How to develop the trina flame

  • 2014

This exercise has 3 practices in one, growth, purification, protection.

We need to reach a saturation of the physical body and tree of life, as we had never thought, felt or done before, during, or after the creation n, or what makes the supreme cosmic Christ come working, that is uncreated and not born without beginning or end, with the rays that we are going to work. It is necessary that they learn the handling of the memory of themselves, I already explain them in I give them the magic key of God. The one we are going to purify is the beloved LUCIFER PROMETEO, who is the same human soul, is the father, is the consciousness, is the knowledge of good and evil.

Practice to develop the trina flame

We are located in a comfortable position, without noise; The most recommended time is at dawn because the environment is calm, as is the mind and feeling.

Do the practice at any time, personally I get up at 3.30 am and work until 9, at 9.30 am the decree I make is long and very high because it is for land and unity.

I turn my attention to the heart until I feel the beating, I call my intimate Christ, (I am the intimate Christ 5 times, I begin to feel it with a little pain there or I see it). Then I order my Intimate Christ in the name of the love of unity to call me the Cosmic Christ of supreme love flowing in all life, (5 times I feel it in the right side of the heart, or in the pineal). The Intimate Christ and the Cosmic Christ are already before me. I am the intimate Christ I am the Cosmic Christ of supreme love flowing in all life I command and decree I command I insist on the name of the love that is in the unity of life, call me to each and every one of the Christs and their Elohims, call me to each and every one of the Christs Suns and their Elohims, call me all the spiritual suns and the suns of pure love that are in the supreme unity of life or ray of creation to the supreme source, call me to the supreme new great central sun of the aeon 19 with each and every one of its hierarchies of light and love that they have, or make them up.

Call them, call them, call them, call them, call them, descend, descend, descend, descend, descend in the here and now in this instant. I invoke the law of forgiveness, mercy, piety, supreme clemency for all life. I am the one that I am the Intimate Christ, I am the one that I am the Cosmic Christ of supreme love flowing in all life and all the hierarchies of the light and of the love that I have just called radiate or anchor the supreme and absolute plenitude of his great impetus that they have accumulated what makes them work on their supreme note of their great supreme LOVE, the blue and crystal fire, the pink fire, the golden yellow fire, the violet fire, the white fire; they re-compress all the light or radiation generated by each and every one of the suns that we have just called and, the hierarchies of light and love that we have just called that they have in their causal bodies in a single ray of light, of pure energy in the triune flame or the triune Christ, leave them in perfect balance, unify them in a single flame in the heart of my Intimate Christ so that it is complete and turn them into a sun. Do the same with the proton - meson, neutral - ion, electron, photon and quantum, turn them into suns; Rate me and purify the discord and darkness that exists in the physical body, in the beloved Lucifer Prometheus, establish a shield around you with these powerful rays and protect me, do the same in each and every one of the bodies that make up the tree from life to the supreme source. Visualizing these rays in the heart and physical body.

Do the same with the Christ in the nucleus of the earth, with the earth and its evolution in the physical plane and until 19, or dimension 19, with the elementals, with the people of God, radiate, heal and heal the who suffer in clinics, hospitals, sanatoriums, health homes, wherever they are ill and medical assistance is required on the planet and ray of creation, radiate to South America (city and country where they live family, if they wish).

Turn the earth a sun. Radiate to our Christ the sun that shines on us and his Elohim Helios and Vesta, and stop the solar flares, radiate in the same way as they just radiated to me to my Intimate Christ, to the Cosmic Christ of supreme love flowing in all life, radiate to all the hierarchies of light and love that we have just called radiate the entire ray of creation to the supreme source.

Do it in the here and now in an uncreated and unborn form without beginning or end, do not remove a single hierarchy of light and love, nor these rays until everything becomes visible and tangible in the physical and tree world of the lifetime. I give them gratitude because they have heard me, because this is so here and now, I ask you for the most sacred name of the cosmic Christ of supreme love flowing in all life, I ask you for the most sacred name of the cosmic Christ of supreme love flowing in all life (5 times). When they feel they make the decree, place the sheet in front until they learn it, do not leave the decree there voted.

May all the Christs and the supreme Christ of supreme love flowing in all life radiate them with the fullness of their Christian energy and love of unity.

Forward it, that's service.

I am sun 19

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