The Seven Rays in the individual and astrology

  • 2010

The Truth must be presented in such a way that it convinces without binding and attracts even without convincing. This can only be done by the language of the heart. ”Vicente Beltran Anglada

According to esoteric teaching, the seven rays are the basis of the entire manifestation. We tend to think this in an objective sense, but the really interesting thing is to do it from an internal perspective. Let's see how we can shed some light on it.

Above all, it is important to keep in mind that the rays are Lives, and, consequently, when we study them, we are not facing dead knowledge but facing Purposes in action. Each ray has a meaning, an impulse that unfolds and prints its note in every aspect of its manifestation; a ray is expressed in each level of consciousness or plane to fulfill a certain purpose: its end of lightning, which will inevitably intertwine with the purpose of lightning of its sister Lives, under the causal impulse of an even higher entity that uses all as agents

Esoterically, it is affirmed that this is valid from the subatomic particles and the tiny atom, through man and his soul, to a planet and its solar system, or this one and the great constellations. In all cases it will be possible to track energy in action, an energy that will fulfill a purpose and that as progress is made in abstraction will be revealed as a part of another stream of consciousness even broader, but always with a sense close to our heart, and that in a mysterious way we are part of it.

It can be said that these energies follow a pattern of intelligent development, and that form of expression is esoteric astrology, which describes how they manifest themselves in time. Both aspects have a close relationship, and before raising a birth chart it would be very useful to know what the person belongs to, being this preliminary knowledge for a good interpretation. We will deal with this discovery process in the future, here in general, and in due course with details about each of the seven rays.

On the human level, the field of application of the rays occurs at the consciousness level and is studied through esoteric psychology, which teaches the constitution of man as soul, personality, mental-emotional-physical bodies, assigning a ray to each nucleus and analyzing their interrelationships.

Thus, the ends of a Life that employs the 1st ray of Will or Power in the mental plane that if it uses the 4th of Harmony through Conflict will be very different. Among other things, in one case we would have a need for the soul to dominate the mind, acquire mental polarization and perhaps dominate the emotions; It may also have to do with the firm and determined introduction of an idea in humanity. On the other hand, a 4th ray mind is linked to the meaning of Harmony through Conflict: the development of the faculty of discernment will be important; also, because it is an attribute and not an aspect ray, it is likely that the objective is not so much the learning or the introduction of ideas as the embellishment of the existing ones. On the other hand, the light that emerges from the moments of harmony (for example, in meditation) will contribute to enlighten the personality and calm the emotional body, if necessary; or the doubts and the tension will aggravate the emotional conflicts, according to the success that is had. Obtaining mental unity will also be a possible goal. This will contrast with the most drastic relationship that a 1st ray mind will have with emotions, and reflecting on why the soul has decided to incarnate with a vehicle with those qualities and not others is very enlightening. Here the degree of evolution of the person involved is noticeably affected, because the function of each ray will vary according to the need of the soul. Apart from the fact that the subject is dealt with in many books, we have made some generic reflections on the subject in the article “Basis for interpreting an natal chart esoterically: Ascending and degree of spiritual evolution”, of January of the current year; Although we will not repeat what has been said there, let us take into account the importance of knowing even widely in what state of consciousness the person lives, before making conclusions about the meaning of their rays.

How to study the rays?

Sitting the need to know about the rays and spiritual evolution, it is worth mentioning that the approach made to it is fundamental in all this matter, that is, how altruistic our approach is. This has been said before, but it should be noted. Actually, the question is very simple and is synthesized in the famous hidden axiom, "the occultist goes from the general to the particular, and never the other way around."

This has an energetic basis, because in our case starting from the particular would involve studying the subject of rays from the point of view of the self, rather than the greater Lives. How would this be? Basically, channel the search on lightning to see "what can you tell me" again or important. This attitude involves personality, and according to the Law of Affinity will put us in touch with energy from similar sources.

Now, this is a problem, because in general whoever studies the subject will have a degree of spiritual awakening and therefore egoic or soulic inspiration. If we want to seek the transcendent meaning of the issue, a selfish approach will close the soul dimension and therefore few of our conclusions can “close” and make sense, since our bodies themselves are already imbued with both egoic energy and personality. In other words, we cannot understand with just one key, and that will leave us with some frustration, or will force us to interpret and incur illusions or mirages. What fails are not the books, but our focus.

The key then goes through studying the Rays according to the contribution they make to humanity, to the Plan, to planetary evolution, because that will connect us with the soul and at that level the answers abound. How will the energy of Will contribute to evolution? What can a mind full of will contribute? That can illustrate us about how a 1st ray mind works. How can a mind that tends to seek light and harmony be useful? There we will have indications about the activity of a 4th mind, and so on.

Questions like that allow us to tune into the Plan at egoic levels of Lightning Lives, and therefore with our soul as well as with the one who asks us, if we try to determine its rays or give it astrol advice. Gico. And as we suggested, it is only from that state of consciousness that we can begin to offer comprehensive, comprehensive and coherent answers. It is true that we must soften the cur personal curiosity, but the effort is well worth it, because in truth you can provide a deep service comprising consciousnesses from an energy perspective.

And naturally, the theoretical basis is found in esoteric literature, from theosophists like Leadbeater or Ernest Wood to the works of Alice Bailey in general, and especially the Seven Rays Treaty, volumes I and II, where not only indications are given about the expression of the rays, but also their hidden foundation is offered.

Methods to determine the rays

If we are already correctly focused, we have enough understanding about the rays and we know relatively the degree of evolution of the person, the next step is to meditate in order to determine the rays expressed through the person. This meditation can be understood in the classical sense of the term (especially if we already know the person), but it can also be practiced as a revealing light from the form.

In principle, a good starting point is to go from the general to the particular: try to know first what selfish ray the person belongs to and then what are their subsidiary rays, which to some extent be n controlled by the soul.

If the method of direct meditation is not appropriate, you can work from the form, by studying multiple facets: facial characteristics, tone and depth of the voice, emotional reactions, forms of facing a problem, vocation, defects, virtues.

Vicente Beltr n Anglada said that each person has a way of breathing that reflects the rhythm of consciousness of the Lightning Life at which it serves. Likewise, the phrase getting in the shoes of has a profound esoteric implication, since it is also linked to the rhythm of a person's life and hidden in the rhythm always underlies the consciousness that originates it.

And even from the natal chart, meanings can be extracted, although it is better to interpret with a previous hypothesis and then link it to the signs and planets.

As will be seen, methods abound, and in one way or another involve tuning in to the vibration of the other person and then specifying their qualities.

On the other hand, there are also more impersonal and deductive methods: an exhaustive work by Michael Robbins, The Tapestry of the Gods (available only in English), develops one by one the types of soul, personality, mind, emotions and physical lightning, indicating how they behave. Volume II is particularly interesting, because it exposes the unfolding of the relationship between each soul ray and its combination with personality, in three great stages: inharmony, interrelation and fusion . The works can be purchased or downloaded from the Internet in pdf format.

Also in the acad mica line, there is a test (in English, although more accessible) called PIP II, in which about 130 questions are asked, each with five possible answers. Finally, it is offered as a conclusion a hypothesis about which rays our soul has chosen to serve in this incarnation. Here again it is possible to find the test through a search on the Internet, more on the site a voluntary contribution is requested before receiving the conclusions of the same.

Beyond the techniques linked to the form, the most reliable method is the wide reflection of the concepts on the rays and fundamentally the use of the intuition. The more developed the intuition, the less "time" we will need to know the rays, and the less will be the need to resort to indirect methods.

In that context, astrology also has a role, because veiled behind the planets and the Ascendant beat the rays of each vehicle and therefore underlies the purpose of the incarnation. The joint interpretation of rays and planets is another way of expressing harmony between the soul and the ways in which it expresses itself, and although this science is in its infancy, its starting point is very simple: the love for humanity and the search for the union between all manifested consciences, thus fulfilling Purpose One. And such simplicity is possible because Esoteric Astrology is in the form the expression of rays, but essentially the language of the heart.

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Who was Nikola Tesla?

Posthumous book by Vicente Beltrán Anglada

Free energy

The Master once told us that “Nature will fulfill its duty correctly only when humanity fulfills its own. Do not expect miracles. The best of miracles is healthy behavior and correct social action. Nature, the Kingdoms that integrate it and the devic workers who build the abodes of the Kingdoms and of all things have an extraordinary POWER that man has not yet been able to take advantage of.

For example, humanity as a whole depends on oil as a basic substance for the development of commerce, industry and communications. However, there is a substance infinitely lighter than petroleum in the ether closest to Earth, which, extracted by systems much less complicated and expensive than extracting oil from the depths of the earth, would greatly facilitate the evolution of the entire system. industrial.

It is a substance somewhat denser than hydrogen, which, and conveniently manipulated, would immediately solve the problem of pollution and reduce the cost of fuel to unsuspected extremes. The "struggle for the conquest of black gold" would also end and therefore the great war tensions observed in the Middle East would disappear.

But ... -the Master finished- everything depends on humanity. The Devas responsible for the secrets that are to be communicated to men can do nothing but remain “calmly expectant, harmoniously integrated into their worlds”, waiting for humanity.

Source: Secret Diary of a Disciple, pp. 70-71.

Arcane Wisdom Council: Unmissable Book! Run to bookstores before it runs out. He also speaks, among many other important things, about Star Wars and definitely reveals - according to us - the mystery of the UFOs, who crew them and for what purpose ... The whole book is a gift of Love from our beloved Vincent. No one has ever said so much, nor revealed so many minor mysteries ...

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