The Era of the Open Heart ... or Sick

  • 2014

We are entering the Aquarian Era. Every person on this planet has something to offer.

The time of isolation and individualism is over. Those who insist on this attitude will not withstand pressure and will inevitably become emotionally, existentially ill.

The fear of being open to the other and to life leads to panic. Affective self-enslavement, as a reaction to an excessive dependence on relationships, leads to depression. The desire for freedom and fulfillment, in a context of repression and severity with oneself, leads to anxiety.

And the pretense of controlling the flow of events leads to stress and shows the total lack of trust. I do not speak of self-confidence, because if someone does not know each other, how could he trust himself? Nor do I speak of trust in someone. Well, if you don't know yourself, how can you meet the other and trust him? I speak of the lack of confidence in the unknown, in the uncertainty, and of the possible confidence in the act of trusting itself. An absolute surrender to existence as it manifests itself at every moment.

We can learn to get out of ourselves, expand what we are beyond the boundaries of separation from self. Let the heart open and share more hugs, smiles, overflowing gestures. Of course, that is only legitimate when it is spontaneous and arises from the truth, of course. But it is also true that it is only capable of arising when there is intention, availability, and fundamentally vital intensity, strong life. Realizing that and accepting the invitation that existence gives us in that direction, we can establish an attitude of complete openness.

We can then increase the force of life that pulses and is what we are. There is no magic or path already laid out for that. However, some simple things can wake up, stimulate the pulsation of life that exists in us.
The attitude of sharing, donating, is a gesture of strength, of expansion, and that is already life recollecting in its upward flow; in its increase of being able to be what it is. Life always wants more of her for herself, and that is her way of being healthy and full of unconditional courage. Full of force that always surpasses itself.

Therefore, opening up and letting yourself flow in all directions, touching the other with who we are, awakens the life force. When we feel in that movement that what we are is essentially Life and that the other is also that, then we are One. We are life in expansion. That is unconditional love. It has nothing to do with social morality, religion, or any claim to save the world. It is just being in tune with what life is, in its way of being more proper, creative, wild.

By leaving that basic attitude established to flow, we need vital intensity for the movement to happen. It is necessary to leave the state of low pranic load, of energy shortage, so that the force of life really causes its own expansion movement to occur. One way to start that revitalization process, biologically, is simply by breathing more and better. The oxygen and prana that we absorb when breathing properly and in a special way through specific exercises, alter the current configuration of our emotional, mental and organic state and effectively we stay more alive, capable and ready to go beyond What we think to be.

This Aquarian era is the era of encounter, of grouping, but not because of lack, because of the desire to receive. Not because union is strength. Unlike. It is because we feel the force of life overflowing in us, and so we can move in the direction of the other. In a free way, without control, without manipulation, without needing the other to be what we are. Without being in search of a sense of life and of himself through the other. No. Life has no meaning outside of itself. And she is what we are. We can approach each other to be together, sharing; to donate, distribute, the fragrance that exhales from who we are.

The Aquarian era can be an experience of unity based on the experience that everything is One. All diversity is a mask that hides the One we are. From such awareness, a new way of living becomes possible.

The role of Kundalini Yoga in that process can be immense. For the consciousness realized in what Yoga is, can radically alter all relationships. Only being fully what it is. Sharing the fullness of your own nature; of his own Self. Wahe Guru Ji!

Source: http: //

The Era of the Open Heart ... or Sick

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