Healing Meditation with the Divine Mother to dissolve Self Sabotage and eliminate destructive habits that obstruct life

  • 2016

Mother Mary is an Ascended Master of the White Brotherhood.

You are a divine being, valued and loved, a being capable of success and happiness. This is the time of its transformation. Please join us in this knowledge and powerful alignment with the Divine Mother on February 3 7 pm - Iowa time.

Honor yourself and love yourself. Bless every aspect of your being. They are here to become the divine being they are - they can be a divine being in every moment of their lives. By becoming a child again and returning to innocence, you are the love and joy that manifests in all creation. They seek pure love . If that is all you do in everything that flows through you; My protection will be yours. Being evolved is like a child who is at peace with his mother. When they are with me I feed them in every moment with the grace and light of a Mother. Miracles occur around those who have become like children. Anything can be done by me through you.

Letting go of the obstruction that is causing the addiction brings you peace and more confidence in yourself. In surrender they no longer say, "I did this, " "I did that." "I can't do this." Everything we do is the result of the divine energy moving through you. Dedicate everything to God. Say: "I am a vessel through which divine activity takes place."

You are love combined with the will, with the wisdom and the breath of life. Enjoy the ecstasy of life and joy. When they put their attention on the heart that is their center of power; they soften in the heart and become aware of their infinite being. When they choose communion with God in both aspects (father and mother), they finally know peace and joy without limits, and fully expressed love because they become more balanced, and their relationships with human beings are deeper.

It is possible the miracle of restoring your physical body for the Original Divine Design and for the perfection of the Divine Being, with the divine template. One can leave a body tormented by physical pain to a healthy and radiant physical body. At this very moment, your life is reflecting what you believe is true about yourself. I, the Divine Mother, are always unconditionally available to my children, especially those who have devotion to me. I can heal them with my love and bringing more light to each cell and organ in their body. Say : “Divine Mother, may each of my actions be a cult for you. May every sound that comes from my lips be a song of your great mantra. ”

The First creative spark of Creation is a feminine aspect. Therefore the Divine Mother is God. When we talk about the Divine Mother we are referring to the intelligence behind matter. The Divine Mother is the source of all knowledge. We become happy with very little because we recognize that our wealth is in the love of the Divine Mother. The best attitude to deal with interior work; It is an attitude of not knowing anything. You can communicate with the mother by writing to her or by telepathy. Ask for help in difficult situations. The Divine Mother comes when we ask her, but we must be like little children.

What they are doing is reviving their infinite hearts. You are resurrecting the vital force. The love for the loved one is deep and has its confidence in human nature, in God, in life itself. When a heart wound is very deep, perhaps it is the deepest wound and innocence is lost. The only thing that can heal her is love.

With their attention in love for their physical body, they will change the situation. His attention is stronger than ever, and everything is increasing; With purity all over the planet. Now, when things increase in purity, the impure has to be pushed out. But I want you to focus your attention on going towards increase, not on descent; the increase in purity, the increase in love, the increase in freedom and the achievement guaranteed in their union with me. When you put your attention on what is increasing, you participate in its expansion.

The new energy, the new life that grows on this planet is the Truth, the union and the trust in the union as our security, we do not trust separation as our security. Be unifying. Do not depart . Do not separate. Come on. I hug them. And please, hold the softening through your greased awareness in the infinite, through all the challenges you face personally. Let the Earth enter your consciousness and soften through Mother Earth. Soften through it again; This balloon They trust. Soften across the Earth again.

If you ever feel that you are getting stuck; Call us to flood you with light, and as you soften (with the fat of infinity) through the light, when you soften through the light, you are producing the infinite, as it flows back to Mother Earth; with waves of vital force, with vital energy, with purity, with creativity, and with the change in the direction of this Earth; from ignorance to union, from separation to unity. You are not here on this planet to be isolated and alone. His twelfth chakra opens up to the Divine Presence I Am, personally, which allows the connection with the personal God for his guidance, for his healing, for his safety. Trust in your Infinite Totality, receive the blessings of the personal relationship with the Divine.

Feel yourself, you have the courage to do this. They are becoming capable of doing anything and we are supporting them all the time. This is what I want you to remember.

They must enter into association with the Divine Mother and with her healing energy. Their divine power fills them with energy and readjusts the entire health system, happiness and inner strength. You can use this breath and this tuning anytime or anywhere, centered deep within your heart. Healing, guidance and divine connection are powerful for you. We do deep healing meditations with the Divine Mother through her messenger Connie Hueber, every month and the Divine Mother is very grateful.

The Mother says: The ethereal field responds to light and sound. I am not talking about sunlight. I am talking about the inner light that I want you to continue warning with your eyes closed. So, have silence, in your evaluation of the light. They really do not understand the light, so I only ask you to remain silent and enjoy this healing. You will use the heart as the objective for the examination of light and sound. Although it is possible that I have everything under control; In the middle of some very intense experience, let go, give me the power, let me handle it. Many times this simply means that you must be calm and wait. Do not listen to the thoughts of the ego (the little voices), do not talk about your problems, do not move, remain calm. The need to control is not necessary. Give me the controls. Go let go, leave. I am using these different phrases, since all this means letting go. Integrate your body of light which is your essence and your physical body, into your awareness of the I Am, of which your external consciousness is only a fragmented part. It is about breathing it, until it is within your Consciousness. Do not be guided by the mind but by the heart. Hold me and the Infinite. I am asking you to make that decision that is so hard for you to make. I think you have lived enough within the limitations of life, and you understand how pain is generated when the life force contracts and withdraws. You have experienced pain and suffering, love and joy. Now you will come home. When you take a step toward God, God takes ten thousand steps toward you. But, you are a being of free will. Must choose. The decision is yours. I will do the action for you, if you let go enough. ”

The adictions

Addictions produce openings in the aura or energy field. A leap of faith, is when you let go of an addiction and have the will, never to return to this. Then life is completely transformed, the pain is washed if they connect with their infinite being and receive a shower of light by the crown chakra. You do not have to hold on to anything, because the infinite is the celebration, and the celebration of your case is liberation. Trust me, take a leap of faith there in addiction, when I say trust me and for a moment jump. They should tidy up the inner trunk, but they have some resistance to penetrate their trunk of memories because the relationship with their parents, with their partners and even with their children, was not entirely satisfactory. Do it to re-establish emotional balance and release the anguish with which they live. They need to become aware of painful memories or chronic diseases, accept and release them. Not accepting this face of reality and clinging to a dependence on a substance harmful to health due to some stressful situation with which you have to live; It is not the way out of your problems. Understanding this is the first step to detoxification. Say: "I love myself and I will be alert to anything that endangers my health and my life, so as not to fall into that anymore." Learn to work with yourself with the vibrating tools that I have given you. Do not demand too much, or give in to addiction too easily. Remember that you are working on the integration of your health, initiating a profound and lasting transformation.

Comment from Susannah

Although the drug relaxes, and takes away the anguish, it also drains energy because it takes away the life force that the Mother is giving us. You have to look for integrity.

Detoxifying with many glasses of water, exercise and steam baths, and surrendering to your Higher Self, one can heal and learn to love oneself more.

An addictive behavior is a form of illness. It is necessary to purify or purge the energy that has been suppressed in each chakra, in order to integrate said receiving center with its chakra system, accepting the negative pole and the positive pole. Disintegrated, we are addicted to the positive face (the pleasure of the drug) and avoid the negative face of duality and both sides depend on each other to exist. Trying to suppress the negative with more experiences of the positive, is creating the circle of compulsive addiction, which occurs in the second chakra that is the center of sensations, blocking it from the normal flow of energy. It also affects the first five chakras, due to the intense anxiety caused by the addiction and that satisfying it worsens the health.

Addiction is the energy that keeps the blockage so if you smoke less, the suppressor energy is decreased and you feel discomfort and anxiety. When one knows why he acts compulsively, he weakens the strength of addiction and should not continue to yield to the addictive experience that is suppressing some feeling or lack. When the feeling related to addiction is faced, accumulated negativity is being purified. Substance addiction, whether drugs, tobacco, alcohol or food, is a very advanced way of escape, since by creating blocks, suppressing feelings and weakening our energy source, we are moving away from ourselves. It is a form of author-rejection or slow suicide. The energy of the addictive cycle comes from inside and outside. The tap that we open in our interior is that of our energy reserves and we look for in the substance, the type of energy that we have locked in ourselves. Every addiction is frustrating and exhausting, because with the drug we work better at the high moments of the day, but sudden dips are also created by the addictive cycle. The most important thing is to avoid self sabotage; Make excuses to continue addiction.

Source: http://esferadelaunidadmaitreya.blogspot.com.es/

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