Log of the Earth - "July 23, 2009 - The Total Eclipse and Cosmic Christ Energy" - "July 16, 2009 Between Inhalation and Exhalation ...", by Celia Fenn

2 July 3, 2009: The Total Eclipse and Cosmic Christ Energy: What a powerful moment was July 22, when the longest Total Eclipse of our century occurred. For me, it happened during the night, and I certainly felt the powerful energies as vibrations in my energy field. I was also aware of the fusion of energies and Cosmic Consciousness waking up on our planet. Truly, this is a time when the New Earth is being born, and the Christ Consciousness Cosmic Diamond is being activated.

Many people manifested strong feelings and physical sensations, as well as emotional energies, since this Eclipse activated new codes for the Divine Feminine of Christic energy Cosmic. With the Sun in Cancer and the New Moon in Capricorn, this powerful fusion and alignment also created a powerful new balance between the energies of the Divine Masculine and Feminine as expressed through us on the Planet. For me it was also a time when the work I did recently in Rio de Janeiro on the portal of Christ the Redeemer became clearer. There, with a group of Lightworkers, we activate the Cosmic Connection through the portal to allow Christ energy Cosmic enters the planet as Diamond Light. The Diamond Light is entering the Planet through the activated Ascension Portals and Sacred sites. And now, these Eclipses and Code Activations are aligning the New Earth with the Cosmic Heart and creating change and transformation at an accelerated rate.

I would like to tell everyone that in the next month of August, the energies are going to be HUGE! The wave of Diamond Light that will flood the Earth from now until the next Eclipse and the climax of the Lion Gate between August 8 and 12, will grow and accumulate power. Then, on August 16 and 17, it will be the anniversary of the Harmonic Convergence and another powerful wave of Light that will take us until the end of August and the energy of 09-09-09 at the beginning of September. This is going to increase until the 11-11 energy portal in November which is going to be very powerful this year. Therefore, I recommend that if you can, please try to attend at least one meditation or sacred gathering of Lightworkers this August to share this wave of powerful energy that is transforming us and our planet and The way we live.

I will be in two holy places this August and, if you can, we invite you to join us. For me, these two places are very important. First, I will be in Athens and Delphi at the Fifth Spiritual Awakening Festival in Greece. This, for me, is a return to the eastern part of Europe, as I was recently in Russia. This part of the world is home to the Greco-Roman civilization and the Byzantine or Orthodox versions of Christianity, as well as the place where the Christian and Muslim worlds begin to divide. It is, for me, the place where the message and energy of the Masculine Christ was strongest, the place where Jesus as Christ was offered to the world as the Masculine Redeemer. Then, I will travel to the UK to work in Glastonbury. This is the place where Maria Magdalena worked and established the energy of the Feminine Christ, as well as her work in the south of France. Even today, the Magdalene teachings are finding expression and devotion in Glastonbury. In both places, the Arc Miguel Angel plays a central role. In Eastern Orthodox Christianity, Miguel is the Guardian and the Protector. In Magdalena's work, Miguel is also the guardian and guide, and there are many places that are sacred to ig Miguel and Mar a in the south of England.

Therefore, for me, working in these two places will also allow me to work with the combination and fusion of these two energy currents and allow, in my own being, the creation of harmony between them. I hope that many people will join me to celebrate this Sacred Union within the Diamond Light of Glow and Clarity, because when the Twin Flames merge into the Golden Light of the Sacred Union, they ascend into the Light Diamond and become Cosmic Twin Flames, expressions of the Diamond Light of absolute Purity of Heart and Soul, mirrors of the Cosmic Love of the Source.

I am also excited to return to the Earth of Cultivation Circles and the magical energy of Wiltshire. There have not been many Crop Circles this year, but I am hoping there will be some specials in August, when I am there. This was reported on July 19, just before the Eclipse. The image is from the Crop Circle Connector at www.cropcircleconnector.com:

I love the swirling shape of this pattern, which suggests the Spiral of a Galaxy, and therefore suggests the idea of ​​Cosmic consciousness. I also like the way the pattern is placed, as if it were emerging from the side of the field, which suggests the idea of ​​movement and Eclipse. What also impressed me was the similarity between this image and the Galactic Spiral that I saw inside the cathedral church known as "St. Basil" on the Red Square in Moscow. I also liked the way the spiral seems to be contained within a diamond shape. This is the picture I took last month:

I like these representations of the spiral of the Galaxy, and the way in which whoever decorated the cathedral in Moscow knew that the "source" of Cosmic Spiritual Light in our Galaxy is the center of the Galactic Spiral. And that's why I like to see the Spiral of the Circle of Crops as a representation of the emergence of the new Golden Galaxy that we are sowing. Because it is not only the Earth that is being reborn as the New Earth, we are also in the process of creating a New Golden Ascended Conscious Galaxy. What an awesome time to be alive.

In fact, on my trip home from Moscow, I managed to sit next to an Astrophysicist from Germany, and we had a long conversation about the Galaxies and "halos", which are apparently the "sphere" that contains the Galactic Spiral inside of itself. We ended up talking about the consciousness and evolution of the Galaxies, so it was interesting to connect with someone who came from a purely scientific point of view, but open to metaphysics too!

As we move towards the next Eclipse of August 6, let us hold the energies within, in a center of Love and Gratitude for all that we are experiencing as the Earth ascends to Higher Dimensions of Light and Love. It is what we have worked for, It's what we're here for!

You can download the pipes of Celia Fenn in Spanish, in Word file, in and in.

© 200910 Celia Fenn and Starchild Global

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.

They are free to copy, distribute, use and reproduce this work under the following conditions: They must grant their credit to the author, not use it for commercial purposes, and cannot alter it, transform it or rely on it. For any reuse or distribution, they must clearly state to others the terms of the license for this work. Any of these conditions may be modified with the permission of the copyright owner. Any other purpose of use must be previously authorized by the author.

July 16, 2009: "Between the Inhalation and the Exhalation ... the New Consciousness that is emerging . " We are undoubtedly living in extraordinary time, in these weeks and days as we move towards the energies of the Lion Gate in August. At this moment, as we find ourselves between the Lunar and Solar eclipses and the activation and balance of the new Light Codes for the Planet, we are all feeling in some way the profound level of energy change.

In my case, I have been feeling quite strange at all levels, and also unable to organize my ideas and thoughts, which is unusual for me since writing is what I do best, generally. But it occurred to me to throw the question about how people are experiencing these energies to the group on my Facebook page, and I was surprised by what I received. More than 100 people responded, and the analysis of my page let me know triumphantly that I had made my audience participate in 98.5 percent. Ok ... so everyone agreed that something important is happening and that we are all feeling it. One of the answers included the description of the "inhalation and exhalation" that I think perfectly describes that place of "expectation in the environment" that we are experiencing now.

What also caught my attention was the diversity of reactions to the "pause." Some were eagerly anticipating great changes, others with fear of what that might mean, and some said that nothing was changing in the outside world. Therefore, that led me to consider what I thought might happen after the August changes. Maybe nothing in the outside world, yet, but the internal changes are huge and immense and urgent.

Let me explain my perception in this way. This weekend I will be with the children in our Starchild Children's Foundation Youth Leadership Camp, which is being sponsored by my German editor, Amra Verlag, and my German readers who have contributed one euro for each copy of the book sold Indigo. We are organizing a weekend of activities and talks, and my theme is the environment and our relationship with him. In preparation, I saw Leonardo di Caprio's movie "The Eleventh Hour." I was surprised at how Di Caprio was able to take the climate change debate beyond Al Gore by introducing the idea of ​​solutions and sustainability, but I was also impressed by the way in which, despite questioning the perception that we are superior to nature and suggest that we need nature and are part of it, there was still no real perception of how much we really are part of the "All." We are still seen as a species that has no other purpose than to survive!

Therefore, this is where the enormous change is coming, and where I see the emergence of the New Earth and a new Civilization at this time. We are not only part of the Earth and Nature, we ARE the Earth and Nature. Can we see ourselves as the embodiment of the Earth itself? Can we see ourselves as expressions of planetary intelligence? If we can begin to understand that the Spirit of the Earth is summoning us, in order to express the purpose of the life of the Planet, we can begin to perceive ourselves differently.

In fact, we are Human Angels, Spirits in Human form, but we have been called here to express the energy of the Planet and to evolve with it and within it. Thus, after millions of years of evolution and trying different life forms, Planetary intelligence chose the Human form as the most viable for the Project to manifest a form. of biological life that could sow the Golden Galaxy of the Future. Those of you who know Ronna Herman's pioneering work with the Arc Miguel Angel will recognize the terms. In fact, there are currently six billion of us on the Planet because we are needed to carry out the next phase of the Divine Plan to sow the Galaxy with forms of Biological Life with Cosmic intelligence. Thus, as we have created a network of ne neurological around the Planet, we have become a Global organism that reflects the purpose of the Earth to manifest a kind Biological life that can be co-creator in this Cosmic project. We have become a conscious species that realizes its Divinity and its ability to create. We are, each of us, necessary and needy at this time.

And yes, the enormous change we are making is how to co-create a sustainable future for the generations to come, and that will expand the Divine Plan towards the Galaxy. We are rediscovering the Biosphere and the seeds that we are going to need to create more Golden Planets when we have completed our work with this New Earth which is being born at this time. Without a doubt, it is a great challenge that we face, and the exponential elevation of consciousness is helping us cope with these changes and responsibilities.

Like many of you, I have episodes of intense anxiety and stress, seemingly for no reason, and I lose heart and get tired. Yes, all family symptoms. But I have come to recognize that right now, the Earth is processing through me and feeling through me. The Earth is in this crucial process of dying and rebirth through us. Each of us is part of this Organization and each of us is contributing to the work of the whole.

Can we accept that all six billion of us are important? I asked Archangel Michael if it really was true that we are all important. In fact, he resembles humanity with snowflakes in a snowstorm, each individual and beautiful in itself, and each of them is part of the whole. But, I asked him, is there any purpose in a snowstorm, or is it just "snow." According to Miguel, each beautiful snowflake is an expression of Divine energy at that time and is created according to the resonance with Divine Intelligence as expressed through nature and, in fact, each snowflake has a purpose in this symphony of divine and planetary expression. And therefore, every human being born is also an expression of the Divine will in some form and serves a purpose in the expression of Divine Intelligence and the Plan for the Earth as part of the Earth's intelligence at that time.

Indeed, a change of perception will be necessary for many of us to accept that the Earth is not only comfortable with 6 billion of us, but that it has intentionally sent 6 million of us to facilitate the quantum leap in our evolution to a Cosmic species capable of populating the Galaxy and co-creating in the Galaxy, and that each of us is an expression of that desire and purpose.

And also, it will take a huge change of perception to accept that not only is it possible to create a sustainable future based on Love and Life itself, but we can really do it because that's what we are here for. Anxiety arises in us as we give Earth a little push inside to remind us that we are not here only to work and consume resources, but also to co-create a new way of life for generations to come.

And so, the Diamond Children come to help us in our creation of a New Earth with a Cosmic Consciousness and responsibility. We are learning how to travel in the 'Dream Time' or Cosmic Consciousness through indigenous techniques and through experiences such as the Diamond Light Journey. And we are waking up to our work on the Planet as part of the Planetary consciousness, expressing Love through Creation. We are rediscovering the Biosphere that is our home and our Being. We are rediscovering the beauty of Who We Are and the life we ​​live. We are rising to overcome the challenges of our time with Compassion and Grace. There is room and space for all of us. The Earth knows that we are able to design a future that will sustain us all, that is why she sent us, to express that desire and that design. Like beautiful snowflakes, each of us is expressing an aspect of the Divine Plan only by being who we are in our Divine Perfection. When we can see that, we will truly have entered into a "New Earth"!

And so, as we move towards the Solar Eclipses that will come, I wish everyone Joy and Peace, knowing that we are all doing what we came to do to the extent that we are capable and in accordance with our gifts and talents. And that we are all Beautiful Souls who are Loved of the Earth, by associating with her in the creation of changes that are, in effect, an expression of her Being and an expression of the Divine Plan. It is truly a wonderful time to be alive and be part of this continuous process of creation called Earth.

You can download the pipes of Celia Fenn in Spanish, in Word file, in and in.

© 200910 Celia Fenn and Starchild Global

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.

They are free to copy, distribute, use and reproduce this work under the following conditions: They must grant their credit to the author, not use it for commercial purposes, and cannot alter it, transform it or rely on it. For any reuse or distribution, they must clearly state to others the terms of the license for this work. Any of these conditions may be modified with the permission of the copyright owner. Any other purpose of use must be previously authorized by the author.

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