Keep hope María Damiani

  • 2016

"Never lose hope ..." Why?

Because hope helps you keep track of your goals and not be discouraged, when you think you don't find the way to go. Hope encourages you not to give up and stand firm when circumstances pretend to collapse you. It is like a ray of light that is present, although the days seem dark.

But do you think that having hope can mean not recognizing reality?

Many times, not to be fooled by what I see in the world, I imagine life as a play. There all the actors are fictitious and reality is not what you see.

Spiritually, hope is related to faith, which is to have confidence and certainty in what is not seen. Beyond faith is the spiritual understanding of life, which enables one to seek in each situation the positive aspect and the learning that leaves.

Basing thought on the Divine can make people more likely to be hopeful under certain circumstances of life and to favor their well-being. There are more and more scientists who believe that hope and optimism have a great influence on health. For example, a positive and hopeful attitude when facing some diseases helps to face them, to cling to life, and in many cases it prolongs the quality of life of patients and helps to slow the progression of the disease.

Currently, people live much longer than a few decades ago, a recent study indicates. "People today are less likely than their parents to die of certain conditions, but there are more older people around the world, " said Dr. Christopher Murray, director of the Institute for Health Measurement and Evaluation of the Washington University It is an encouraging trend, that people live longer. The most hopeful, in general, are the ones that express the most joy.

Hope contributes strongly to finding the meaning and purpose of life.

In the book Miscellaneous Writings, its author Mary Baker Eddy states: “Divine Love is our hope, strength and shield. We have nothing to fear when Love is at the helm of thought, but everything to enjoy it, on earth and in heaven. ”

To have this hope is to place trust in the sublime and let it guide the thoughts to make decisions.

Even if you have experienced problems or are facing them, you can begin to strengthen your hope right now, recognizing that Love is at the helm of your thinking.

María Damiani writes about health and well-being from a spiritual perspective and is the Committee for the Publication of Christian Science in Spain.

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