Personal Transformation through the cultivation of the practice itself, by Brandon West

  • 2015
Table of contents hide 1 Part 1 2 The Mechanics of Consciousness and Intention 3 Part 2 4 Spiritual Growth 5 Personal Transformation through the cultivation of practice itself, 6 by Brandon West

Part 1

The Mechanics of Consciousness and Intention

The most direct way to make a deep and lasting change in your life is to cultivate a unique daily practice. Choose a practice to work on it every day, a habit, and make your absolute intention to do that thing every day, without looking beyond this day.

Just tell yourself, ' If I can do one thing today, then I will be satisfied and I will consider this day successful and productive .' Wayne Dyer explains this perfectly: Any resolution that involves making decisions about an upcoming long-range behavior reinforces the notion of self-defeat of living in the future and not in the present moment. In fact, you can go on solving until the frogs breed hair, and you still have to live your life like anyone else on this planet - ONE DAY AT A TIME ...

What you can do is set day-to-day goals for yourself, and then resolve to start living the present moment with awareness for the rest of your life . For example, instead of deciding to leave sugar for a year, resolve to spend a day without eating sugar. Anyone can do virtually anything if it is only for a single day. (Resolve To Get Real)

It is this attitude and this perspective is what allows us to move towards a certain goal or aspiration and, in particular, to transform ourselves. Especially if we choose a singular act that helps us live our happiness and act on our passion, talent and creativity, cultivate energy, connect to internal silence (universal consciousness and intelligence), and increase our level of consciousness, all in one practice, and do this practice on a daily basis.

This is the basis of deep personal and spiritual growth in the long term. And once that an essential practice is deeply established, then we can use this same method to cultivate any future habit and therefore consciously direct our growth in whatever direction we choose, or are inspired to grow.

The Power of a Practice The act of directing our energy and focusing it on a singular act or goal cultivates what is known as intention. Carlos Castaneda explains this force as such: In the universe there is an immeasurable, indescribable force that sorcerers call intention, and that absolutely everything that exists in the entire cosmos is linked to intention n for a connection link. The Teachings of Don Juan The power and importance of this force called intention, and cultivate and connect to her, is that she has the power to transform and results in the manifestation of whatever we have set out to do. Deepak Chopra in The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success explains that, Attention directs energy. Intention transforms it.

In other words, attention, such as deeply focusing our attention on something through the act of cultivating a practice with an established purpose or intention behind It is from that specific practice, then our energy is directed towards this area of ​​our life that makes it grow and expand.

The intention, however, is the universal force of creation, which is the power behind the manifestation of everything we see in the universe, and everything that has been created, either by man or by nature or by the cosmos itself. We cultivate intention, but that is misleading because intention is not a force we possess. We have the ability to connect to this force and direct it consciously, and with free will, using our attention, and we are unique in all creation in that regard.

But this force is not ours. We do not own it, but simply are at our disposal for conscious use because we are aware of our own conscience. This is why we are creation masters and we are a privileged species, because we are only endowed with this ability to handle the power of intention, which is the same force exerted by the single consciousness or mind to manifest reality itself. The supreme mind as some call it

We are the same, with the same power, only on a different scale. That is why Jesus Himself apparently (seemingly as all about him) referred to each of us as gods. Intention and Consciousness There are two aspects of the universe: intention consciousness They are not separated or anything, but rather are two different aspects of the same fundamental universal dynamics . Like two sides of the same coin, if you like. However, I have come to believe that these forces are not the same.

Consciousness is the consciousness of the universe, available on all scales. It is the intelligence, if you want, that determines and guides the path of creation, determining the birth of planets and galaxies, and human beings, and trees, since you want the existence of these things and focus your attention on manifesting them. In the same way we do. But intention is the force that works through consciousness on all scales, and perhaps even makes consciousness possible.

And I believe that the force of intention is as unfathomable for conscience on all scales, as it is for us. The intention is the infinite energy and potential of the universe, while consciousness emerges from the dynamics of this force directly to creation as it progresses, exploring the infinite possibilities that are available.

Intention is the unfathomable field of infinite energy and information that contains every possibility, while consciousness is the other side of intention, and all creation is simply the byproduct of the creative interaction between the two. Intention through Practice Thus, as attention directs energy, and as our attention begins to accumulate in a certain area of ​​our lives, literally concentrating, then, the force of intention begins to work through We, through our conscience and go to the coordination center created by our attention to transform whatever it is that we are putting our attention on and express our desires. This is not only the mechanism behind the manifestation, but it is also the mechanism behind creativity.

We become available for creativity and for creative ideas through any means with which we are intrinsically tuned: whether music or poetry or prose, and we become available through our attention and commitment to an art, or a persecution or matter In the same way, we really do not manifest anything. We only have access to the force that does it. Intention manifests, while consciousness simply chooses what to manifest. And there are several levels of consciousness. Our own consciousness is unlimited, and as we expand our consciousness through practices such as meditation and yoga, it becomes clear that at higher levels, our consciousness begins to merge with universal consciousness, which is the source of all other consciousness. in all beings at the same time. The line between the place where the universe ends and our consciousness begins is lost because there was never a division, in the first place.

The separation was only a construction of the self, an illusion and a false belief and assumption about the reality of nature. Thus, as we surrender our ego through meditation we become available to this aspect of ourselves. And our higher self, as it is popularly known, is really universal consciousness. So to live according to the higher consciousness is to live with a greater degree of universal alignment and an understanding and realization of the universal order. However, even that higher level of consciousness is not manifesting, but is still connecting to the intention of manifesting reality, simply organizing it to a greater degree of order. Thus, the cultivation of a singular practice is, then, the art of cultivating attention, while it is connecting and becoming available for intention. And if you choose an art that is the embodiment of your bliss or a search that is the object of your bliss, then the cultivation of your singular practice will be completely transformed. As your attention becomes more powerful as you sustain more this daily practice of your choice, the more deeply you can connect to the intention, and the greater things, that must be worked through you.

Part 2

Spiritual Growth

Every personal spiritual transformation and fulfillment of our dreams and desires happens spontaneously as a result of spiritual growth. This is so because spiritual growth is the achievement of a higher consciousness, the realization of who we really are and our purpose in life, and the spontaneous alignment in action with the higher consciousness and our highest calling. So once we have chosen for ourselves the singular practice or search more effective, efficient, naturally results in spiritual growth and in the cultivation of the so-called spiritual consciousness, daily commitment to this practice is the most powerful and powerful method to the personal transformation and manifestation of our dreams, desires and true potential that is available to us. Point ...

By doing and having our absolute intention to carry out this practice on a daily basis, then what it says about us as human beings, that we are unconsciously affirming ourselves, is that our spiritual and infinite nature is more important to us. That our limited ego. Thus, every day we succeed in completing our practice, we consistently transcend the Mind, our Ego, and all the negative behavior patterns and limiting beliefs that define our ego by embodying our infinite spiritual nature a little more each day.

This gives us enormous power because the aspect of ourselves that resists a practice of returning to inner silence must be, by definition, the false self - me - because the only part of ourselves that will resist returning to consciousness infinite, which is the inner silence, and which will also resist our purpose of life and the vocation that also returns us to the memory of the infinite consciousness that is within us, must invariably be the aspect of ourselves that is not pure consciousness, that is, the false self.

Spiritual Growth - The Art of Transcending the False Self From my point of view everything we could possibly do every day apart from our only practice is secondary. Let me explain why. If you try to do all those things on your list of things to do each day, and let's be honest, we all have countless things fighting for our attention at any given time, the end result is that we will be more deeply immersed in the mind and set apart from the inspiration as we focus on acting with the attitude of 'doing things'.

Therefore it is likely that we will not experience the truth of ourselves as pure consciousness on that day, which means that we will not take advantage of our potential and creativity, either. So we get rid of that aspect of ourselves, and when we gather several days in a row in which we do not connect with our spiritual nature and work on spiritual growth, then we are more and more attracted to the ego, to our false self., and far from the infinite consciousness that is who we really are. One day is not a big problem. But one month? 6 months? One year? From birth to this moment in your life?

Once you start moving away, you begin to define yourself based on unimportant or at least inaccurate criteria, which is the essence of what the ego is. And this is when we end up going the wrong way, because we are not allowing ourselves to be an expression of the highest levels of our own infinite consciousness.

And instead, we are simply living our lives as an expression of our small, limited and small egos, which are products of the mind, not of consciousness. It is a very slippery terrain, and disconnecting ourselves from our true selves and being trapped in the illusion and in a myriad of desires that are not aligned with who we really are, happens very quickly, and pushes us in the direction contrary to spiritual growth.

And there is only one direction back to the source: the inner silence that is achieved through our practice and of acting spontaneously in alignment with our highest vocation. And when we focus on our one practice, the other happens spontaneously. So, if all we do in the day is to connect with the intention by cultivating attention, greater energy and awareness, health, vitality and so on with an internally oriented practice, then we are going to act and live from this higher aspect of ourselves for the rest of the day, or at least for a greater part of the day than if we had to do something more than wake up a conscience higher.

Trust your intuition Each and every one of us is different and we all have our own paths to follow in life. And for this reason there is no way back to the spirit, because we are all different and therefore we have both different needs and different passions and missions here on earth. We are all unique, therefore no practice works in the same way for two people ( except, perhaps, meditation, more or less, because it takes us to the source from which everything emanates, however, it is said that there are different styles and techniques of meditation that are more beneficial, depending on the person).

Therefore, our task is to find the technique, style, and practice that best suits us and compliments our nature and at the same time satisfy our needs and requirements for a practice spiritual / meditation. It is for this reason that I do not believe that we should choose any path in life, especially our purpose in life or our calling. These things must and will develop naturally and we should not have to force ourselves to follow a path and a way of life . Instead our call will choose us and will reveal itself spontaneously and organically in our lives as we move inward through the spiritual growth that enters into greater and greater It's fine alignment with our true selves. Our passion and our happiness is the most important, because the passion is the resonance energy within us between what we are doing / who we are being at this moment, with our infinite being, universal.

This energy is what it means for us to have found our calling and that is emerging from within us, which is simply the path in life that is the perfect expression of our true spiritual nature. Thus, for this reason, the most important thing that you as an individual can do every day is the unique search practice that cultivates your spiritual consciousness and reveals your passion. He and his true self to you. We are living in a modern world and in many ways a world without precedents in all human history, is characterized and defined by infinite diversity.

As such, we are not all destined to be yogis in the sense of mystic inmates. However, beauty is that this is not the only path to greater awareness, spiritual growth and evolution. Following your happiness will achieve the same or similar states of higher consciousness simply by doing what is in your nature to do, whether writing books, or practicing and teaching yoga, or sailing ... as long as you take the time every day to cultivate and increase your level of awareness and spiritual awareness. I always strongly recommend that meditation conform to your practice or be a part of your practice, due to the strength with which you can and will complement any path you are on, because it improves your connection with your inherent being., ensuring that he will stay on that path, and remain connected and inspired.

Thus, when we commit ourselves daily to the singular practice that is of a spiritual nature and that serves as the cornerstone of our lives, then we will be on purpose, and act on inspiration, while focusing on a place of peace, true creativity, and even sometimes perfection that emanates from this deep sense of universal harmony that we have cultivated for ourselves.

And this state only gets deeper. Once we commit to making a practice or habit dedicated in some way to spiritual growth each day, the more consistently we do this and the longer our consecutive streak becomes, the more deeply focused and on purpose we will be, and the more deeply we will embody, we will express and manifest the infinite intelligence of the universe.

* I thank Brandon West for this exquisite work put into this interesting and productive article, in which he gives us his own insight on the subject. Likewise, I extend my gratitude to the named Prodigies of Spirituality, from which he takes and delivers his knowledge and techniques, which lead us to a greater evolutionary advance in our consciousness.

They are: Wayne Dyer, Carlos Castaneda, Deepak Chopra, Jesus. I share a bit of my own experience. Particularly during my awakening and now in my vigil, I feed on everyone and everything that was and is within my reach; And that resonates in my heart.

I have practiced different forms, different conductive threads, which have brought me closer and closer to my Higher Self, until I can see the whole picture, that is to say the "I" and the "I", I have nourished both and I managed to make them One to following the path, this does not mean that at times I feel the separation, but, I am aware of it and return to the One state. I practice meditation in almost all my daily tasks, if I cook, if I clean the home, if I fix something, if I order, if I write, if I read, in everything I seek to be centered in the Power of the I Am what I Am; also in my relationship with all Beings and things, be from my immediate environment as from the Multiverse, since I live and feel them. I transit knowing that there is always a greater knowledge that I can access that will bring me a more complete understanding resulting in the Unconditional Love that endures in me, in everyone and in everything that is Eternally. That is why companions, let us be guided by Our Highest Self and have the full assurance that the greatest exquisiteness of the Source will always come to Light, of which we are part.

Thank you for Being and being, good Destiny walkers of Eternity. smd Personal Transformation ...

Through the Cultivation of the Practice itself by Brandon West December 2014 - January 2015 of the ProjectGlobalAwakening Website translated by Adela Kaufmann Original version in English


Personal Transformation through the cultivation of the practice itself,

by Brandon West

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