Joe Dispenza, doctor of Chiropractic, biochemist and neuroscientist

  • 2013

Joe Dispenza, doctor of Chiropractic, biochemist and neuroscientist. “If you want another reality, you must become another person”

Victor-M Amela, Ima Sanchís, Lluís Amiguet

01/09/2013 - 00:00 Photo: Kim Manresa

Ima Sanchís

I'm 50 years old. I was born in New Jersey and I live on the outskirts of Seattle. Married, three children. I specialized in heart disease and brain imaging. I am a professor at the University of Atlanta. I believe that we have the capacity to create our life and that through us the divine is expressed

The law of change

Our personality and our reality have been built according to how we think, act and feel. With much discipline, entering our brain daily, we can, according to Dispenza, create our reality. In his last book, Stop being you (Uranus), explain how and propose a four-week apprenticeship. Chiropractor with a movie life, he had an injury that made him rethink the capabilities of our brain and became a biochemist and neuroscientist. “I first investigated the spontaneous remissions of diseases and analyzed what the people who got it had in common. Then I decided to reproduce it, and everything that is reproducible becomes a law. ”

It has been defending for years that we can get to control our mind and reality.

The mind determines the outer experience, because everything comes down to energy fields, so that our thinking constantly alters our reality. It is possible to change circumstances of reality if we know how.

Well, I must be very clumsy.

If you hold the same thoughts, if you carry out the same actions and live with the same feelings and emotions, your brain and body will remain the same; But every time he learns something he establishes new connections that physically change his brain.

We spend our lives learning.

Not all. Even so, learning is not enough. You have to apply what you learn, and when you begin to experience the emotions of that experience, then you literally give new signals to your neurons and create new synapses: that is called evolution.

If it were so simple ...

We are always creating a future, what happens is that we usually create the same, we reaffirm our personality. We live directed by a series of memorized thoughts, behaviors and emotional reactions (fear, guilt, lack of self-esteem, anger, prejudices ...) that are very addictive and function as computer programs installed in the subconscious.

Where is the change?

In being bigger than the circumstances of your life. Or we are the victims of our reality or the creators.

Sounds like self help.

If we analyze great characters in our history, we see that they all thought and imagined a future enough times for their brain to literally change, to the point that they felt that desired experience as if it had already happened.

First they created the change in them.

Change means going beyond the environment, body and time. We can make thinking more real than anything else, and we do it daily: if we are driving on a road but focused on our thinking, we don't see the road, we don't feel our body and we don't know how much time has passed. That state is what we use to create.

Absorbed in emotion.

But most people are thinking about their problems instead of thinking about the possibilities.

But thinking about something does not make it real.

Once we have a vision, our behavior must respond to the intentions. The mind and the body must work together. We have to choose differently from how we have chosen so that something new can happen. If you want to create a new personal reality, you have to literally become another person.


Through a program of meditation detached from mysticism that pretends that the brain and the body do not respond in a predictable way. It is about becoming a skill, of opening the door of the operating system, of all those subconscious programs where change really occurs.

Take, for example, anxiety ...

The scan of someone with anxiety or depression is the same: the brain begins to secrete chemistry as if what the person fears is happening, and over time that chemistry becomes addictive.

How to exit the loop?

Meditation means getting acquainted with. If you make your thoughts and your automatic habits conscious and observe the emotions, you begin to objectify your subconscious mind. If you become familiar with the aspects of yourself that create anxiety (or whatever you want to change), during the vigil you will observe when you begin to feel that way and you will be able to change it.

And from there?

... If you decide who you want to be, what is the great ideal of yourself, what thoughts you want to have, what behaviors you want to demonstrate, what emotions you want to experience; If you remind yourself every day who you no longer want to be and who you want to be and start thinking about new ways of being, the more you think about it and the more you plan, the more you are installing the circuits in the brain.

The more you observe yourself, the less you will be yourself.

Exact. If we can teach the body to trust in the future and live in joy, we create new connections. Clear attention and high emotion change destiny. But it requires discipline. Simple positive thinking does not work, because negativity is installed in the subconscious. True changes consist in being aware of your unconscious reactions.

And what do your colleagues say? Are you treated as esoteric, crazy ...?

There is an intellectual division: I have colleagues who defend theories similar to mine and we are as scientific as those who defend more conventional models. But I propose that it be tried and judged.

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