The Networks: the genetics of the Universe. For the Syrians.

  • 2012

How did complex structures evolve from a design pattern? What is life? What is consciousness? What are the paths by which the creativity of evolution is expressed? What is the genetic-mind-consciousness relationship?

The "plot of life" is an ancient idea that has been used by poets, philosophers and mystics throughout the ages to communicate their perception of interwoven and the interdependence of all phenomena. Since living systems are networks at all levels, we must visualize the plot of life interacting in a network with other systems.

As the concept of the network became relevant in ecology, systemic thinkers began to apply network models at all systemic levels, contemplating organisms as networks of cells, organs and organ systems, just as ecosystems are understood as networks of individual organisms.

The Hilozoist theory affirms the existence of a living substance, composed of a multiplicity of sensitive lives, which are continually driven to manifest themselves through the "breath of divine Life." This theory does not recognize the existence of inorganic matter, and emphasizes the fact that all forms are constructed of infinitesimal lives, which in their entirety constitute a Life, conglomerate of lives that in turn are an integral part of a greater Life. So we go from the atom to a solar system.


Pattern, structure and process constitute three different but inseparable perspectives of the phenomenon of life.

The pattern of organization is the configuration of the relationships that determine the essential characteristics of the system. Our life pattern is autopoietic. Autopoiesis is a network pattern in which the function of each component is to participate in the production or transformation of other components. It is creativity.

The structure is the physical corporealization of the pattern of organization of the system. Dissipative structures are the structures par excellence of living systems.

The vital process is the activity involved in the continuous physical corporealization of the system organization pattern. Cognition is the vital process of living beings: their mental processes.


The part and the whole: Fractal geometry.

The geometry is the fifth key that allows to interpret life, the first four are: Physiological, psychological, astrological and metaphysical, the sixth is the symbol The only one and the seventh math. Fritjof Capra relates geometry to the mathematics of complexity to argue that the understanding of the pattern is fundamental to the understanding of the plot of life and that all questions of pattern n, order and complexity are essentially mathematical.

Fractal geometry is the geometry used to describe and analyze the complexity of the natural world around us. The most surprising property of fractal forms is that their characteristic patterns are rapidly found in descending scales, so that their parts, on any scale, are similar in shape to the whole. There is self-similarity.

Conscious and unconscious: The butterfly effect.

The densest thoughts have been placed on the left side of the sphere creating their brain mass (Pituitary Gland) and the subtle ones, they are on their right side creating their brain (Rhyme Gland). In the central part of both, is its center, is its Pineal Gland, that is, the central dome where the most pure energy imaginable emanates. The brain mass is a mold and the thoughts that form in it, are taking, the shape of the symbol of infinity, the figure of a butterfly.

Whenever alignments, equinoxes and solstices occur in the universe, the two circles come together like the wings of the butterfly and in their flutter the wormholes are formed. Each time the wings come together like a butterfly, four cosmic hemispheres line up. When the two wings meet, the center where the Pineal Gland is located or rather the central capsule, tends to nourish both sides of Nimeos, that is, energy without recording, since that are starting from the zero point. In this way it is recycled, rejuvenated and the dynamics continue on. The energies tend to pass from one side to another very easily, it means that the mind is fed back; the dense is subtle, the subtle is densified, the frequencies are mixed, the colors are combined etc. and so ahead.

Matter and antimatter: The design pattern.

We can understand matter as a set of determined and orderly atomic patterns that the mind creates under a pre-established design in the knowledge and experiences realized in life or existence, through emotions and thoughts We are creating these reality designs for everyday life with projected images. Therefore, our unified field, being merged with everything that became aware that it is and exists, transfers that information to the consciousness of the design object or pattern, and this by reflection He interacts in everything projected for my reality. These atomic patterns are only 4% of the true matter of creation, 20% is dark or invisible matter and the other 76% corresponds to antimatter. The substantial composition of dreams is more similar to dark matter and antimatter, since it is radion that projects the plasmic fields.

Plasmic matter manifests itself in the electromagnetic field and by polarity creates the molecules and thus generates the thought design pattern.


For biologists there is no evidence of any plan, objective or purpose in the global evolutionary process and, therefore, there is no progress, but there are still recognizable development patterns. One of them is convergence, the tendency of organisms to develop similar ways to respond to similar challenges, despite having different ancestral stories.

For the theosophists there is a plan designed by a board of directors,

The Rebellion of Light, a plan prepared since ages and that has been encrypted as codes in the experiment of the human race to access its own awakening. Matrix codes have been developed in previous cycles or millennia ago to transfer from a higher consciousness the motivating ruler of who we are and where we want to go.

The essence matrix of each being is simply a chip that houses all the genetic content of the evolution of the race as a whole, it is a process by which at each moment we are taking a massive evolutionary leap and thus each being is integrated into the experiment of the human race.

We belong to a cosmos which is composed of 1000 Universes, this system aims to establish the unification of all universes. The galactic night period is manifesting itself as an event that has a different pattern than the other nights or cosmic cycles of 25, 920 years.

The Administrative System:

The Divine Plan under its three cosmic fires (Todopoder, Todoesencia and Todomisericordia) was projected in itself giving rise to the existence of the hierarchy that would administer the creations sustained by the consciences of the Creative System.

The operating system:

The Center of our Galaxy and its entire structure belongs to the Operating System, governed transversally by the Sun System, responsible for sustaining, distributing and conducting the energy flows of the Todomisericordioso, who is the One and we all serve him. The sun system is managed by the RA Order.

The Technical System:

The technological system supports and regulates information by connecting us to the field of the wisdom of prophets and sages. Regulate information with technology. This system came into force in the eighteenth century with the beginnings of the industrial revolution.


Genetics, mind and consciousness are the three fundamental pillars for evolutionary development and correspond to the Operational order of the divine Plan.

Consciousness is the expression of the light that synthesizes mental images in symbols, light genetics is composed of photon packages that connect with superluminal matrices of stellar currents.

The mind is the expression of who we are and feel in a thought, acts by reflection to manifest the virtual in the real.

Genetics is the one that integrates all the information that accumulates in a life or existence, cellular genetics is composed of an information system that connects with the matrices of the bodies of the higher planes.


Everything in the Universe is connected to each other, from the most macro to the most micro; its connection is distributed by 'meshes' or energy networks that feed, so to speak, with its essence of light to all creation. This is because such networks or meshes cannot be disconnected or independent. Therefore, everything comes from the same source.

In the Universe, each sector, quadrant or space, has its own energy matrix system. These matrices, combined with the three forces, give rise to the characteristics of each of the dimensions, of the beings that inhabit it and even of the same atom.

Our galaxy, the Milky Way, supervised by the Sirius plan, is no stranger to this universal conditioner; So she takes the macro energy matrix as a receiver from the center core matrix and distributes it in the right proportion for each system within it.

Like the energetic points found on planet Earth, being geomagnetic zones, they are found in the same way in our bodies and in all creation. The vibrations that flow through these networks converge and are distributed by energy nodes regardless of their scale or the scale of the parent network.

By understanding that the Sun is the node or station of energy transfer and that it runs through all creation, we can integrate into it and decode what the consciousness allows, understanding consciousness as the sole catalyst of the universal tributary.

A fraction of the light is represented by a particle or photon of light; This, like all creation, contains a vibrational field or a field of action that in itself is only so small that it does not represent any alteration or incidence in the context that it is or exists. The universal energy model as fire is created to transmit and receive; that is, to be part of a communication network, community, group or totality. In addition, to exist, you have to have a conscience; we are talking then of an active intelligence, a will to be and unconditional wisdom.

MATRIX 72: The galactic code.

The Flower of Life, represents the composition of 72 dimensions in which we exist in our own light.

A 12 x 12 matrix (144) is the essence DNA matrix, transmits all the information accumulated in the CREC and distributes them to all the organisms of the universe of Light through the zubuyas, as a source of information connected to all systems Operational and administrative. The Hard Disk of the Universe is connected to our source and this information is updated in our Being in each breath.

A 12 x 6 matrix (72) symbolizes the connection of cellular genetics with consciousness, thus achieving its integration with the genetic essence and essence consciousness of Being.

MATRIX 12: The Christic Code.

The twelve layers of DNA represent the combination of the 72 spheres of reflection that influenced our genetic program when following the design pattern.

The human pleroma.

This ASH RA code, of the RA order, is responsible for the genetic reprogramming of human beings, the members of the order are responsible for lighting the path of the Adamic race. After its light seal the RA order is the inexhaustible source of the sun and guardians of the system who balanced the manipulated and unbalanced forces of those then. This Sirian order, managed to reverse that situation and was in charge, until now, of the evolution of the human being through genetic programs developed to reach the necessary awareness on the thresholds of the new era.

The Sirian teachers, initial programmers, relied on the individual as a bio-programmed unit, and by genetically programming each light structure, it would be governed and would last a cycle comprised as the time we understand for life. In that life, an even greater program that contained all the potential to be a divinity, was activated and kept in its genetic memory that evolution developed in the individual in that nucleus, incarnation, dwelling, etc.

MATRIX 6: The genetic code.

The tree of life could be identified as the recipe for vibrations that atomically make up a living organism, in this case, the human being. The Metatron cube, meanwhile, represents the consciousness of the human being.

The human genome

The complete series of genes of an organism, the so-called genome, forms a vast interconnected network, rich in feedback loops, in which genes directly and indirectly regulate each other's activities. Only due to the emerging properties of the metabolic network can the code be extracted and third parties considered as codes for amino acids.

In trying to give an approximate idea of ​​the cellular organization, we find the complexity in trying to describe how these components are linked to each other by a vast network that involves thousands of metabolic processes Licos.

In one cell, the power plants are the mitochondria and the solar stations are the chloroplasts, which contain their own genetic material and self-reproduce, they are only found in green plants and constitute the centers of photosynthesis that transform solar energy.

In the human body, the light tube works from the operating system and the heart from the administrative system. There are also two genomes that make up our existence. A genome is governed by the Administrative Order in which our spirit stores all the information in our Being and therefore in our cells, the other genome is regulated by the operating system, which It works by knowledge and genetically transmutes the leap of evolution, being outside the nucleus of our cells.

Our body has been the result of consciousness projected and disconnected from the Higher Self that we know as Merkabbah. The projection body that is governed by the design pattern, Blue Print, is the body with which we were given origin, corresponds to the blue ray. The other body activated and fused to the unified field is the conductor of any action in the programmed structure and corresponds to the pink ray. There is a third body that is recognized as the information and that when coming from the source as light decomposes to allow all the experimentation and the collection of all the genetic material towards the upper bodies, corresponds to the yellow ray

We can conclude that there is a great difference between the Genetics of Being and the Consciousness of Being.

Consciousness is information that travels through light and connects to everything that exists through conduction matrices in each plane of existence. The essence gene is 100% spiritual and it is what allows information to be transformed into consciousness and under the force of will to ennoble genetics and connect it directly to the genetics of light. When the cells are ennobled, they can be distributed and sown for the support of the total evolution process.


This article was based on the book Exomatrix and the scientific foundation in the book The plot of life of Fritjof Capra.

Information about the Path to Sirius was given by the leader of the Ra Order.

I XEON RA of the order, custodians and guardians of the world, I have been authorized to transmit information and specific instructions on the process of ascending acceleration through the sequence 3: 1: 3, ASH RA code . Now, I will be transmitting this decoding and frequency step by step to give way to this instrument of advanced light technology that will be delivered to you as a sign of the ALL-POWERFUL absolute love and that unites us in creation.

Dear brother, once I have contacted you through the Supreme Being who is on a planetary mission, the required information is in the process of decoding for the understanding of earthly consciences. We are in direct contact with each missionary in the plan. From these dates different groups of servers are being contacted and the work is being carried out with a direct transmission to each group with specific instructions that are part of the plan.

Remember that missionaries and light servers are being monitored, connected to this great network of light to which each of you is connected (as if it were a computer)., The signal is transmitted once the light of consciousness is on., as if a switch was connected and began to transmit new information in this new stage of awakening. Well, we are here connected directly from your being, through the universal consciousness of the All in One and One in Everything, understand that we are all connected but the evolutionary process is according to the free will of each being. ”

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