the pages of this book. In the physical realm, time seems to flow in such a straight line that we call it the arrow of time; It goes from past to present and future. This means that everything in the physical field has a beginning and an end; Therefore, it is temporary. Sensitive beings are born and die. The mountains rise from the liquid core of the planet, and rain and ceaseless wind erode them.

The physical world is governed by immutable laws of cause and effect, so everything is predictable. Newtonian physics allows us to predict actions and reactions; so that, when a billiard ball hits another with a specific speed and angle, we can anticipate exactly which route each one will follow on the table. Scientists can accurately calculate when a solar eclipse will occur and how long it will last. All the common sense understanding we have of the world comes from what we know of this physical realm.

Level 2: The quantum scope
On the second level of existence, everything consists of information and energy. It is called quantum scope. On this level everything is insubstantial, which means that it cannot be touched or perceived with any of the five senses. Your mind, your thoughts, your ego and the part of you that you normally consider to be your being, are part of the quantum sphere. These things lack solidity; However you know that your being and your thoughts are real. Although it is easier to think the quantum scope in terms of the mind, it encompasses much more. In fact, everything that exists in the visible universe is a manifestation of the energy and information of the quantum sphere. The material world is a subset of the quantum world.

Another way to explain it is that everything in the physical realm is made of information and energy. In Einstein's famous equation, E = MC2, we know that energy (E) is equal to mass (M) by the speed of light © squared. This tells us that matter (mass) and energy are the same thing, but in different manifestations: energy equals mass. One of the first science lessons taught in school is that every solid object is made of molecules, and that these are made up of even smaller units called atoms. They explain to us that this apparently solid chair, on which we are sitting, is made of atoms so small that they cannot be seen without the help of a powerful microscope. Then we learn that the small atoms are formed by subatomic particles that lack solidity. They are literally packages or waves of information and energy. This means that in this second level of existence, the chair you are sitting on is nothing but energy and information.

This concept can be difficult to assimilate at the beginning. How is it possible that invisible waves of energy and information are perceived as solid objects? The answer is that events in the quantum sphere occur at the speed of light; and at that speed, our senses simply cannot process everything that influences our sensitive experience. We perceive objects different from each other because energy waves contain and determine the frequency or vibration of different types of information. It's like listening to the radio. If we tune in to FM 101.5, for example, we may only listen to classical music. If we change to a slightly different radio wave frequency, for example to 101.9 FM, we may listen to rock and roll. Depending on how it vibrates, the energy is encoded to transmit different information.

In this way, the physical world, the world of objects and matter, is made of information contained in an energy that vibrates at different frequencies. The reason we don't see the world as a huge energy network is because it vibrates too fast. Our senses, which work slowly, can only record pieces of this energy and activity, and these clusters of information become the chair, my body, the water and all the other physical objects of the visible universe.

This is similar to what happens when we watch a movie. As you know, a movie is made of individual frames separated by stripes. If we saw the film on the reel in a projection room, we would see the frames and the separations. However, when we watch the movie, the frames pass so fast that our senses do not perceive discontinuity. We perceive them as a constant flow of information.

In the quantum field, the pieces of energy fields that vibrate at different frequencies, and that we perceive as solid objects, form part of a collective energy field. If we could perceive everything that happens in the quantum field, we would see that we are part of a great energy broth and that all things, each one of us and all the objects of the physical sphere, are just a conglomerate of energy that floats in this energy broth. At all times, your energy field is in contact with everyone else's and influences it; We all respond to that experience. We are all expressions of this energy and information. Sometimes we can feel this connection.

The feeling is usually subtle, but sometimes it is tangible. Most of us have had the experience of entering a room and feeling that the tension is such that it can be cut with a knife, or being in a church or a sacred place and feeling flooded by a sense of peace. This is because the collective energy of the environment mixes with ours and we perceive it on some level.

In the physical field we also constantly exchange energy and information. Imagine that you are standing in the street and you smell the cigarette smoke of a person walking a block away. That means you are inhaling that person's breath a hundred meters away. The smell is just an indicator that informs you that you are inhaling another person's breath. If the indicator were not there, if the person was not smoking, you would still be inhaling his breath, only without the cigarette smoke you would not realize it. And what is the breath? It is the carbon dioxide and oxygen that comes from the metabolism of each cell in that stranger's body. That is what you are inhaling, just as other people inhale your breath. So, constantly, we exchange parts of our being, physical and measurable molecules of our bodies.

On a deeper level, there really are no limits between our being and the Universe. When we touch an object, we feel it solid, as if there is a definite limit between it and us. The physicists would say that we perceive the strength of that limit because everything is made of atoms, that the strength is the sensation we get when the atoms collide with others. Atoms But think what an atom is. The atoms consist of a small nucleus and a large cloud of electrons that surround it. There is no shell on the outside, just an electron cloud. To visualize it, imagine a peanut in the middle of a football stadium. The peanut represents the nucleus, and the stadium, the size of the electron cloud that surrounds it. When we touch an object, we perceive solidity on the contact of electron clouds. That is our interpretation of solidity, given the sensitivity (or relative numbness) of our senses. The eyes are programmed to see objects as three-dimensional and solid. The nerve terminals are programmed to feel the objects as three-dimensional and solid. However, in the reality of the quantum scope, solidity does not exist. Is there solidity when two clouds collide? No. They melt and separate. Something similar happens when you touch an object. Your energy fields (and clouds of electrons) collide, some small portions melt and then separate. Although you perceive yourself as a whole, you have yielded a bit of your energy field to the object and in return you get a little of yours. With each encounter we exchange information and energy, and when we separate we transform a little. Here we can also check how connected we are to the physical world.

We constantly share portions of our energy fields, so that everyone, on this quantum level, on the level of our minds and beings, is connected. We are all correlated with others. So, only in consciousness, our limited senses create a solid world from pure information energy. But what would happen if we could see in the quantum scope, if we had quantum eyes? We will see that everything we consider solid in the physical world, enters and leaves an infinite vacuum at the speed of light. Just like the frame-to-strip sequence of movies, the Universe is an on-off phenomenon. The continuity and solidity of the world exist only in the imagination fueled by senses that cannot discern the waves of energy and information that make up the quantum level of existence. Actually, we all enter and leave existence continuously. If we could sharpen our senses, we would see the gaps of our existence. We are here, then we are not and then we return again. Only our memory maintains the sensation of continuity.

There is an analogy that can illustrate this point. Scientists know that snails need approximately three seconds to register the light. Imagine that a snail is watching me and that I leave the room and perform a feat in three seconds: I rob a bank and return. As far as the snail is concerned, he never left the room; I could take him to court and give perfect testimony. For the snail, the time I was outside the room would fall into one of those gaps between the frames of the discontinuous existence. His sense of continuity, assuming he had, would simply not register the time slot.

Thus, the sensory experience of all living beings is an artificial perceptual construction, created in the imagination. There is a Zen story about two monks who watch a flag flutter in the wind. One says: "The flag is waving" and the other states: "No, the wind is moving." His teacher approaches and one asks: «Who is right? I say the flag is moving; he says that it is the wind that moves ». The teacher answers: «Both are wrong. Only consciousness is moving; when consciousness moves, it creates the world with its imagination ».

The mind is a field of energy and information. Ideas are also energy and information. You have imagined your body and the rest of the physical world, perceiving the energy broth as a set of separate physical entities. But where does the mind that imagines this come from?

Level 3: The un circumscribed scope

The third level of existence is intelligence or consciousness. It has been called virtual realm, spiritual realm, potential field, universal being or uncircumcised intelligence. This is where information and energy arise from a sea of ​​possibilities. The most fundamental and basic level of nature is not material. It is not even a broth of energy and information; It is pure potential. This level of uncircumcised reality operates beyond space and time because they simply do not exist in it. We call it not circumscribed because it cannot be confined to a place. It is not in you or outside of you; it simply is.

The intelligence of the spiritual realm is the one that organizes the energy stock in knowable entities. It is what groups quantum particles into atoms, atoms in molecules, molecules in structures. It is the organizing force that is behind all things. It can be difficult to assimilate this concept. A relatively simple way to think about this area is to recognize the dual nature of your thoughts. As you read these words, your eyes are seeing the impression on the page, your mind is translating the impression into symbols - letters and words - and trying to deduce its meaning. But reflect for a moment: who is the one who is reading? What is that awareness that is behind your thoughts? Realize the duality of these internal processes. Your mind is busy decoding, analyzing and translating. So who is actually reading? With this slight change in your attention you can realize that there is an internal presence, a force that always lives the experiences. This is the soul or intelligence not circumscribed, and its experience takes place on the virtual level.

Just as information and energy forge the physical world, this uncircumcised area creates and orders the activity of information and energy. According to Dr. Larry Dossey, a successful writer and student of metaphysics, uncircumcised events have three important characteristics that distinguish them: they are correlated independently, absolutely and immediately. Let's briefly analyze what you mean by this.

The behavior of two or more subatomic events is not determined by the laws of cause and effect; It means that one event is not the cause of another, even if the behavior is immediately correlated or coordinated with it. In other words, they seem to dance to themselves, although they are not communicating with each other in the conventional sense. This is the meaning of independent.

The correlation between non-circumscribed events is absolute, which means that the firmness of the correlation remains intact, despite the distance in time and space. For example, if you and I were talking in a room, my voice would sound very different than if we were on opposite sidewalks in a street. At this distance, my voice would sound much weaker, in case you could hear me. If you were in the area not circumscribed, you would hear me clearly regardless of whether I was standing by your side, across the street, a kilometer away or even on another continent.

Finally, immediate means that uncircumcised events do not require transfer time. We all know that light and sound travel at different speeds and that is why we see lightning in the distance before hearing thunder. With uncircumcised events there is no such delay, because correlations of this type do not obey the laws of classical physics. There is NO signal, there is no light and there is no sound. There is nothing that has to move. The correlations between the events that occur at the non-circumscribed or virtual level occur instantly, without cause and without weakening over time or distance. Unconstrained intelligence is everywhere at once, and can cause multiple simultaneous effects in several places. It is from this virtual environment that all things are organized and syneronic. Therefore, this is the source of coincidences, which are so important for the synchrodestine. When you learn to live from this level, you can spontaneously fulfill all your desires. You can do miracles.

In the next post about Deepak Chopra, we will present the evidence we have of the virtual field.

SOURCE: Sincrodestino de Deepak Chopra,

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