Distance learning course “Los Ni os de Hoy” - Start: Tuesday July 26

  • 2016
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New Edition 2016!

Start date: Tuesday, July 26.

Three months.
A stage will be sent every two weeks.

The modality of the Course is at a distance.
The Course consists of 6 Stages. A Stage will be received by email every two weeks.
After sending the Stages, each member of the Course may ask questions or questions about the subject.

Each Stage proposes as a Suggested Activity that you make a reflection or what you wish to comment based on the reading or implementation of the content.
At the end of the Course you will receive by email the Certificate of completion, if the activity suggested in each Stage has been delivered.

The Course has an Exchange Forum where you can participate if you wish (it is not mandatory). Here you can meet the other members of the Course, exchange needs, opinions and searches, and thus generate feedback.

The Course has no evaluation.

Course Bases:
In this Course you will find the themes that frequently cause great interest and concern: the characteristics of the Children of Today, their needs, emotional, spiritual and social skills; all focused from their spiritual quality, also accompanied by scientific and psycho-emotional contributions of the Children of Today.
The Children of Today Course, on the one hand, is based on the observation and investigation of the Child of Today as an individual, spiritual, faithful being. Mental and mental. On the other, it has deep bases in the "Waldorf Pedagogy", and other pedagogical lines whose objective is the integral development of the child.

This Course has a pedagogical, therapeutic and spiritual approach.

Addressed to:
Parents and family members who feel that there is something else to offer them to children, but they do not know how or what to give.
Conscious parents who want the best for their child; I call what best that positively stimulates the development of individuality, creativity, affectivity, vitality in the child.
All therapists, psychopedagogues, psychologists who work with children in the field of physical, mental and spiritual health.
Those teachers or school principals who want and need to know more about the wisdom of children, and at the same time need practical tools to address a new education n.
Doctors, pediatricians, all health professionals who are surprised at the consultations and experiences they receive about the Children of this Era.
For those adults who feel hurt their childhood and need to know, understand and heal.

Contents: New Edition 2016!

1st Stage: Deepening in the Children of Today.
Main topics:
The Children of Today: Who are they?
The recognition they need.
The incarnation of the Child on Earth.
The child and the spirituality.
Indigo children or the Indigo energy of children: potentials and challenges.
Children Crystal or energy Crystal children: potentials and challenges.
Integration of its qualities.
The child and the spiritual immaturity of the adult.
About the current generations, what is the difference with the previous ones?
Outstanding features of today's Children.
The spiritual origin of the Children of Today.
The individual imprint of the child within the family or environment.
What the Children of Today need from us.

2nd Stage: The physical, emotional and spiritual health of the Child of Today
Main topics:
The sensitivity and perception of the child of the surrounding spaces.
Discharge mechanisms of children.
The construction of the child's behavior.
The violent or aggressive child.
The hyperactive or attention deficit child.
Hyperactivity, a dangerously fashionable phenomenon.
The tyrant boy.
The retracted child.
How to respond to the different manifestations of children?
How to find and understand the cause of what is manifested?
How do we help these children? Guidelines and tool.
Children need to learn about their emotions.

3rd Stage: The child and the family.
Main topics:
The adult as a spiritual guide.
The mission of the educator of the Children of Today.
How to build a healthy authority?
Prize-punishment education. Consequences in the child.
How to promote self-education and self-discipline in children?
The fears of the parents: Consequences in the child.
Healthy and necessary limits. Limits according to ages.
Frequently asked questions about limits.
Keys, recommendations and tools for a comprehensive education.
The sense of humor in education.
The need for order and rhythm in children.
Communication: how to help the child to express himself?
The boy and the taboos.

4th Stage: The child and the school.
Main topics:
Current situation of schools and children in it.
The child taken in school as "one more".
The causes of "behavior disorder" and "difficulty in learning."
The stress in the environment.
The cause of stress in children.
The defense mechanisms and emotional reactions of children.
How to create a stress free environment.
Proposal for a new school: What should I have? Ideas, suggestions and recommendations.
Evolutionary Stages of the Child - Transformations every seven years:
- The "First Septenio" from 0 to 7 years: Needs of age, affinities and internal transformations. What is the task of the Garden in this septenio?
- The “Second Septenio” from 7 to 14 years: Needs of age, affinities and internal transformations. What is the task of primary school?
How to be part of the change.

5th Stage: The child, TV and technology. The appropriate stories, games and toys.
Main topics:
TV and technology in the family.
Consequences of TV, video games and technology in children.
Do not avoid boredom in children.
The loss of creativity.
TV, movies and technology as generators of fears.
The impact on brain development.
The predisposition to irritability, anxiety, aggressiveness.
Sleep and rest disorders.
How the child's brain learns.
How to change an insane habit for a healthy one.
The task of being parents in the era of TV and technology: What do we do?
The importance of stories in childhood.
The importance of the game in healthy growth and development.
The influence of the environment on the child's play: The child who "doesn't know" to play.
The limits to play.
Industrialized toys
The child's room, play spaces and toys.
Play and help with everyday household chores.
Sorting and cleaning produces the same effect inside.
The importance of caring for and stimulating play and creativity.
The quality time children need.

6th Stage: Schools and recommended activities.
Main topics:
Extracurricular activities, how and which ones to choose?
Free play and contact with nature
The four elements in the game
The seasons of the year in the game
List of recommended artistic activities and proposals:
The musical instruments
Body movement activities
plastic arts
The cooperative games
The old games
Waldorf Pedagogy.
Montessori Pedagogy.
Useful Recommendations
Annex: Addresses, websites and telephone numbers of Waldorf and Montessori Schools in the world.

At the end of the Course, a Certificate of completion will be sent by email.

Course Start Date: Tuesday, July 26.

Value of the complete Course:

- ARGENTINA: Cash $ 1800 (Pesos Arg) Click here to pay cash. Or, in 3 installments of $ 700 (Arg Pesos) - Click here to pay first installment

- EUROPE: € 150 (Euros) - Click here to pay

- LATIN AMERICA and other countries: u $ 150 (US Dollars) - Click here to pay

- Check value by group -

To download a FREE EXTRACT of the 1st Stage of the Course: click Here

TESTIMONIES OF PEOPLE who have completed the Course:

Veronica, Psychologist
Hi Nancy, I am grateful to have found your space, the topics you develop in the course are very important for me, personally and professionally. In a very clear and precise way you manage to clarify points and give me strategies to work with children, with teachers and also with fathers and mothers. Hugs Nancy, and thanks again.
Elizabeth, Teacher
Nancy, I'm writing to tell you that I found the course extremely interesting and valuable. It is the only course that I think was really worth investing in. The reading of it was very enriching and every week I looked forward to receiving the files; I have truly delighted in the readings.
In the course, I have been able to find answers to some questions that I asked myself in relation to my students; and I have been able to get to know them and understand them more. I deeply appreciate having found you on my way and I hope that at another time we will cross again. Honey
Noelia, holistic pediatrician
Hi Nancy, I am really delighted with the courses! Never before have I felt so motivated with reading and desire to learn ... Thank you very much from the heart. I am also putting it into practice in my personal and professional life.
Ana, Mother, Therapist
Dear Nancy! It has been a pleasure to take this course! It is so clear and friendly to read each stage that I have no doubts. I have found an unparalleled tool for raising my child and for transmitting to my patients and / or students who need it! [...]

To see TESTIMONIES: click here

Payment Methods:

From Argentina:
There are two possibilities:

1) Through any RapiPago, Easy Payment, Bapro Payments, Express Collection or Ripsa . Note: in this form of payment the 6% commission charged for this payment system is added.
You can complete with your data a payment slip, then print it and pay it at any RapiPago, Easy Payment, Bapro Payments, Express Collection or Ripsa.
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Or, if you want us to send you the ballot, please request it by email.

You can also use this link to pay with credit card Visa - Mastercard - American Express - Angencard - Shopping Card - Italcred - Cabal: enter here. Attention: you cannot use a cell phone or tablet to pay by this means. You can use PC or notebook.

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From other countries (Latin America, Europe and others):
There are two possibilities:

1) Through PayPal with International Credit Card Visa, Master Card, American Express, Discover .

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  • To pay from Europe enter here.

2) Personally in a Western Union .
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Integral Pedagogue Specialized in Waldorf Pedagogy, Multiple Intelligences, Emotional Intelligence and Neuro Learning. Writer of articles on education and parenting.
Creator of the Course "Children of Today" and "Crisis, symptoms and manifestations of Children of Today".
Web: www.caminosalser.com/nancyortiz

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